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What is Religion? (1 Viewer)


Jan 7, 2005
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Political Leaning
Some of you might say that religion is a way of life, but hasn't the actions of some, dispute the values of religion? In other words, are religion and a way of life just a correlation? Is religion could be having faith in some omnipotent perfect being? But then, you have the conflictiing ideals of other proclaimed religions, leading one to question if these are religions at all?
liberal1 said:
Some of you might say that religion is a way of life, but hasn't the actions of some, dispute the values of religion? In other words, are religion and a way of life just a correlation? Is religion could be having faith in some omnipotent perfect being? But then, you have the conflictiing ideals of other proclaimed religions, leading one to question if these are religions at all?

No offense intended....but can I rephrase this for you?

Some of you might say that religion is a way of life, but have the actions of some, disputed the values of religion? In other words, is religion and a way of life just a correlation? Is religion having faith in some omnipotent perfect being?If so, you have the conflictiing ideals of other proclaimed religions, leading one to question if these religions are valid at all?

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