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What does it mean (1 Viewer)

When people put *snip* when they're quoting someone?

It means they've left something out of the quote and then picked up again further down. Some people use *snip* -- I use dot-dot-dot or like this . . .

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask *snip* country."

Really reads "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
LOL how do you make that smiley??

At the bottom right of your text-screen, there's 'Go Advanced' - click that. Once you're in advanced mode you see a smiley gallery to the right. Click 'more' at the bottom of the gallery - and a popup window shows you the full smiley gallery.
At the bottom right of your text-screen, there's 'Go Advanced' - click that. Once you're in advanced mode you see a smiley gallery to the right. Click 'more' at the bottom of the gallery - and a popup window shows you the full smiley gallery.

WOW. I have been wondering how people put those cool smileys for ages, and I never noticed the more link even though I commonly click on the group of smileys to the right of the text box. Plus, I always have to go advanced because for some reason when I try to reply without going advanced my dumb computer tells me "are you sure you want to leave this page? All changes made will be lost".
LOL how do you make that smiley??

l believe this " :) " doesnt fit everyone:lol:

it makes them look less sincere

it is my own opinion but feel this way
I agree, but now I know how to make all of them! :bright::bunny::dito::boxer:scared:
When people put *snip* when they're quoting someone?
Think of snipping a section out of a physical newspaper with scissors. It means we're leaving out material and we want you to know that so that you don't think we're purposely mis-quoting the source or cherry-picking information. It serves the same purpose as an ellipsis (".....") but an ellipsis isn't generally used when skipping whole paragraphs or pages.
Think of snipping a section out of a physical newspaper with scissors. It means we're leaving out material and we want you to know that so that you don't think we're purposely mis-quoting the source or cherry-picking information. It serves the same purpose as an ellipsis (".....") but an ellipsis isn't generally used when skipping whole paragraphs or pages.

Thank you Jerry! :]

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