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What do you think of Hitler?

What do you think of Hitler

  • Evil maniacal monster. Thank God he's dead.

    Votes: 44 75.9%
  • Villain who you can empathize with without condoning like MacBeth.

    Votes: 5 8.6%
  • Great guy who has been unjustly villified by his victorious enemies.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • A great artist

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Exactly, that is why you can ignore the fact that Hitler got elected as chancelor in 1933 and between 1933-1939 there was no war in germany while it went from total devastation into prosperity.
Additionally, facts, when baldly stated with no context, can be construed to mean almost anything.

[ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany]Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
On 30 January 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.
Your statement was partially incorrect.

One could also state that: "From the time of Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor of Germany in 1933 until the start of WWII in 1939, Germany was not at war with any country or state, but at war within itself. The result of this internal war was the war known now as World War II."

Perhaps the prosperity of some portion of German citizens improved, but it was on the expense of much death and brutality to other German citizens.

In the end, the expense was even greater, as anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of WWII knows.
Yes, by making bombs.
Nope - USA made lots of bombs from 2000-2008 shock and awe etc., where did it get us? - Germany prospered by taking back control of their banks and the media and saying f.u. to nations that claimed germany owed them money for losing the war. USA is in very similar position now as Germany was after WW2 - dick after dick and nothing gets done, only I hope people are smarter now not to blame it all on the Jews or the Arabs
A great artist? Huh? Five people voted that? Are you kidding me? Have you seen his art? :shock::shock::shock:
A great artist? Huh? Five people voted that? Are you kidding me? Have you seen his art? :shock::shock::shock:

*10 characters*
Kind of a dick to be honest

You are certifiable...
I think Hitler's role has been exaggerated in the historical narrative to a point of becoming a "super-villain" when reality was much different. Hitler and the Nazi's were not political/military geniuses. They were able to rise to power only because of the failure of the socialists and the collapse of the socialist movement due to their towing the line of the ComIntern as dictated by the USSR.

Moreover, almost none of the successes that Nazi Germany accomplished, from social/political to military (I'm primarily thinking of military), had little or nothing to do with Hitler or his personal decisions, and in very many cases were only because they went against Hitler's decision. Many of Hitler's military propositions were completely stupid, and the only reason that Germany got as far as it did was because of a ton of luck and numerous genius military minds that excluded Hitler.

Of course, going to war with the USSR was probably the biggest f*ck up that the Nazi's made, and guess whose decision that was?

So pretty much everything that the Nazi's did was a failure if Hitler had his hand in it, or a success despite his stupidity.
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With all due respect, the entire of your post's content is claims and statements, and not even one word to base or reason them with.
Apocalypse said:
With all due respect, the entire of your post's content is claims and statements, and not even one word to base or reason them with.

What do you disagree with?
I think Hitler's role has been exaggerated in the historical narrative to a point of becoming a "super-villain" when reality was much different. .

Holocaust revisionism in 5.......4.......3........2........1.......
I think Hitler's role has been exaggerated in the historical narrative to a point of becoming a "super-villain" when reality was much different.

A shocking statement coming from a communist, the Nazi arch enemy.
Holocaust revisionism in 5.......4.......3........2........1.......

You're so unbelievably predictable, Gardener. I knew some troll would say something about that. Too bad you're completely full of sh*t.

MetalGear said:
A shocking statement coming from a communist, the Nazi arch enemy.

Not really. I think it's more shocking that Apocalypse, a die-hard zionist, agrees with me.
You're so unbelievably predictable, Gardener. I knew some troll would say something about that. Too bad you're completely full of sh*t.


Poor Hitler. he is just SO misunderstood :roll:.

If it helps any, little fellow, I have to admit that you were on my short list of those who would actually try to defend his impact as being less significant than in reality.
Hitler created enough karma to be traveling in the sixteen hell realms for three countless aeons.

Eventually, he'll purify it, but not any time soon!:2wave:
I think that Hitler was genius(except when it came to military strategies). Unfortunately, Hitler was also a product of his environment and was infected by the antisemitism of the time period. Had he grown up elsewhere, I would imagine he would have done good things.
Well i have actually read mein kampf my opinion on Hitler is he was a twisted little man.However he was a human being which is a lesson to all.Its not some sort of evil force its human beings that cause these disasters for the world.Even a tiny amount of power can go to some peoples head.
I heard once that he didn't like puppies.

Who doesn't like puppies? :boohoo:
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