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What I like about President Bush (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
I like the fact that he is not involved in everything.

I like the fact that he is a General and doesn't act like a Soldier.

I like the fact that he makes up his mind and sticks to it.

I like the fact that he is a 'good ole boy'.

I like the fact that he is a man with compasion.

I like the fact that he is willing to go the moral path.

I like the fact that he knows what he is doing and realizes that he can't speak worth a flip.

I like the fact that he has never publically said anything bad PERSONALLY against the other person running for president.

I like the fact that he prays.

I like the fact that he puts god in his life where it should be.

I like the fact that he is a man of his word.

I like the fact that he has a wife that he listens to, but plays the mans role in his family.

I like the fact that he stands up for the week guy.

I like the fact that he believes in democracy.

I like the fact that he believes that the role of the presdent should utilize his resources rather than create them.

I like the fact that he has a good strong cabinet.

I like the fact that he understands the value of life.

I like the fact that he has personality.

Above all

I like the fact that he is our President.

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