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What does religion spread more of love or hate? (1 Viewer)


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Jun 15, 2005
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Why do we still have religion? I understand that it does teach values to people but it also spreads distaste for others who are not their religion. I was a baptist up until a year a two ago. I didn't lose faith because someone died or anything else bad, but I did run out of explanations. Baptist believe that you have to be saved in order to go to heaven(You have to pray to God and ask him for forgiveness and for Jesus to come and save you). Which would mean that nearly every human being from the time Jesus died to the time Martin Luther showed up would be rotting in hell right now. Fair? I think not. Not to mention the bible was made up by a bunch of people who decided what was appropriate to go into the bible. Understandable? To a point but when the people who put the bible together are all "peagans" yes. So why do we believe? Because of faith. All faith is is the end of reason(which makes us different from regular animals). I can understand someone who says, "Well, we have to believe in something." Yeah, but why something that creates wars instead of peace. This is only one side of a part of christianity but hopefully you get my point. So Whats You Opinion.
I am also an ex-christian, liberated from the chains of my upbringing.
People believe because they are caught young, indoctrinated early. Brainwashed.

Many in later life learn to think for themselves.

And yes, religion spreads spiteful hate.
I am A muslim, Yes alot of times Religoun brings hate instead of peace.. but i dont know, everyone is different and beleives differently, i beleive in spiritual things, so iam a muslim but iam more spiritual! what iam trying to say is that religiuon sometimes helps ppl alot, and IT DOES bring peace at times which creates greator hate!
kellyjaz said:
I am A muslim, Yes alot of times Religoun brings hate instead of peace.. but i dont know, everyone is different and beleives differently, i beleive in spiritual things, so iam a muslim but iam more spiritual! what iam trying to say is that religiuon sometimes helps ppl alot, and IT DOES bring peace at times which creates greator hate!

Your banner is really freaky with those fairies in it.
Christ said that He would be the rock of offense...
I think religion in itself is something essential to mankind. We need something to believe in when things are hard. Denomminations are what can caus the spread the hate. I am a baptist. I don't go and try to convert people. But when the topic comes up I do tell people of other religions about what our God is. Besides it being our religion to spread the word of God it makes for a good conversation. Denominations and the people who enforce their religion with an iron fist are the ones who spread hat.
guns_God_glory said:
I think religion in itself is something essential to mankind. We need something to believe in when things are hard. Denomminations are what can caus the spread the hate. I am a baptist. I don't go and try to convert people. But when the topic comes up I do tell people of other religions about what our God is. Besides it being our religion to spread the word of God it makes for a good conversation. Denominations and the people who enforce their religion with an iron fist are the ones who spread hat.

I agree, religion brain washes people. We can use this brain washing technique to our advantage and get the largest religion in the world (Christianity) to have one mind set about politics, raising children, and pretty much everything we fell like!

hee hee sorry guys but i think you should know my position after that. I think religion is a bunch of stories to make people feel better about why their here on earth besides the obvious and real meaning of life,

To be born, to procreate, to die when you can no longer procreate

But does it spread hate? Not all the time, to say religion is incredibly to vague. Its like asking if all women care about their hair or not at all, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. I don't like religion, it blinds people form the truth, so i feel. However it does teach happiness and peace . If you really think about it, its not the religion thats at fault in a religious war. Its the people who are going against their own religious beliefs and spreading hate. Which is indeed amusing in its self, but shows you how stupid some people can become when they follow a religion so avidly
Niffer said:
I agree, religion brain washes people. We can use this brain washing technique to our advantage and get the largest religion in the world (Christianity) to have one mind set about politics, raising children, and pretty much everything we fell like!

That's funny. I thought you were serious for a moment. But that's what makes this quote all the more real and frightening.

There are so many people out there that use this logic (for real) in their daily lives. They say, "Yeah, I'm a Christian, and I don't try to convert people, but...you guys suck, your own religions suck, you're going to hell, you have no values, you're not a true Christian...but hey, I'm not judging."
They don't even see how they contradicted themselves and actually believe in the logic they just presented.

Like many people here, I grew up Christian. It wasn't until I started studing history that I realized I had been brainwashed. Then I started thinking logically. Logic is something that is truely lacking in a lot of these people.
WiseRufus said:
That's funny. I thought you were serious for a moment. But that's what makes this quote all the more real and frightening.

There are so many people out there that use this logic (for real) in their daily lives. They say, "Yeah, I'm a Christian, and I don't try to convert people, but...you guys suck, your own religions suck, you're going to hell, you have no values, you're not a true Christian...but hey, I'm not judging."
They don't even see how they contradicted themselves and actually believe in the logic they just presented.

Like many people here, I grew up Christian. It wasn't until I started studing history that I realized I had been brainwashed. Then I started thinking logically. Logic is something that is truely lacking in a lot of these people.

