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What is her punishment? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 8, 2005
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Central Florida
Political Leaning
If Roe vs Wade were to be overturned by the new Supreme Court, and abortion laws were enacted in your state, what should the punishment be for a woman who has had an abortion?
It should be regarded as murder. She should be charged of manslaughter or possibly murder and the person who performed the abortion should be charged with murder.
zMtLlC said:
It should be regarded as murder. She should be charged of manslaughter or possibly murder and the person who performed the abortion should be charged with murder.

If convicted, what should her punishment be?
If convicted, what should her punishment be?

She should spend life in prison. The fetus is no different from any other life. It should not be sacrificed for the convenience of the mother and it is no way her choice as to whether another human being should live or die.
tryreading said:
If convicted, what should her punishment be?
Depends on the circumstances...some women do abuse abortion as if it were a form of birth control--but most, I would guess, are young and scared and feel they are without a choice when they make the choice to abort. If a woman is a criminal who is careless and callous--she should be convicted as a drunk driver is convicted, but most, I think, would be in need of help rather than punishment. Maybe some of the following:

~mandated mental heath services
~parenting classes/vocational training
~community service in child care or prenatal care setting
~probation and social services with an emphasis on aleviating the situation that made her feel abortion was her best (only) choice

...just a few thoughts...

DEFINITELY--services MUST be in place to help and educate woman so they feel they HAVE another option or at least resources for help and support in a time of need.
Doctors who perform abortions are another animal...that would be premeditated and for profit...I have little mercy for that crime...

...but I am against the death penalty.
Felicity said:
Depends on the circumstances...some women do abuse abortion as if it were a form of birth control--but most, I would guess, are young and scared and feel they are without a choice when they make the choice to abort. If a woman is a criminal who is careless and callous--she should be convicted as a drunk driver is convicted, but most, I think, would be in need of help rather than punishment. Maybe some of the following:

~mandated mental heath services
~parenting classes/vocational training
~community service in child care or prenatal care setting
~probation and social services with an emphasis on aleviating the situation that made her feel abortion was her best (only) choice

...just a few thoughts...

DEFINITELY--services MUST be in place to help and educate woman so they feel they HAVE another option or at least resources for help and support in a time of need.

Okay, but you are staunchly anti-abortion, so your response seems soft to me. If abortion is murder, it is premeditated by the woman. She knows her choices, knows that she can choose to give birth, all women already know this, but she decides to abort anyway. Don't there have to be penalties tougher than the above?
tryreading said:
Okay, but you are staunchly anti-abortion, so your response seems soft to me. If abortion is murder, it is premeditated by the woman. She knows her choices, knows that she can choose to give birth, all women already know this, but she decides to abort anyway. Don't there have to be penalties tougher than the above?
It is a desperate act--a mother killing her child. It is usually a crime of passion. She usually needs mercy--AUTHENTIC mercy, and help. If you see it as soft, perhaps that is because it is. I cannot justify adding insult to injury when her act of abortion is injurious to her as well as to the little human that is killed.

Circumstances matter.
Felicity said:
It is a desperate act--a mother killing her child. It is usually a crime of passion. She usually needs mercy--AUTHENTIC mercy, and help. If you see it as soft, perhaps that is because it is. I cannot justify adding insult to injury when her act of abortion is injurious to her as well as to the little human that is killed.

Circumstances matter.

Circumstances and mitigations matter with any crime, but when the crime is murder there should be some consequence, right?

The choices you offered are really probation and counseling. Does that punishment fit the crime? Is that actually punishment?
tryreading said:
Circumstances and mitigations matter with any crime, but when the crime is murder there should be some consequence, right?

The choices you offered are really probation and counseling. Does that punishment fit the crime? Is that actually punishment?
I also offered punishment equivalent to drunk drivers for those that are callous and careless. Drunk drivers who kill receive jail time--most especially if there is recidivism.

