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What is a "troll", and am I one? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Aug 5, 2005
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Political Leaning
Thinker said:
You, sir, are a troll.

To all: I know the term "troll" is used to describe an individual exhibiting some certain or particular kind(s?) of behaviour on the internet, but that is *all* I know about it. If you would, please inform me as to what is being alleged against me, and if guilty, I will admit that and accept whatever consequences or "punishment" might follow.

Thank you ...
leejosepho said:
To all: I know the term "troll" is used to describe an individual exhibiting some certain or particular kind(s?) of behaviour on the internet, but that is *all* I know about it. If you would, please inform me as to what is being alleged against me, and if guilty, I will admit that and accept whatever consequences or "punishment" might follow.

Thank you ...

Well, my definition of a troll is someone who has no purpose other than to **** people off.

I don't think you are one though...even if I don't agree with your opinions. :2wave:

BTW. Moving to off topic. A person's "trollness" has nothing to do with religion and philosophy.
Kelzie said:
Well, my definition of a troll is someone who has no purpose other than to **** people off.

I don't think you are one though...even if I don't agree with your opinions. :2wave:

BTW. Moving to off topic. A person's "trollness" has nothing to do with religion and philosophy.

Agreed...It was more of a reference to one's debating skills.

It's not so much what you're saying, but how you're saying it...

I've read some of your comments, too...agree or disagree, your posts seem to be well thought out...not "troll-like".
I found a decent answer here:

The context is newgroups, but forums are just as applicable I believe.

In Usenet newsgroups and email discussion lists, a troll is not a grumpy monster that lives beneath a bridge accosting passers-by, but rather a provocative posting intended to produce a large volume of frivolous responses. The term can also refer to someone making such a posting ("a troll") or to the action ("trolling", "to troll").

The content of a troll posting generally falls into one of several categories. It may consist of an apparently foolish contradiction of common knowledge, a deliberately offensive insult to the readers of a newsgroup or mailing list, or a broad request for trivial follow-up postings. The result of such postings is frequently a flood of angry responses. In some cases, the follow-up messages posted in response to a troll can constitute a large fraction of the contents of a newsgroup or mailing list for as long as several weeks. These messages are transmitted around the world to thousands of computers, wasting network resources and costing money for people who pay to receive Usenet news or download email. Troll threads also frustrate people who are trying to carry on substantive discussions.
When you start saying"who's that trip trapping over my bridge",that's the time to worry.
Androvski said:
When you start saying "who's that trip trapping over my bridge", that's the time to worry.

Ah yes, a bridge had come to mind, but I had forgotten that story!

Well, no one so far has rained on my parade, and neither have I received any notices of "flood control" ...
IMHO, a lot of it has to do w/ intent. If someone posts something that isinflammatory, but genuinely believes it, that's not trolling. I fsomeone posts something inflammatory just to watch the reaction that others have to it, that's trolling.
This whole trolling phenomena is news to me. Some people just have too much free time on hand. As long as it doesn't cause too much disruption, though, it seems a harmless enough pursuit. Probably better than having them out on the streets.
mixedmedia said:
This whole trolling phenomena is news to me. Some people just have too much free time on hand. As long as it doesn't cause too much disruption, though, it seems a harmless enough pursuit. Probably better than having them out on the streets.

ya f**k man we have to keep those degenerate bastards on a short leash, my god man, you never know what those deranged freaks might do next, why they might just spread over the internet and start infecting people with their insanity, we can do with out those kind around here! lmfao
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Tinfoil hats and sipping Kool-Aid...

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