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What authoritarian looks like (1 Viewer)


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After the events in Ukraine and with Putin’s needless and unprovoked war, can we all agree that this is what authoritarian looks like and it’s not at all the same as what happened with the Canadian truckers?
After the events in Ukraine and with Putin’s needless and unprovoked war, can we all agree that this is what authoritarian looks like and it’s not at all the same as what happened with the Canadian truckers?

So anything short of unprovoked war can not be considered authoritarian?
So anything short of unprovoked war can not be considered authoritarian?
Every government actions has some level of authoritarianism in it, that’s just the nature of the beast.

But what Putin is doing should give people perspective and hopefully enough perspective to know that what happened with the truckers doesn’t qualify versus the real thing.
After the events in Ukraine and with Putin’s needless and unprovoked war, can we all agree that this is what authoritarian looks like and it’s not at all the same as what happened with the Canadian truckers?
I seriously doubt that a certain segment of the population will agree.
After the events in Ukraine and with Putin’s needless and unprovoked war, can we all agree that this is what authoritarian looks like and it’s not at all the same as what happened with the Canadian truckers?
And remember, he also had majority support of "voters" to declare himself President for the next 15 years in a supposed democracy.
Every government actions has some level of authoritarianism in it, that’s just the nature of the beast.

But what Putin is doing should give people perspective and hopefully enough perspective to know that what happened with the truckers doesn’t qualify versus the real thing.

I'll remember that when the left whines about any little thing that the GOP does is authoritarian.
I'll remember that when the left whines about any little thing that the GOP does is authoritarian.
If the left blockades something and are then handed nice notes to leave and given multiple chances, only to finally reluctantly be dispersed, then yes they would be hyperbolic for making such a claim.
Every government actions has some level of authoritarianism in it, that’s just the nature of the beast.
Authoritarian and authority are not the same thing. Viewing moderate authority as authoritarian repression is a long practiced extremis reaction, common to Libertarians and partisan opponents. If a government they hate says "you have to stop at red lights", to them it's tyranny. I remember new curly light bulbs being a major Republican cause claiming they were tyranny.
If the left blockades something and are then handed nice notes to leave and given multiple chances, only to finally reluctantly be dispersed, then yes they would be hyperbolic for making such a claim.

I'm pretty sure the authoritarian claims were about the bank accounts getting frozen
I'm pretty sure the authoritarian claims were about the bank accounts getting frozen
That’s only because the donations were illegal and GSG tried to ignore it.
After the events in Ukraine and with Putin’s needless and unprovoked war, can we all agree that this is what authoritarian looks like and it’s not at all the same as what happened with the Canadian truckers?

You just wait. He's only doing this so he can force them to wear masks and their restaurants to move tables farther apart.
I'll remember that when the left whines about any little thing that the GOP does is authoritarian.

Yeah, little tiny things like trying to scare people off of following US law to the letter in seeking asylum by stripping three and five year olds from their parents, deporting the parents without tracking them, then just saying "sorry kiddos. Maybe one day you'll see mommy and daddy again. Maybe not. Womp-womp, yer brown"

"Authoritarian" only partially begins to describe it. It's completely ****ing evil.

Not "any little thing"....BIG things, which you're fully aware of.

I guess they don't think permanently traumatizing little children is a "BIG" thing. Or who knows. We're all different. Maybe when they temporarily lost their parents in the amusement park, they ran around, had a blast, got lost, hitchhiked across the country, and never looked back.


Riiight. That sudden uncertainty is indescribably terrifying for little children. They lost their rock, their anchor. And these people cheered as that was done to kids, not for a few hours, not for a day, but for years; perhaps even lifetimes.




After the events in Ukraine and with Putin’s needless and unprovoked war, can we all agree that this is what authoritarian looks like and it’s not at all the same as what happened with the Canadian truckers?

That little precious and pampered brat in Canada was tyrannical, even freezing people's bank accounts.

Apparently, some members of his own party passed the word to him: "OK, dude. You showed how strong you are. Now let go!"
So anything short of unprovoked war can not be considered authoritarian?
If you are calling mask mandates "tyranny" or comparing them to the holocaust, what would you call Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
Or @Crovax, little stuff like inviting russia to interfere in our elections, knowing they were doing so, and later boasting about the wisdom of not telling the authorities.

Little stuff like a mountain of hamfisted wannabe mobster obstruction of justice. (If you consider yourself a "patriot", you're duty bound to read that report at the very least).

Little stuff like unlawfully withholding military aid from our Ukrainian allies to pressure them to announce sham investigations into Hunter Biden and keep them going until election day, all so he could smear a political opponent for personal gain.

Little stuff.

After the events in Ukraine and with Putin’s needless and unprovoked war, can we all agree that this is what authoritarian looks like and it’s not at all the same as what happened with the Canadian truckers?


Do you think the nutters see a differance?
From what I've read about authoritarians, most of them should be the poster-humans for the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Their sense of What's the right thing to do is tiny compared to What's in it for me.
The sad bottom line is most people on this board would make a better leader...
That’s only because the donations were illegal and GSG tried to ignore it.

They were only illegal because the truckers were labeled as an "occupying force", so the Russia comparison might not be far off
They were only illegal because the truckers were labeled as an "occupying force", so the Russia comparison might not be far off
Please show me documentation of this assertion that they were an occupying force and not simply conducting an illegal protest and blockade.
After the events in Ukraine and with Putin’s needless and unprovoked war, can we all agree that this is what authoritarian looks like and it’s not at all the same as what happened with the Canadian truckers?
They no longer differentiate true from false.

They will happily claim the two scenarios are indistinguishable examples of "authoritarianism".
Any law that's enforced, to them, becomes "authoritarianism", and thus the word no longer means what it actually means. They redefined words to the point they are contradictory and no longer have meaning.
They no longer differentiate true from false.

They will happily claim the two scenarios are indistinguishable examples of "authoritarianism".
Any law that's enforced, to them, becomes "authoritarianism", and thus the word no longer means what it actually means. They redefined words to the point they are contradictory and no longer have meaning.
They are trying to do the same with the word racism as well

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