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What hasn’t gone to hell since Biden was elected? (1 Viewer)

Anything better instead of worse? Anything? And now this.

Dow plunges more than 900 points for its worst day since 2020, falls for a fourth straight week​

You do realize that the Dow dropped to 19,173 in March 2020 under Trump, right? It's still at 33,811 today. Maybe should have thought this thread through a little more.
Extended liberal periods accompanied with severe cramps, bloating, heavier and darker flow; irrational irritability.
7.9 million new jobs – record growth for a president's first 14 months – and a drop in the unemployment rate from 6.4% when he took office to 3.6% in March

The deficit dropped $350 billion last year and is on track to drop by $1.3 trillion this year.

Our economy grew at a rate of 5.7% last year, the strongest growth in nearly 40 years.

The US is the only G7 country back to its pre-pandemic GDP
7.9 million new jobs – record growth for a president's first 14 months – and a drop in the unemployment rate from 6.4% when he took office to 3.6% in March

The deficit dropped $350 billion last year and is on track to drop by $1.3 trillion this year.

Our economy grew at a rate of 5.7% last year, the strongest growth in nearly 40 years.

The US is the only G7 country back to its pre-pandemic GDP
Yea, what he 👆said
7.9 million new jobs – record growth for a president's first 14 months – and a drop in the unemployment rate from 6.4% when he took office to 3.6% in March

The deficit dropped $350 billion last year and is on track to drop by $1.3 trillion this year.

Our economy grew at a rate of 5.7% last year, the strongest growth in nearly 40 years.

The US is the only G7 country back to its pre-pandemic GDP
Don't forget that we're out of Afghanistan and we have an infrastructure bill in place as well.
Anything better instead of worse? Anything? And now this.

1. The US is in a stronger position today vis-a-vis Russia and China than it has been in 15 years.

2. We are making real progress on renewable energy and battery tech, and it's becoming increasingly clear that the worst-case scenarios of climate change will definitely not happen.

3. COVID has largely been defeated in the Western world. Most everyone who wants to be vaccinated has been vaccinated. It's still killing people, but it has shifted to a background nuisance instead of a five-alarm fire.

4. Our debt-to-GDP ratio is going down for the first time in 20+ years.

5. America has low unemployment and doesn't currently have many soldiers deployed in active war zones.

America still has its problems, but I'm optimistic and I think betting on America is usually a safe bet.
Anything better instead of worse? Anything? And now this.

Dow plunges more than 900 points for its worst day since 2020, falls for a fourth straight week​

Why is it that virtually all of your anti-Biden threads/posts end up with you looking uninformed and foolish?
The Times reported, "Representative Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican leader, told G.O.P. lawmakers in the days after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol that former President Donald J. Trump acknowledged that he bore “some responsibility” for what happened that day, new audio revealed.

"The audio obtained by The New York Times that emerged on Friday is part of a series of new revelations about Republican leaders’ private condemnations of Mr. Trump in the days after his supporters stormed the Capitol as part of an effort to stop the certification of electoral votes for Joseph R. Biden Jr.

"The Times on Thursday reported that Mr. McCarthy told Republicans he planned to urge Mr. Trump to resign. In an audio clip obtained by The Times of a call with Republican lawmakers, Mr. McCarthy said he would tell Mr. Trump of the impeachment resolution: “I think this will pass, and it would be my recommendation [that] you should resign.”

"In that phone call, on Jan. 10, 2021, Mr. McCarthy was sharply critical of Mr. Trump."

“I’ve had it with this guy,” Mr. McCarthy said in another audio clip obtained by The Times. “What he did is unacceptable. Nobody can defend that, and nobody should defend it.”

The Post reveals "House Republicans are still waiting for a firm statement from Trump, according to multiple GOP aides, on how to determine whether they should still back McCarthy as their leader and potential speaker if the GOP regains the majority in the November election."

In other words, Trump will decide McCarthy's status. Trump is a private citizen. He has no role in government.

How does Trump get away with it? Why does this man have so much power and influence?

The answer lies with the Republican Party as a whole.

The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. Those voters are mostly farmers and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well-informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth, otherwise known as gossip.

Most of them do not have a computer. Some do not have a television, and, if they do, they don't spend much time watching it. Farming and ranching is not a eight hour job. It's more like an 18-hour job.

The vast majority of Trump followers are low income. No one knows why they support Trump because they won't tell us. They won't tell us because they don't know why they support Trump. They prefer talking about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris instead. A few attempt to tell us about Trump, but they immediately venture into fantasy, and Jan. 6 is off limits.

Put a different way, Trump's followers are losers. It only makes sense that they would support a loser.

By way of providing an example of that analysis, Trump's followers will not respond to the issues of this report. That is partly due to the fact that most are not bright enough to be active on an internet political forum.
“I’ve had it with this guy,” Mr. McCarthy said in another audio clip obtained by The Times. “What he did is unacceptable. Nobody can defend that, and nobody should defend it.”
CNN reports, "[Senate Majority Leader]Mitch McConnell knew that what happened on January 6, 2021, was deeply wrong. And that blame for the riot that day lay at the feet of then-President Donald Trump."

