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What are the precise tasks of the President and Vice-President all day? (1 Viewer)

Ima Troll

Oct 7, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
What are the precise tasks of the President and Vice-President all day?

think of this; the boss (in this case the president) has to do the work of ten people; so when the boss doesnt get it all done, he just delegates it to the assistant (in this case the vice-president)

so really the vice-president has more work to do than the president, because the president doesnt get most of his work done (heavy workload and all), and has to delegate most of it; stuff like abrupt hurricanes and terrorist attacks leave all sorts of unfinished deskwork, foreign trips and local political visits to perform; think of a bad day at work; imagine having double the workload that the president has (due to excessive delegation), but only half of the authority

see, the boss is the one in the spotlight (who we accuse of not doing anything), but the assistant boss is the one who actually is delegated all of the work (who we never see); so actually it just seems like the vice-president isnt doing anything, but the vice-president is actually quite busy, if not busier than the president; really, its the president who really isnt doing anything if you notice; he just walks around all day, and says stuff to people
Most presidents delegate their work to their staff, not to their vice president. Dick Cheney is the exception, not the rule.
Kandahar said:
Most presidents delegate their work to their staff, not to their vice president. Dick Cheney is the exception, not the rule.
so what are the precise tasks of each office then?
To piladge and rape america to appease the ELITE few with off shore bank accounts
Canuck said:
To piladge and rape america to appease the ELITE few with off shore bank accounts
and how might this be demonstrated on a daily to-do list?

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