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What " Conservative " Christians (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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People are bombarded with the phrase " Conservative " christians . They never hear " liberal " christians to describe anyone. If you study there beliefs so called conservative christians are just christians who belie
ve what christianity has always taught Its society that has deviated ,not them..The left also seems to want to vilify the word conservative the way the word Liberal has come to be. Isnt going to happen.
JOHNYJ said:
People are bombarded with the phrase " Conservative " christians . They never hear " liberal " christians to describe anyone. If you study there beliefs so called conservative christians are just christians who belie
ve what christianity has always taught Its society that has deviated ,not them..The left also seems to want to vilify the word conservative the way the word Liberal has come to be. Isnt going to happen.

Conservative Christians are those who believe that the Bible is a science book. Liberal or Moderate Christians believe that the Bible is inerrant, but its not a science book.

The litmus test for Christianity is the Nicene Creed if you believe it, you are a Christian, if you don't, you are not.
The Nicene Creed?
vergiss said:
The Nicene Creed?

The following is the Nicene Creed:

“We believe (I believe) in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages. (God of God) light of light, true God of true God. Begotten not made, consubstantial to the Father, by whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary and was made man; was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried; and the third day rose again according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, and shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, of whose Kingdom there shall be no end. And (I believe) in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father (and the Son), who together with the Father and the Son is to be adored and glorified, who spoke by the Prophets. And one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We confess (I confess) one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for (I look for) the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen."

(The term catholic is in lower case in the creed so it refers to the universal Christian church not the Roman Catholic Church.)

The most basic creed and the original creed is simply “Jesus Christ”. Basically meaning that Jesus is Christ. The Nicene Creed was approved by the Council of Constantinople in 381 A.D. It along with the Apostles Creed (ca A.D. 700) are the most basic statements of the Christian faith and were written to combat heresy in the early church. Not all denominations are creedal and some that are creedal accept the Athanasian Creed (ca A.D. 500) as well. However, even denominations that are not creedal accept the Nicene and Apostles Creed as the most basic statements of faith in Christianity. If a church does not accept the creeds as the most basic statements of faith, then that church by definition is not a Christian Church. The only churches I can think of off hand that don’t accept the creeds are the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Mormons, and the Unitarians.
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SouthernDemocrat said:
Conservative Christians are those who believe that the Bible is a science book. Liberal or Moderate Christians believe that the Bible is inerrant, but its not a science book.

The litmus test for Christianity is the Nicene Creed if you believe it, you are a Christian, if you don't, you are not.

OK... no... Conservative Christians do not believe the Bible is a science book. This, again, is simply Christian-Right bashing.

Conservative Christians simply BELIEVE in Christianity, which at times may contradict science, and hence they do not believe in those aspects of science.
JOHNYJ said:
People are bombarded with the phrase " Conservative " christians . They never hear " liberal " christians to describe anyone. If you study there beliefs so called conservative christians are just christians who belie
ve what christianity has always taught Its society that has deviated ,not them..The left also seems to want to vilify the word conservative the way the word Liberal has come to be. Isnt going to happen.

Yes there are liberal Christians, often called progressive Christians. They are concerned with poverty and social justice. Like a little known historical figure...what's the name.....oh yeah, Christ.

Here's a nice web site to view them in words and action

Conservative Christians are the ones who take almost everything in the Bible literally. They don't allow room for too much interpretation. They don't question their own beliefs, as that is somehow considered a weakness in their faith. They often view the world through that extreme bias brought on solely by their faith in Christianity. Of course there are many groups that view the world through some extreme bias, I am just defining who I believe are Conservative Christians.
KevinWan said:
OK... no... Conservative Christians do not believe the Bible is a science book. This, again, is simply Christian-Right bashing.

Conservative Christians simply BELIEVE in Christianity, which at times may contradict science, and hence they do not believe in those aspects of science.

