M14 Shooter said:
Um... if Iraq can't sell its oil, what happens to the people? Starvation?
How does that differ from the sanctions?
In Iraq, the government owns all the oil fields. Threatening (we probably wouldn't even need to actually implement it) to get our oil elsewhere would hurt Saddam's largest source of income. The sanctions, as they were implemented, made no distinction between public and private sector. Granted, it's a fine line since Iraq has always been a very socialist society with a limited private sector. This threat would be similar to the economic threat of the sanctions without (hopefully) causing too much damage to the average Iraqi, who saw almost no oil revenue.
M14 Shooter said:
Supporting pro-democracy groups in/out of Iraq isnt diplomatic pressure,
How so? "Stop doing this or we'll try to undermine your rule" sounds like diplomatic pressure to me.
M14 Shooter said:
and given Saddam's iron fist, it too only leads to more dead people.
Probably. But the alternative idea was war, which has a nasty habit of leading to more dead people as well.
M14 Shooter said:
Irrelvant. If your statement is valid, so it mine.
Just as the overwhelming majority of Americans are Christian.
As I said:
You're trying to have it both ways.
I'm still at a total loss as to what you're trying to prove here. Most Iraqis are Muslim. Baathist Iraq was a secular state. Where is the conflict with these concepts?
M14 Shooter said:
Based on...?
Are Iraq and Afghanistan NOT moving towards those western ideas?
In Afghanistan, there is some rudimentary democratic reform taking place and women have more rights (although it's hard to see how they could have less rights than they did under the Taliban); these are good, and for every step toward "Western ideas" there's another step backwards. The Taliban were troglodytes even by Muslim standards; Afghanistan is no more "Western" under American occupation than it was prior to the Taliban coming to power.
In Iraq, the American presence is more resented than ever before. Democracy has NOT taken hold, and the only interest in human rights seems to be limited to one's own family or, at best, one's own ethnicity. Furthermore, Iraq has actually REGRESSED as far as "Western ideas" toward secularism and women's rights.
M14 Shooter said:
Wow. I see you missed something -- something critical:
...the best way to deal with this is to get rid of their oppressive governments and their zealot leaders, and introduce the social, political, economic and educational ideas of the west.
Those ideas I speak of? As people are introduced to them and accept them, the 'inspiration' to replace the zealots will lessen - as they will be seen as zealots, with all the associated stigmas.
It seems to me that the more they're "introduced" to these ideas, the more they wish we'd leave them alone and let them figure out government for themselves. That's not to say that they want to go back to Saddam's rule, but to claim any kind of success in winning their hearts and minds is ridiculous.
The only countries where we HAVE had some success with that are Lebanon (hardly large enough to spark region-wide reform) and Iran (where the government has cemented its rule despite having a liberal population).
M14 Shooter said:
Yeah - the international law enforcement, intelligence and financial efforts we and most of the rest of the world hasnt accounted for much. Not.
In terms of actually stopping terrorism, as opposed to stopping specific terrorist attacks? Nope, it hasn't.
M14 Shooter said:
We get about 1 barel out of every 4 that we use from the ME. Why do we need to stop using oil?
Because...we get about 1 barrel out of every 4 that we use from the ME. As long as we're using oil, America will have a vested interest in the protection of some Middle Eastern regimes, the overthrow of others, and will continue to keep money flowing to Islamic terrorists. If we didn't use oil, we wouldn't have to care about the Middle East (from a national security perspective) any more than we do about Africa.
M14 Shooter said:
And., what about the terrorists that arent financed by oil money?
Nearly all Islamist terrorist groups are financed by oil money in one way or another. As for the other non-Islamist terrorist groups, well, the United States has never been that concerned about stopping them anyway.
M14 Shooter said:
Yes.... as I said - he kissed their asses.
How exactly did Clinton "kiss their asses?" Some examples, please. Again, not needlessly angering them isn't the same as kissing their asses.
M14 Shooter said:
Please note that Europe didnt have a problem with Bush until he expected them to put their money where their mouth was. If they dont like hiom for that, whats that say about THEM?
That most of Europe no longer has an interest in fighting wars based on dubious intelligence, especially in alliance with an American president who won't show them the least bit of respect?