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What am I??!!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
OK this is coming from my angst of having no political movement to identify with and/or lend support to. I've decided to ask you guys what you think I am.

BTW I used to think I was a Social Democrat but I'm not sure anymore.

VIEWS AND GOALS (In no particular Order)

1. I don't like the idea of big corporations because I think they have become too powerful and use their money to buy off politicians so they can make decisions that are harmful to people and the enviroment. I don't think gov't regulation is the best idea for the long term (though I'm supportive of short term intervention). I am supportive of alternative means of organized consumer boycotting or some kind of consumers union to counter the corporations power.

2. I think we should progress towards a society that exists without govenrment but, as people aren't ready for such a society, we should take baby steps towards such a time but W/O getting rid of the basic ideas of freedom.

3.Education should be of peak importance. This is because, (and I don't even know if this is true) if education in this country was so good that there weren't very many people working in shops, employers would be forced to pay higher to employees and there would be no need for any kind of welfare.

4. People are free to live as they should until their happiness causes anothers misery. The workers should not climb upon the backs of the rich, but the rich shouldn't ride on the backs of the workers either

5. Abolish gov't run military to be replaced by a civillian run military in order to prevent immoral use of military and to protect ourselves from our government.

6. I think we should increase enviromental protection and resist as much as possible destruction of enviorment.
My social views have always been very leftist.
You are a tecoyatarian.
Generally speaking, you sound like a neoliberal (except for the consumer union idea). I'm a little confused in what you mean by #5. Isn't the military already "civilian-run" in that civilians elect the person who commands it?
Yeah but I think civillians should sorta become the military, if that makes any sense. The first line of defense for our nation would be kind of a civillian militia and instead of our military intervening in everyones affairs, we would lend support to a global intervention UN run type thing. That would definitaly be a long term goal though.

I also looked into neoliberalism and it doesn't sound like something I would support.
Like a militia funded and operated by private citizens? I think that would create a lot more problems than it solves...at least the current military is held somewhat accountable since the commander-in-chief is elected by the American people. If militias were privately funded and operated, what happens if the McDonald's Marines decides to go to war with the Arby's Army?
Well yeah. . .that is a potential problem. . .

Well it's either that or completely demilitarize in favor of a kinda Global UN operated army but I'm not sure how that would work either.

It's just a theory though. I know its not perfect. I do think a military that worked globally might be better cause at least you have some kind of understanding between nations rather then all that cowboy bullshit. It might prevent future wars.
i would have to say you are a whiskey swilling, potato eating, South Shore piece of White Trash :lol:

Just like me
The last thing you should do is have others define you...
cnredd said:
The last thing you should do is have others define you...

Excellent point.........^^^^
Originally posted by cnredd:
The last thing you should do is have others define you...
That's pretty funny, coming from you.
Kandahar said:
Generally speaking, you sound like a neoliberal (except for the consumer union idea). I'm a little confused in what you mean by #5. Isn't the military already "civilian-run" in that civilians elect the person who commands it?

Neoliberalism is primarily an economic policy, and Finn's positions 1 and 6 do not really sound like neoliberalism to me.

Despite the word "liberal" in neoliberalism, neoliberalism is really something more akin to Reagonomics -- let the free market run wild and reduce protection for the environment and for workers.

here is the wikipedia article so Finn can decide for himself.

I saw that. It didn't sound like me at all. It actually sounded like the complete opposite of me economically. It read like corporationism.
FinnMacCool said:
OK this is coming from my angst of having no political movement to identify with and/or lend support to. I've decided to ask you guys what you think I am.

I think you are somebody who should keep on searching and keep on asking questions and not worry too much about the labels. Hopefully, at some point this might lead to a lack of angst rather than furthering it as your mind will contunue to be opened rather than closed. From where I sit, your lack of easy identification is a GOOD thing.

Seems to me that once people become thoroughly satisfied that they conform to a label, everything pretty much shuts down. I think it is more important to keep asking questions and work on your value system than it is to worry about whether you conform to the label.

Perhaps you just need to start thinking of the advantages. I mean, when people indulge in all this "You liberals" or "You conservatives" polemic stuff, you'll know that aren't talking about you.

Insted of movements to support, perhaps you could support values and ideas individually? Take the "antiwar" moverment for instance. Now, IMO, it is quite possible to be against the war in Iraq without having to support the whole "movement" which often includes an awful lot garbage that is more than just being against the war. It is quite possible to have reservations about abortion without throwing in your lot with zealots who bomb abortion clinics. Seems to me that movements by nature tend to attract some extreme people, and it is the extremity that can be off putting.

Anyway, just be who you are and tell the folks who want to label you to f.o.

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