But a more moderate or liberal Christian. Wait; actually, that’s a bad description.

Instead there are basically two schools of thought:

Fundamentalist Christians: They are Christians who believe that the Bible is a literal account. So when known science explains something in a way that seemingly contradicts scripture, a Fundamentalist Christian will take literal Biblical accounts over science.

Faith and Reason Christians: They are Christians who believe that the Bible is inerrant in its teachings but it is not necessarily literal in terms of science. They are Christians who apply reason to faith and, for example, who in most cases see no contradiction between the science of evolution and the Christian faith because they do not believe that the stories of creation in the book of genesis are literal scientific accounts.

Of course, there are varying degrees to each group. Generally, more fundamentalist Christian Denominations are:

Southern Baptists
Freewill Baptists
Missionary Baptists
Assemblies of God
Most Charismatic Churches

Faith and Reason Denominations are:
Roman Catholics (the only two issues Catholics are conservative on are Abortion and Homosexuality)
Church of Christ

Out of all of these denominations and groups, the only ones that are growing are the Catholics and some Charismatic Churches. All other denominations have largely experienced either static growth or a decline in membership.
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SouthernDemocrat said:
But a more moderate or liberal Christian. Wait; actually, that’s a bad description.

Instead there are basically two schools of thought:

Fundamentalist Christians: They are Christians who believe that the Bible is a literal account. So when known science explains something in a way that seemingly contradicts scripture, a Fundamentalist Christian will take literal Biblical accounts over science.

Faith and Reason Christians: They are Christians who believe that the Bible is inerrant in its teachings but it is not necessarily literal in terms of science. They are Christians who apply reason to faith and, for example, who in most cases see no contradiction between the science of evolution and the Christian faith because they do not believe that the stories of creation in the book of genesis are literal scientific accounts.

Of course, there are varying degrees to each group. Generally, more fundamentalist Christian Denominations are:

Southern Baptists
Freewill Baptists
Missionary Baptists
Assemblies of God
Most Charismatic Churches

Faith and Reason Denominations are:
Roman Catholics (the only two issues Catholics are conservative on are Abortion and Homosexuality)
Church of Christ

Out of all of these denominations and groups, the only ones that are growing are the Catholics and some Charismatic Churches. All other denominations have largely experienced either static growth or a decline in membership.

Christ himself said that, before his return, there would be a falling away, in other words, a great apostacy. I believe that the apostacy is happening now. When Christianity can be used to justify murder and other activities which are not of Christ, when one of the most respected leaders of our Christian church today uses donations to go diamond mining instead of feeding the hungry, when televangelists tell us that God is nothing more than a gofer who will do things for you, but hates those who dont want wealth, then yes, we are in a great apostacy.
danarhea said:
Christ himself said that, before his return, there would be a falling away, in other words, a great apostacy. I believe that the apostacy is happening now. When Christianity can be used to justify murder and other activities which are not of Christ, when one of the most respected leaders of our Christian church today uses donations to go diamond mining instead of feeding the hungry, when televangelists tell us that God is nothing more than a gofer who will do things for you, but hates those who dont want wealth, then yes, we are in a great apostacy.

Oh I agree with you on the corruption and hypocrisy among much of the "religious right". However, corruption, greed and murder in the name of Christianity is nothing new. Moreover, the "religious right" in no way represent the majority of Christians. They are a minority in Christianity, but they yell louder than anyone.
People are bombarded with the phrase " Conservative " christians . They never hear " liberal " christians to describe anyone. If you study there beliefs so called conservative christians are just christians who believe what christianity has always taught Its society that has deviated ,not them..The left also seems to want to vilify the word conservative the way the word Liberal has come to be. Isnt going to happen.

We do hear the phrase "liberal christian" it is just phrased different and we see those words phrased as "fake christian" or "agnostic".

I do notice the trend the media is doing trying to villify the word conservative by labling extreamist terrrorist muslims as conservative muslims.

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