So Logic vs. Faith

"Logic" will get you far. It helps you make sense of things that you can understand. But what happens when you come across something that logic can't help you understand? Faith is just as or more important to human beings. It doesn't have to be faith in God. It just has to be faith. Something you believe in no matter what happens. What do you have faith in?
guns_God_glory said:
So Logic vs. Faith

"Logic" will get you far. It helps you make sense of things that you can understand. But what happens when you come across something that logic can't help you understand? Faith is just as or more important to human beings. It doesn't have to be faith in God. It just has to be faith. Something you believe in no matter what happens. What do you have faith in?

Could you provide an example of what logic cannot help someone understand? I realize that there may be somethings (although I cannot think of one) but that does not mean a logical understanding does not exist for it. It just may not have been realized yet, or it may take more thinking than people are willing to do.
alex said:
Could you provide an example of what logic cannot help someone understand? I realize that there may be somethings (although I cannot think of one) but that does not mean a logical understanding does not exist for it. It just may not have been realized yet, or it may take more thinking than people are willing to do.

That's exactly what I mean. When someone doesn't understand something because they don't know the answer. Or maybe there isn't one.
guns_God_glory said:
That's exactly what I mean. When someone doesn't understand something because they don't know the answer. Or maybe there isn't one.

So now your contridicting your self? Your points are shabby, Logic explains everything, it just depends on the people who are willing to listen. God is for the weak minded, its for those who can't accept our purppose in life because it makes us who we really are...Animals! Now your going to say "but we're smarter then all the other animals!" ! agree yes we are ((or some of us anyways)). But think about it we were just lucky! Someone has to be on top, we were just lucky it was us. Thats all deal with it
Niffer said:
So now your contridicting your self? Your points are shabby, Logic explains everything, it just depends on the people who are willing to listen. God is for the weak minded, its for those who can't accept our purppose in life because it makes us who we really are...Animals! Now your going to say "but we're smarter then all the other animals!" ! agree yes we are ((or some of us anyways)). But think about it we were just lucky! Someone has to be on top, we were just lucky it was us. Thats all deal with it
Poor you. You have nothing to believe in. You think that logic can explain it all. One day you'll find out your wrong.
guns_God_glory said:
Poor you. You have nothing to believe in. You think that logic can explain it all. One day you'll find out your wrong.

Oh thank you! Yes thats it one day i hope to find God! Oh thank you fair sir for now i see the light!

Where do i even begin how wrong you are? Frist of all I'm not poor because theres stupid little flaws in your religion. Second thats a pretty stupid thing to say "one day you'll find out your wrong", because you defiantly don't have any proof. In which case if this WAS a REAL debate, that point would of course be moot. But lets not get technical here ^^. You have to look at it this way, your proof that god exists is a book written by men? Theres no back up info to prove weather or not they were just making it up. As for evolution there is much more back up! Yeah i do think logic can explain it all, it makes a lot more sense then just believing somethings there. If I'm the poor one then your just plain ignorant.
P.S Prove I'm not ^^
hey for some people logic does fulfill their lives, for others they just need something supernatural or unexplainable to give them fulfillment. It just depends on the person.
What that has to do with anything related to whether or not Religion spreads hate or love is beyond me....
What is the opposite of Love? Hint: Its not Hate.
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My opinion:

Organized religion: hate

Individual spirituality: love
loverofpeace said:
My opinion:

Organized religion: hate

Individual spirituality: love
It's not the religion itself that spreads hate. It's the enforcing it upon others who don't believe like you do that causes hate. I don't care what religion you are, if you believe in God it is good enough for me. All you Christians out there the bible states that Jews and Gentiles should be brothers. Meaning that you should accept other religions as long as they believe in God as their Saviour. Their perspective of God and practices are indifferent.
Niffer said:
Oh thank you! Yes thats it one day i hope to find God! Oh thank you fair sir for now i see the light!

Where do i even begin how wrong you are? Frist of all I'm not poor because theres stupid little flaws in your religion. Second thats a pretty stupid thing to say "one day you'll find out your wrong", because you defiantly don't have any proof. In which case if this WAS a REAL debate, that point would of course be moot. But lets not get technical here ^^. You have to look at it this way, your proof that god exists is a book written by men?
It was written by the hand of men and the spirit of God.

Niffer said:
Theres no back up info to prove weather or not they were just making it up.
Yes there is actually proof of Jesus' existence thus there is proof of Gods existence.
Niffer said:
As for evolution there is much more back up! Yeah i do think logic can explain it all, it makes a lot more sense then just believing somethings there.
yeah, fish grow legs, ape turn into men. Much proof. Point out where we have seen significant evolution in documented history.
Niffer said:
P.S Prove I'm not ^^

That's easy God doesn't misspell the word FIRST. F-I-R-S-T

Niffer said:
Where do i even begin how wrong you are? Frist of all I'm not poor because theres stupid little flaws in your religion.
Gotta love a baptist with a since of humor.

Maybe instead of just dismissing the fact that God exist as a myth you could take a look into the bible after all it isn't THAT long of a book. Take a look at all the miracles that Jesus performed, actually look into our religion. After all we are forced to examine Darwin's Theory of Evolution in schools. Brush up on the Bible then get back to me about those "flaws" in our religion.
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