“The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us,” McConnell told two associates just days after the insurrection, referring to the effort to impeach Trump in the Democratic-led House.

CNN continued, "And of Trump’s guilt, McConnell was equally clear-eyed: “If this isn’t impeachable, I don’t know what is,” he said. There was even talk that McConnell himself might vote to convict Trump in a Senate impeachment trial.

"But as the days passed, McConnell’s position on Trump changed – to the point that when the Senate voted on whether to convict Trump in mid-February 2021, McConnell voted “no.”

So what changed McConnell's mind? He didn't get to be the leader of his party in the Senate by challenging the beliefs of his Republican colleagues.

In January and February of 2021 the majority of Republicans in Congress went along with Trump's Big Lie. They believed without a shred of evidence that the election was stolen from Trump despite the fact that 60 court cases, the Supreme Court, countless state audits, and Trump's own attorney general said differently.

147 Republicans in Congress voted to overturn the election results.https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/07/us/elections/electoral-college-biden-objectors.html

CNN added, "Just a quick reminder of what happened at the Capitol on January 6: An armed mob stormed the building with the express purpose of disrupting the counting of the Electoral College votes. They did so because the sitting President of the United States at the time had, repeatedly and without any proof, told them that the 2020 election had been stolen.

"Several people died as a result of that day. More than 100 police officers were injured. Roughly 750 people have been charged for their role in the riot."

Despite all that, McConnell went with the flow.

There is a big difference between doing the things that can get you elected to leadership and being an actual leader.

McConnell and the Republicans are expected to win control of Congress in the November mid-terms.
7.9 million new jobs – record growth for a president's first 14 months – and a drop in the unemployment rate from 6.4% when he took office to 3.6% in March

The deficit dropped $350 billion last year and is on track to drop by $1.3 trillion this year.

Our economy grew at a rate of 5.7% last year, the strongest growth in nearly 40 years.

The US is the only G7 country back to its pre-pandemic GDP
You do realize that the Dow dropped to 19,173 in March 2020 under Trump, right? It's still at 33,811 today. Maybe should have thought this thread through a little more.
It's like you never heard of COVID except when convenient. The cult must be proud.

7.9 million new jobs – record growth for a president's first 14 months – and a drop in the unemployment rate from 6.4% when he took office to 3.6% in March
I'm glad Trump is getting some of the credit he deserves for handing Biden a sound economy, in spite of the pandemic that shall remain nameless.

The deficit dropped $350 billion last year and is on track to drop by $1.3 trillion this year.
COVID again. Do you guys know each other?

Our economy grew at a rate of 5.7% last year, the strongest growth in nearly 40 years.

The US is the only G7 country back to its pre-pandemic GDP
Thank you Mr Trump.

And you all said he was unqualified.
Anything better instead of worse? Anything? And now this.

Dow plunges more than 900 points for its worst day since 2020, falls for a fourth straight week​

republicans. panties. wad.

The economy is only starting to turn south. I credit Trump for that.

Someone in another thread the US is the only G7 country back to pre-COVID levels and the famous V-shaped recovery is the reason. Still, a year of neglect and abuse takes its toll even on a sound economy. It's Biden's economy in 2022. We'll see how he does.

republicans. panties. wad.

View attachment 67386957
Great chart. It shows perfectly the strength of the recovery, how strong the economy was when Biden took office, and how much weaker it had turned a year later.
It's like you never heard of COVID except when convenient. The cult must be proud.

I'm glad Trump is getting some of the credit he deserves for handing Biden a sound economy, in spite of the pandemic that shall remain nameless.

COVID again. Do you guys know each other?

Thank you Mr Trump.

And you all said he was unqualified.
Trump revisionist history is not convincing anyone.
Anything better instead of worse? Anything? And now this.

Dow plunges more than 900 points for its worst day since 2020, falls for a fourth straight week​

Who was president in 2020?
It's like you never heard of COVID except when convenient. The cult must be proud.
So let me get this straight, only presidents named Biden can affect the market, not ones named Trump. Go it. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Trump took credit when the market was up and blamed EVERYONE and EVERYTHING when it went down or did you forget that?
So let me get this straight, only presidents named Biden can affect the market, not ones named Trump. Go it. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Trump took credit when the market was up and blamed EVERYONE and EVERYTHING when it went down or did you forget that?
Add Bidenflation, open borders and a host of other self inflicted wounds, and Americans are drowning due to the Biden and his policies, rules, regulations and agenda. They are cost prohibitive.
Trump revisionist history is not convincing anyone.
Economic policy takes so long to implement and then for the changes to take effect that economists routinely credit he first year to the outgoing administration. Thus Obama gets credit for 2017. Bush for 2009, etc.

Who was president in 2020?
COVID was running things. You seem to find it convenient to forget.

So let me get this straight, only presidents named Biden can affect the market, not ones named Trump.
You have a weird idea of straight.

It's about as wrong as you can get.

No one else is laughing.

Trump took credit when the market was up and blamed EVERYONE and EVERYTHING when it went down or did you forget that?
That sounds like him. I do my best to ignore what he said and focus on what he did.

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