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What corporations where involved in Nazi Germany? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
Well, I just got struck with an idea after looking at the IBM and Nazi thread.

What coporations were invovled with Germany, and why? How much did they profit? should they be forced to pay out repreations? What else can you say about this matter?

Sometimes things get heartless...
128shot said:
Well, I just got struck with an idea after looking at the IBM and Nazi thread.

What coporations were invovled with Germany, and why? How much did they profit? should they be forced to pay out repreations? What else can you say about this matter?

Sometimes things get heartless...

Interesting, but why don't we start with EUROPEAN companies? Many of them are still around, you know?
many of the american ones are still around...

but yeah lets list them all, because today, no corporation is national, they're all global.
I didn't intend for this to be just american.

If it wasn't clear I want a good list of all of them, per say. Are there any books related to the subject?
nkgupta80 said:
many of the american ones are still around...

but yeah lets list them all, because today, no corporation is national, they're all global.

It was a tongue in cheek comment. Nothing more.

The people who did business with the Third Reich 60-70 years ago are all dead now.

I'm more interested in the companies that are behaving badly today, for example:

-Selling weapons to the F.A.R.C. and E.L.N.

-Selling nuclear technology to rogue States and unstable regimes.

-Investing...in partnerships with totalitarian regimes.

We are all guilty...not just corporations. I'm sure you are going to find very few drivers questioning where their gasoline originally came from.

Is there anyone who doesn't do business with Saudi Arabia?

Do European cigar aficcionados realize the Habano they are just about to light up was produced by slave labor?

How about cholcolate lovers? Do they know the conditions of the cocoa workforce?

We love our coffee in the U.S....do we know what the average wage is for a field hand is a coffee plantation in Colombia? How about the tea in Britain?

I can go on and on.

It's not the job of corporations to fix the social ills of the planet. Their job is to buy and sell.

It's OUR job to make sure they play by the rules.
That raises an interesting point.

for all these bad acts some corporations do, is it their fault or ours?

would they do it if we were willing to pay the price to ensure that there isn't slave labor to produce these products?

There is only so much you can put on one thing.
128shot said:
That raises an interesting point.

for all these bad acts some corporations do, is it their fault or ours?

would they do it if we were willing to pay the price to ensure that there isn't slave labor to produce these products?

There is only so much you can put on one thing.

There you go!

Who are the people behind multinational corporations?

You and me!
I own a Krups coffee Grinder. I guess they aren't using slave labour anymore... are they... How about Chinese slave labour though.... yikes !
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I think I mentioned this in the other thread. Siemens, today's largest manufacturer of electronic components, utilized many thousands of slave laborers during WWII. A substancial number perished under barbaric conditions.

Tashah said:
I think I mentioned this in the other thread. Siemens, today's largest manufacturer of electronic components, utilized many thousands of slave laborers during WWII. A substancial number perished under barbaric conditions.

So do you think taxpayers should pay reparations for the wrong doings of corporations and other wrong doings, since people are also behind these corporations for buying their products? Or do you think their is a case for making only the corporations pay reparations for wrong doings in that period? Or do you believe that what is done is done and no repartions should be paid at all for these past injustices, rather we should simply not forgot these injustics and learn from them (please don't take these questions the wrong way)?
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TimmyBoy said:
So do you think taxpayers should pay reparations for the wrong doings of corporations and other wrong doings, since people are also behind these corporations for buying their products? Or do you think their is a case for making only the corporations pay reparations for wrong doings in that period? Or do you believe that what is done is done and no repartions should be paid at all for these past injustices, rather we should simply not forgot these injustics and learn from them (please don't take these questions the wrong way)?
Well if the bussiness leaders who worked with the Nazi party are still alive then they should have to pay for the work done by the Jews. If the slime that worked with the Nazis is dead then it should be the bussiness leader's kids who have to pay only if they knew about what was going on. If the kid was like 12 then just tell the person and they might give the Jews some money.

And this money should only be given out to the Jews who had to live through this. That may sound a little cold but that is just what I think.
Why be surprised it was the 30's & 40"s ,60 years ago.The question is what about now. General motors and starbucks and many others are rushing into Red China. Yes she is still RED There are 250,000 people that we know of in concentration camps. 450,000 people have been sent into occupied TIBET to wipe out the Tibetan culture. This is in the Political correct year 2005 .How do you explain this ?
Well why not answer the inital question?

Braun- You know their razors and such, they used to be arms manufactures.
Volkswagon- Just like the GM factories and Canada, they produced tanks and vechiles for the war effort.
(There are many others of cousre that are still around today)

Of cousre they made profit as long as the war was going on. Albert Speer kept production rising even though the allied bombing campaign leveled complete cities.

As for if they should pay reparations, that is a definate no. WWII ended without a peace treaty and did not force to the defeated to pay reparations. Wasn't the cost Germany was forced to pay at the end of WWI a factor of WWII? The private corporations should not have to pay for a defeated country, they were at war!

So what they should be tried for is humanity crimes, and they were. Those who practiced slavery were tried and sentenced.
Yes... but we Jews do love money.

*runs and hides before the others kill her*

Seriously though, I approve of reparations in some cases - only when the person being paid was badly affected by what happened in some form (generally first-person, although I could accept if it was a child who lost her father in those camps while she was in hiding, etc.). The corporations should be made to pay - liability has no use-by date.

Oh, and if any of the collaborators are still alive, do me a favour and castrate them with something blunt and rusty.
JOHNYJ said:
Why be surprised it was the 30's & 40"s ,60 years ago.The question is what about now. General motors and starbucks and many others are rushing into Red China. Yes she is still RED There are 250,000 people that we know of in concentration camps. 450,000 people have been sent into occupied TIBET to wipe out the Tibetan culture. This is in the Political correct year 2005 .How do you explain this ?

They opened their market?

Regardless of low wages, it is also a HUGE consumer market. The insane amounts of money you can make in China can make your head spin if you're market leader.
China is becoming more and more free-market oriented. Its not communism as we traditionally know it. So is it necessarily evil?
RE; 128 Shot
RED china doesn't allow labor unions,Thats a reason for cheap wages.
We are talking about a country with concentration camps, people.
I bet mobil oil used your excuses for why they supplied Nazi Germany.
i really dont like the idea of reparition. if this is still going on then shouldnt the money be used to stop it? i can see individual cases-like if someone was crippled or is now mentally insane,but say some dude wrote a book about it. now hes a millionaire. should the money really go to his bank account....or to a cause?
JOHNYJ said:
RE; 128 Shot
RED china doesn't allow labor unions,Thats a reason for cheap wages.
We are talking about a country with concentration camps, people.
I bet mobil oil used your excuses for why they supplied Nazi Germany.

Corporations go where the money, and we ourselves didn't know that they were killing jews (did we? I don't think so anyway)

Now, I'll state what Miami said. WE MAKE CORPORATIONS RICH. Corporations don't just get money out of nowhere, we the people buy their stuff.

you don't like them making products in china? Don't buy products made in China. Fight with your money, its the ultimate weapon against any corporation.
RE ; 128 shot # 20
TheUnder Secretary of state was an anti-semite. He made it dificult for Jews to get to the USA from Nazi Germany. Secretary of the Treasury Morganthau had to personaly intervene with Roosevelt. To get Jewish immigiration transfered out of the state dept. That was too little and too late.
BUSH's grand pappy the war criminal
they make there money when the chips are down
and the nation is in peril

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