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What I Learned From My Classmates Today (1 Viewer)

new coup for you

Upper West Side Jacobin
DP Veteran
Aug 15, 2005
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Philly, "The City that shoves you back!"
Political Leaning
by a Boston University Student

What I Learned From My Classmates Today:

1)It is Bad to invade nations under any circumstances
2)The finite nature of Earth's resources don't matter when something is Bad
3)We don't need oil, it's Bad
4)It is better for a government to allow its own citizens to suffer then to jeopardize the safety of another nations citizens, because that's Bad
5)The primary responsibility of a government is not to ensure the happiness and productivity of its people, it's to Not Be Bad
5)None of these rules apply to Israel, because (presumably) it's God's Country ruled by God's People and can't ever be Bad, especially not to Palestinians, Who Do Not Count

the left really really wants to make sure i don't ever vote for them, apparently

i hope Mother of Peace and Enlightenment Cindy has a fun time with Chavez
I don't see what the point of this topic is. There is nothing to debate from your likely straw-man mischaracterizations of what people were actually saying. If you want to discuss something, ask a question, don't post a list of misconstrued, silly arguments.
yes, one possibillity is that i'm completely warping what they said to appease my own partisan urges


maybe it's a terribly revealing look at the nature of todays leftist establishment, in which case i feel that it'd be a reasonable point of discussion

seeing as neither can be proven conclusively, i say we give it a shot
new coup for you said:
yes, one possibillity is that i'm completely warping what they said to appease my own partisan urges


maybe it's a terribly revealing look at the nature of todays leftist establishment, in which case i feel that it'd be a reasonable point of discussion

seeing as neither can be proven conclusively, i say we give it a shot

Underneath the levity (which I liked), I think you're saying something quite interesting about the received wisdom among students on your campus. But where did your classmates get their pre-digested opinions from?

I think I know the answer to my question; however, I'd like to read your view.
new coup for you said:
by a Boston University Student

What I Learned From My Classmates Today:

1)It is Bad to invade nations under any circumstances
2)The finite nature of Earth's resources don't matter when something is Bad
3)We don't need oil, it's Bad
4)It is better for a government to allow its own citizens to suffer then to jeopardize the safety of another nations citizens, because that's Bad
5)The primary responsibility of a government is not to ensure the happiness and productivity of its people, it's to Not Be Bad
5)None of these rules apply to Israel, because (presumably) it's God's Country ruled by God's People and can't ever be Bad, especially not to Palestinians, Who Do Not Count

the left really really wants to make sure i don't ever vote for them, apparently

i hope Mother of Peace and Enlightenment Cindy has a fun time with Chavez
Conformity is a dangerous thing? I guess people really do believe what they are told in school, even when it does cost them $$$$$$.

PS: lil john is "The King of crunk"
i dont understand where they think everything we have comes from

they explained all of these things to me WHILE SITTING IN MOLDED PLASTIC CHAIRS

i do think the US needs to cut down on its oil consumption; but i have no illusions. we need it. cutting down will only help so much...eventually you have to make the choice: you can either live in caves or you can be apart of an economic system which is inherently exploitive. there aren't any other options.

our economic system is probably more exploitive then it HAS to be, but at the end of the day someone has to loose and someone has to win. and i'd perfer to win.
new coup for you said:
i dont understand where they think everything we have comes from

they explained all of these things to me WHILE SITTING IN MOLDED PLASTIC CHAIRS
Yea, those are some expensive seats in College.

i do think the US needs to cut down on its oil consumption; but i have no illusions. we need it. cutting down will only help so much...eventually you have to make the choice: you can either live in caves or you can be apart of an economic system which is inherently exploitive. there aren't any other options.
IM OK with your first 1st sentence but you went off the wall until the end. Options are "Competition" in the auto world. If you can put something out there and sell it, than you can put Detroit in its spot. :2wave:

our economic system is probably more exploitive then it HAS to be, but at the end of the day someone has to loose and someone has to win. and i'd perfer to win.
Wow, you really don't know how to work the "Capitalist" System? Anyone has a chance to become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Anybody! All it takes is an IDEA. :twocents:

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