I explained that wounded women need help not punishment--why do you want me to demand she be drawn and quartered?
zMtLlC said:
She should spend life in prison. The fetus is no different from any other life. It should not be sacrificed for the convenience of the mother and it is no way her choice as to whether another human being should live or die.

Not her choice no matter the circumstances of her pregnancy or her life?
What on Earth.
Of course circumstances matter. If I had a 9 year old daughter and she was raped by her grandfather, an abortion would be the best option.
tryreading said:
If Roe vs Wade were to be overturned by the new Supreme Court, and abortion laws were enacted in your state, what should the punishment be for a woman who has had an abortion?

It all depends on the method used for me.
If it is a self termination with sy a coat hanger or throwing herself down stairs then she is a self harmer and should be treated as such with a spell in a phsycotic hospital.

If it is a self induced herbal termination the she should be treated the same as a pharmacist would be for self medicating
ie a short term in prison and health evaluations on mind and body.

If she went to someone else for the termination then both should be charged with murder as it can no longer be a spontaniouse decsion.
StacStang89 said:
What on Earth.
Of course circumstances matter. If I had a 9 year old daughter and she was raped by her grandfather, an abortion would be the best option.

I think so too, but there are some who think, because the fetus is not at fault in any way, that the rape victim should carry until birth. Of course, in your example, the child is nine years old, so probably very few would be so extreme as to expect her to give birth.
Felicity said:
I also offered punishment equivalent to drunk drivers for those that are callous and careless. Drunk drivers who kill receive jail time--most especially if there is recidivism.

I explained that wounded women need help not punishment--why do you want me to demand she be drawn and quartered?

Well, I don't demand. But, if abortion is murder, the crime is worse than DUI. I think DUI is a misdemeanor in most counties, but murder is a felony. A drunk driver, if he kills someone while driving has committed a felony, but the woman who has an abortion kills the fetus in every case, that is the goal. And worse, her mind is not altered by alcohol, she commits her crime deliberately, having had time to think clearly about it. I believe you will say that she is not thinking clearly when considering an abortion, but most murderers probably aren't normal emotionally when committing their crime.
FISHX said:
It all depends on the method used for me.
If it is a self termination with sy a coat hanger or throwing herself down stairs then she is a self harmer and should be treated as such with a spell in a phsycotic hospital.

If it is a self induced herbal termination the she should be treated the same as a pharmacist would be for self medicating
ie a short term in prison and health evaluations on mind and body.

If she went to someone else for the termination then both should be charged with murder as it can no longer be a spontaniouse decsion.

Same result, whatever the method. If your neighbor kills your relative with a gun, then kills another relative with a knife, then kills another with poison, which relative do you cry over less? Which is the least dead?

As far as the weapons you mention, whether she uses a coat hanger, poison, or an accomplice, she is effecting the abortion in a premeditated way that results in the fetus's termination.

Of course, in your psychosis scenario, we treat criminals differently when they are diagnosed with profound emotional issues.
The woman should be charged with manslaughter and given perhaps a 20 year jail sentence with no chance of having conjugal visits. That way, the woman's biological birthing clock will hopefully expire while in jail. Lengthy jail time would also take one more vote away from hysterical female voters that would undoubtedly vote for any and all resolutions to promote abortion in the first place.

Doctor of common sense and liberal bashing...KidTim
Punishment ?................jail time and sterilization
ptsdkid said:
The woman should be charged with manslaughter and given perhaps a 20 year jail sentence with no chance of having conjugal visits. That way, the woman's biological birthing clock will hopefully expire while in jail. Lengthy jail time would also take one more vote away from hysterical female voters that would undoubtedly vote for any and all resolutions to promote abortion in the first place.

Doctor of common sense and liberal bashing...KidTim

No death penalty? I guess I have to wait until next Sunday for an answer to this.
doughgirl said:
Punishment ?................jail time and sterilization

Had your tubes tied, then?

