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What do you think leads to anti-americanism? (1 Viewer)


Feb 18, 2005
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What do you think leads to Anti-Americanism in the US ?
Naughty Nurse said:
I think it's GWB!
That's just silly. If we have to point a finger, it's the media, and more to the point the Liberal media. They spin the news so people like the nurse think GWB is evil and Saddam is a friggin saint.
Anti-Americanism is caused when the Europeans see us electing idiots like Bush. It is caused by the left in this country continually drifitng right, so that we have no left. And it is caused by our continued hypocrisy, us preaching the values of democracy and peace, and then going out and promoting the opposite. We in the USA do not see it, but we are in a state of Pax-Americana, where there is no war here, but rather it is all through the world. As one of my favorite authors calls it, 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace'. <<<<<<Hey Mixed, that's a book by Gore Vidal, have you read it?? If not, you should. It is, like any other work by the man, brilliant.
That's partisan rubbish Anomaly. When we have the left repeating the same lies on forums and in the press, that is how the word is spread. The citizens of any other country doesn't know President Bush except by what they read or see in the media or on the internet. Bush bashing is all the left knows how to do. :rolleyes:
Somethings wrong when 9/11 brings back peoples national pride and patriotism. Does it really take an tragedy like this to bring back the love of our country.

It's not one single event that causes people to have Anti-American feelings. It's decades and decades of abuse by and of the system. Hypocrisy by government officials with no price they have to pay for it. The love of the dollar more than the love of principle and integrity.

We didn't get here over night.
Overseas, I think some of it is jealousy - They want to be the superpower we are, but can't.

Here, I think some think it's the 'thing to do' - hate Bush; hate America. Like it's a fad or something.
Batman said:
Overseas, I think some of it is jealousy .
:rofl :rofl

Oh that's so funny

Batman said:
- They want to be the superpower we are, but can't..

Absolutely not. You don't get it.
Besides, China will soon be a greater superpower than you.
Batman said:
Here, I think some think it's the 'thing to do' - hate Bush; hate America. Like it's a fad or something.

No, fads are very American. More like intelligent people who've thought through the issues, who realise that if we don't oppose US imperialism and hegemony we're all doomed.
Hello Urethra,

You are quite right when you acknowledge our dominance of the world. now we are in WTO, our growth exceeds even our greatest expectations. It seems every position in job market is for company supplying and supplanting USA control.

By the way i think Mr Bush is in your pretty city these days - will you give him warm welcome ?

Fried Rice is very cold today.
Fried Rice said:
Hello Urethra,

You are quite right when you acknowledge our dominance of the world. now we are in WTO, our growth exceeds even our greatest expectations. It seems every position in job market is for company supplying and supplanting USA control.

By the way i think Mr Bush is in your pretty city these days - will you give him warm welcome ?

Fried Rice is very cold today.

Hello Fried Rice,

Last time Dubya visited Paris many protests against him were staged. It ****ed me off because I was off out to dinner with friends and the métro stop I needed was closed due to him. Now you'd have thought he could afford a car?
We will not be warmly welcoming him. Sadly much public money will be wasted on security for this "con".

(Your lesson for today as you seem to be picking up French so well: con = idiot. Strange that in "their" language it's also short for "conservative" :rofl )
You know you make me laugh when you say the US is imperialistic. What about the terrorists,they want us dead and they don't like our views. Even the democrats are more imperialistic then us conservatives. Just look at what they do, they enforce everybody else's religion on you except for Christianity and Judaism,they say they support blacks(which is now a lie just listen to what Howard Dean said about them in the hotel). And they think we need to be more culturally united. So nows who more imperialistic. And another thing if your talking about us being imperialistic towards Iraq. You must have a mental disorder because any one who would prefere a ruler like Saddam Hussein over a President and a Free Iraq must have been brainwashed.
Repubteen said:
You know you make me laugh when you say the US is imperialistic. What about the terrorists,they want us dead and they don't like our views. Even the democrats are more imperialistic then us conservatives. Just look at what they do, they enforce everybody else's religion on you except for Christianity and Judaism,they say they support blacks(which is now a lie just listen to what Howard Dean said about them in the hotel). And they think we need to be more culturally united. So nows who more imperialistic. And another thing if your talking about us being imperialistic towards Iraq. You must have a mental disorder because any one who would prefere a ruler like Saddam Hussein over a President and a Free Iraq must have been brainwashed.

I would have preferred that we let Hans Blix & co. finish their work. I would have prferred that we support internal dissent. It was that which led to the downfall of dictators like Causescu and Milosevic, not imperialist US invasion. If you so care about freeing oppressed peoples, go invade Uzbekistan or Saudi Ararbia. No, you'd lose too many precious oil interests.
The brainwashed one is you my child.
Ya but when you say were imperialistic thats not true we were allowed to attack him if he violated any of the cease fire agreements of 1991. And he violated every single one during the Clinton administration and Clinton did nothing, we would not be in this war if Clinton had done his job when he was in office.But how much time could we have given the UN weapon inspectors, Saddam wasn't cooperating and the more time we give them the more time they have to hide the weapons. And they would have lied to the UN inspetors just like they did in on

