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What are your favorite places/people to go to for health, fitness, nutrition advice? (1 Viewer)


Loves third parties and steak
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Mar 25, 2010
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Libertarian - Right
I've been watching Dr. Ken Berry on YouTube for a few weeks. My favorite for fitness is Sydney Cummings.

Anyone have a podcast, channel, show, book that you think is excellent for health-related advice?

My blood sugar has always been nearly perfect, that's just some darn good general dietary advice.
The woods and wooded river valley near my home. I walk in the spring, summer and fall and snowshoe in the winter.

Good fresh air, good exercise and nobody around to bug me except the damned cat who gets walked too, weather permitting. She does not get walked in the winter or when there is still significant snow on the ground.

Cheers, be well and good exercising.
Did someone mention cats? Shhhh.

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