Pfft, I doubt legality would deter most women, and it'd be difficult to police.
FishX said,

“It all depends on the method used for me.
If it is a self termination with sy a coat hanger or throwing herself down stairs then she is a self harmer and should be treated as such with a spell in a phsycotic hospital.

If it is a self induced herbal termination the she should be treated the same as a pharmacist would be for self medicating
ie a short term in prison and health evaluations on mind and body.

If she went to someone else for the termination then both should be charged with murder as it can no longer be a spontaniouse decsion.”

Why would the method make any difference? What is the difference between a woman throwing herself down a stairs (which involves no one other than the child she carries) and a coat hanger. BOTH have one goal in mind, killing the child. It’s her right the pro-choicers would say to how she does it and as long as it comes out dead the method should not matter.

And to the child in the womb………are any methods really different. The end goal is his/her death.
Even when a woman goes to a doctor………..he is involved in termination of the life. There is no difference except the doctor would be involved.

The fact is in all of these circumstances……….an innocent life is taken.

Tryreading said, “But, if abortion is murder, the crime is worse than DUI. I think DUI is a misdemeanor in most counties, but murder is a felony. A drunk driver, if he kills someone while driving has committed a felony, but the woman who has an abortion kills the fetus in every case, that is the goal. And worse, her mind is not altered by alcohol, she commits her crime deliberately, having had time to think clearly about it. I believe you will say that she is not thinking clearly when considering an abortion, but most murderers probably aren't normal emotionally when committing their crime.”

Both crimes are premeditated as far as I am concerned. Anyone who drinks knows that if they drink too much they shouldn’t drive. And once they get into the car they are a weapon. And weapons can kill. They should be treated like any other person who murders. Using the excuse that a drunk drivers mind was alters does not cut it with me. Any moron knows what can happen. And if someone has been drinking too much, they shouldn’t drive, or they can pay the penalties should they take a life.

You said this in your next post…….”Same result, whatever the method. If your neighbor kills your relative with a gun, then kills another relative with a knife, then kills another with poison, which relative do you cry over less? Which is the least dead?”

So very true. The same with the unborn child. It is not his/her fault how he/she was conceived. The fact remains that it is a life. And people try to justify taking it for different reasons. The method doesn’t make a difference.

Vergiss asks,,,,,,,,” Had your tubes tied, then?”

Most definitely
doughgirl said:
Why would the method make any difference? What is the difference between a woman throwing herself down a stairs (which involves no one other than the child she carries) and a coat hanger. BOTH have one goal in mind, killing the child. It’s her right the pro-choicers would say to how she does it and as long as it comes out dead the method should not matter.

And to the child in the womb………are any methods really different. The end goal is his/her death.
Even when a woman goes to a doctor………..he is involved in termination of the life. There is no difference except the doctor would be involved.

The fact is in all of these circumstances……….an innocent life is taken.

So very true. The same with the unborn child. It is not his/her fault how he/she was conceived. The fact remains that it is a life. And people try to justify taking it for different reasons. The method doesn’t make a difference.

I'm curious though as to why more of the very adamant anti-abortion people would not apply the death penalty, if abortion is murder.

Only about three anti-abortion folks that I have ever talked to would sentence the woman to death, if convicted. Why would you not?
Wow, just think about all those millions of evil murderers running around... :roll:
tryreading said:
I'm curious though as to why more of the very adamant anti-abortion people would not apply the death penalty, if abortion is murder.

Only about three anti-abortion folks that I have ever talked to would sentence the woman to death, if convicted. Why would you not?

Because being pro life is much more than just being anti termination
tryreading says, “I'm curious though as to why more of the very adamant anti-abortion people would not apply the death penalty, if abortion is murder.

Only about three anti-abortion folks that I have ever talked to would sentence the woman to death, if convicted. Why would you not?”

I believe God is the giver of life and death.

Vergiss says,” Wow, just think about all those millions of evil murderers running around...”

If the shoe fits wear it.

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