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What is a wing? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2016
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Political Leaning
One Man’s Plea to His City Council: Rename Boneless Wings - The New York Times

He started to rattle off his reasons, which were in line with the complaints of many, many commenters online. “Nothing about boneless chicken wings actually comes from the wing of a chicken,” he said. “We would be disgusted if a butcher was mislabeling their cuts of meats, but then we go around pretending as though the breast of a chicken is its wing?”
So finally an issue that we can all agree needs to be addressed. Are "boneless chicken wings" really wings a Nebsaka man has taken this issue to his city council.

I got to vote no a boneless nugget dipped in Buffalo sauce should not be advertised as a Boneless Wing.
So instead of left wing/right wing, he’s focused on the chicken wing.
The guy has a point when you think about it. This whole boneless chicken deal is a little sick.


^ (Gary Larson of course)
Boneless wings are not wings at all. They're chicken nuggets. They can still be good, but they're just not wings.
This is why we cannot have nice things, someone has to come along and **** it all up crying about what's what.
They may not be proper wings, but you still know exactly what you're getting if you order them . . .
To me, chicken wings were always:

1) The good part that looks like a mini drumstick
2) The dual boned forearm that's too much work to eat

The boneless ones will solve that problem, but they're not from the wings of a chicken.
Op reminds me of this KFC sign:

How about a hamburger. Where's the ham?

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