Dec 7 2002
----Iraq submitted a 12000 page declaration on it's chemical, biological and nuclear activities, Claiming it had no banned Weapons.
Jan 16 2003---- UN inspectors discover 11 undeclared empty chemical warheads in Iraq

That right there tells you they cant be trusted.And keep in mind the US is looking for something the size of a garage in the land area of California.
Repubteen said:
Ya but when you say were imperialistic thats not true we were allowed to attack him if he violated any of the cease fire agreements of 1991. And he violated every single one during the Clinton administration and Clinton did nothing, we would not be in this war if Clinton had done his job when he was in office.But how much time could we have given the UN weapon inspectors, Saddam wasn't cooperating and the more time we give them the more time they have to hide the weapons. And they would have lied to the UN inspetors just like they did in on

Dec 7 2002
----Iraq submitted a 12000 page declaration on it's chemical, biological and nuclear activities, Claiming it had no banned Weapons.
Jan 16 2003---- UN inspectors discover 11 undeclared empty chemical warheads in Iraq

That right there tells you they cant be trusted.And keep in mind the US is looking for something the size of a garage in the land area of California.

One day when you leave kindergarden dear boy............
Good response, the facts are staring you in the face.
Repubteen said:
Good response, the facts are staring you in the face.

Not at all.
You want examples of US imperialism?

You destabilised a democratically elected government in Chile. You couldn't hack Marxism on your own continent, despite the fact that the people of Chile had voted for it. You paved the way for the murderous Pinochet and propped up his brutality because he was "your friend" (nice friend). You didn't even care that your own citizens went "missing"

You propped up governments which you knew were using death squads in El Salvador and Nicaragua (you preferred that to having "left wing governments" in your backyard)

You landed troops in Grenada not long after criticising the Soviet Union for having done the same in Afghanistan. The alternative for the Afghans when the Soviets left was the adorable Taliban, whom you hate now, but they were your friends when it suited you, as was Saddam Hussein when he was towing your line (he was still a murderer then, but you liked him because he was with you against Iran, where they'd just got rid of your other friend, a murdering Shah).

You stick your unwanted nose into other's business because you want to protect your own interests (meddling in EU affairs like over Turkey proposed entry - it's NOTHING to do with you, but you think we're part of your imperialist empire).

You invaded Iraq on a lie, and flouted the UN in the process, thus making the world a far more dangerous place. You are there for your oil interests. You are an imperialist occupying force. There are human rights abuses taking place in Uzbekistan (you probably don't even know where that is. It's east of Disneyland) and Saudi Arabia, but you suck up to them because you want their oil for your gas guzzling, greedy nation.

I take comfort in the fact that China is overtaking you economically. Now we just need you to butt out of other's affairs.
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Let me guess -------- You listen to the BBC. :eek:
Batman said:
Overseas, I think some of it is jealousy - They want to be the superpower we are, but can't.

LOL LOL LOL. Hmm, lets see - no free healthcare, tens of thousands of gun related deaths, inadequate elementary and high school education, food stamps (food stamps! I don't even know if they have them in the UK!), I seen the slums in the US - not pretty.

Whats the point in being superpower when you can't give good services to benefit the people? Truthfully I'd rather live in Canada to be honest.

If you spent less money on the military and more on social aspects like free healthcare, education etc. I might then be envious of the US.
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GarzaUK said:
LOL LOL LOL. Hmm, lets see - no free healthcare, tens of thousands of gun related deaths, inadequate elementary and high school education, food stamps (food stamps! I don't even know if they have them in the UK!), I seen the slums in the US - not pretty.

Whats the point in being superpower when you can't give good services to benefit the people? Truthfully I'd rather live in Canada to be honest.

If you spent less money on the military and more on social aspects like free healthcare, education etc. I might then be envious of the US.

Hmm, let's define superpower -

-A powerful and influential nation, especially a nuclear power that dominates its allies or client states in an international power bloc.

-a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world.

That's the context I was speaking in. You know other countries cannot to that when they must turn the conversation to our domestic issues. :argue
GarzaUK said:
(food stamps! I don't even know if they have them in the UK!), .

I don't believe they do, and they certainly don't exist here in France. I don't know of a European country that would degrade it's population thus, and that it happens in the world's "premier" economy speaks reams about the "success" of capitalism.
Urethra Franklin said:
:rofl :rofl

Absolutely not. You don't get it.
Besides, China will soon be a greater superpower than you.
Not until China gets its energy problem solved, it won't. It will be very interesting to see how that plays out. If it resolves into a scrap over oil, Katie, bar the door!
Urethra Franklin said:
Hello Fried Rice,

Last time Dubya visited Paris many protests against him were staged. It ****ed me off because I was off out to dinner with friends and the métro stop I needed was closed due to him. Now you'd have thought he could afford a car?
We will not be warmly welcoming him. Sadly much public money will be wasted on security for this "con".

(Your lesson for today as you seem to be picking up French so well: con = idiot. Strange that in "their" language it's also short for "conservative" :rofl )

It will do Georgie good to realize that not everyone likes him all that well. In the US he is extremely successful in suppressing such public displays, and he makes sure that no one has an opportunity to ask him hostile questions. He has also turned the White House press corps into a collection of lapdogs (not that they weren't already). Vive La France!

BTW, con also is short for confidence man (not too different from conservative, at that.) Scammer is what they're using these days, though.

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