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What are your values? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
One of the things I have mentioned since I first came to this board is that we all need to have a set of values that we live by. It is the only way that any of us can judge the actions of others, regarding whether we agree or disagree with actions of the other person, such as Trump as a President and representative of who we are.

As such, I would like everyone to think and write down what are their 5 top values that they live by and look for in their President.

To begin with, here is a list of values that were written by Alex Blackwell in 2008. Alex is the founder and primary writer for the Bridgemaker, which has been determined to be among the 25 best self-improvement websites on the internet.

I would like anyone that would like to participate to write down their top 5 values in life. It is evident that none of us is ever going to get everything we want. Nonetheless, we all have values that we feel we need to have in order to feel that our life is worth something.

Here are mine and in order of importance:

1) Honesty - Honesty in people allows you to know at all times where you are in relation to that person. Honesty does not mean that you and that person will get along but knowing who that person is will always allow you to have a clear idea of what to expect from that person, and vice versa.

2) Respect - Most everyone (not all though) do what they believe is right. Their upbringing, education, parenting, race, culture and area where they were raised will make their way of thinking and their values different but ultimately they are doing what they believe is the right thing. As such, they should be respected as a person of honor.

3) Gratitude/Appreciation - No one in life has to do anything for you, other than perhaps family. As such, anyone that does do something for you without asking or getting anything in return should be given gratitude and appreciation,

4) Integrity - People that you depend on should have integrity. They are who we follow and often depend on and having integrity means you can depend on them doing the "right thing". The right thing might not always be the best for you personally but the right thing is always the "right thing to do" and we all need to support doing it.

5) Love - Love is what makes everything worthwhile. Sharing joy with someone makes it better and sharing pain with someone relieves some of the pain.

You will notice that economics is not on my 5 most important values and that is because making money often depends on others and not something I can have total control of. In addition, I believe that if you have the values that God wants us to have, that he will take care of us economically. At least to the point that he will not let us starve.

FYI, my father was rich and poor twice and died poor. My own life has been a roller coaster economically, meaning that I know what being poor means and know what being rich means. Neither is acceptable without the 5 values mentioned above.
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One of the things I have mentioned since I first came to this board is that we all need to have a set of values that we live by. It is the only way that any of us can judge the actions of others, regarding whether we agree or disagree with actions of the other person, such as Trump as a President and representative of who we are.

As such, I would like everyone to think and write down what are their 5 top values that they live by and look for in their President.

To begin with, here is a list of values that were written by Alex Blackwell in 2008. Alex is the founder and primary writer for the Bridgemaker, which has been determined to be among the 25 best self-improvement websites on the internet.

I would like anyone that would like to participate to write down their top 5 values in life. It is evident that none of us is ever going to get everything we want. Nonetheless, we all have values that we feel we need to have in order to feel that our life is worth something.

Here are mine and in order of importance:

1) Honesty - Honesty in people allows you to know at all times where you are in relation to that person. Honesty does not mean that you and that person will get along but knowing who that person is will always allow you to have a clear idea of what to expect from that person, and vice versa.

2) Respect - Most everyone (not all though) do what they believe is right. Their upbringing, education, parenting, race, culture and area where they were raised will make their way of thinking and their values different but ultimately they are doing what they believe is the right thing. As such, they should be respected as a person of honor.

3) Gratitude/Appreciation - No one in life has to do anything for you, other than perhaps family. As such, anyone that does do something for you without asking or getting anything in return should be given gratitude and appreciation,

4) Integrity - People that you depend on should have integrity. They are who we follow and often depend on and having integrity means you can depend on them doing the "right thing". The right thing might not always be the best for you personally but the right thing is always the "right thing to do" and we all need to support doing it.

5) Love - Love is what makes everything worthwhile. Sharing joy with someone makes it better and sharing pain with someone relieves some of the pain.

You will notice that economics is not on my 5 most important values and that is because making money often depends on others and not something I can have total control of. In addition, I believe that if you have the values that God wants us to have, that he will take care of us economically. At least to the point that he will not let us starve.

FYI, my father was rich and poor twice and died poor. My own life has been a roller coaster economically, meaning that I know what being poor means and know what being rich means. Neither is acceptable without the 5 values mentioned above.
This one of the best threads ever. I tip my hat to you.

Honesty, respect and integrity are absolutely three of my tops.

I would add tolerance, humility to my top 5.

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I could not do just five...this sums up my code pretty well.

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