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"What Am I Here For?" (D. Ellington) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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Political Leaning
I am a newbie here but i've seen quite a few forums and I like the character of international forums where information is exchanged for the knowledge of all.

I'll just asy a few words about myself which I ususally don't like to do but here I believe it is just good manners to left folks know how one thinks and why.

I am a first generation American born in the US Midwest to immigrante parents from Italy and Spain. I was educated by the American system and also in Spanish schools when my mother took us for extended stays in the country of her birth. I have also spent time in my father's home in Italy. My parents came to the US in the 1930's . My father from Montelepre in Sicily (no one in my family ever has been in the Mafia but we do boast of a few mountain bandits of the "Robin Hood" type) and my mother from Seville in Andalusia.

I served in the military in the Southeast Asian Conflict. I did my service in Laos and I am as proud of that as was my father who served in Europe with the "Big Red 1" doring WWII.

After my service I came home only to be greatly disappointed by the attitude of the majority of my countrymen towards me and my comrades at arms. I left the country and went back to Asia where i lived and studied for 6 years. Later I went to Spain with my wife and we lived there for almost twenty years.

My interests are in music (I am a competent performer on several instruments) like Jazz, Flamenco and what we erroniously refer to with the catch all phrase "classical music". I was an avid reader for many years but much less lately . Still I do read as much as i can. I am also a great fan of film when it is used as an inteligent medium and not as a opiate. I am also, as you can see by my nic, a great fan of Japanese Anime.

Religiously I am a Roman Catholic... Italian and Spanish. What else could I be. To me organized religion is a s much cultural as it is spiritual and pehaps even more so. Spirituallity to me is personal and i don't equate it to a great degree with the Church. My spiritually has been formed by my experiences not by religious doctrine.

Politically I come from humble origins and my tendency is some what left of center in the American political spectrum which makes me slightly right of center in modern European politics. Part of that comes with age. I have three children. Two of them live in Spain and one here in the Midwest. So I spend almost an equal amount of time on boths sides of the Atlantic. I have no party affiliations and tend to vote for the candidates who offer me something. I don't mean me, the individual, but rather the class of society to which I belong.

My greatest interest outside of my family and what i do to make a living is the condition of my ex-GI buddies who are in dire straits. I belong to a support group here as well as an American Legion post and another veterans group in the Pacific Northwest. With my legion post i mostly work with young people as a part time coach of our baseball team.

As far as sports go i am an avid baseball fan I like soccer and the bullfights. I believe that humor is the best medicine for the soul and you'll see some of in me.

I was injured in the war but not in the "Butt-toks". And that's all I have to say about that.

Oh yeah... and I am a lousy speller.
Wow fantastic intro.

Welcome to the forum. :2wave:

I look forward to reading more of your posts...even if they're badly spelled. :mrgreen:
Very nice intro!
The quick insight so far into your world seems facinating, can't wait to hear some of your ideas and positions on some of the most sensative topics we have going on.

Welcome to Debate Politics!
Welcome to Debate Politics and "Thank You" for your service.:2wave:
Thanks for the nice introduction Inuyasha and welcome to Debate Politics! I also live on both sides of the Atlantic and feel blessed with the opportunity to view issues from different vantage points. Once again, a warm welcome and hope to see you on the threads! :2wave:

btw: I also dabble in music and in my collection is a 1966 Martin acoustic :)

Thanks everyone for the kind welcome and the birthday greetings. I am now so old that my SS number is 3.

Tashah, i am sure you are very proud of that 66 Martin. Those were great instumernts. My arsenal of guitars is dimished to a 64 Manuel Contraras, a 1070 Conder Hermanos and a 1996 Jose Romero- all flamenco and all Spanish made with the back and sides of Spanish or Lebonese cypress, German pine tops and ebony finger boards. i also have a 1968 Richard Brunè (US made) of New England maple and Washington pine. I also have a 1960 Selmer Mark VI tenor saxophone and a 1979 Yamaha soprano.. I don't play them too much anymore because of my respetory problems. maybe i shpuld. might be good therapy.
Inuyasha said:
Religiously I am a Roman Catholic... Italian and Spanish. What else could I be. To me organized religion is a s much cultural as it is spiritual and pehaps even more so. Spirituallity to me is personal and i don't equate it to a great degree with the Church. My spiritually has been formed by my experiences not by religious doctrine.

i'd ask you to marry me, but i see you're already taken!:mrgreen:

Inuyasha said:
I am a newbie here but i've seen quite a few forums and I like the character of international forums where information is exchanged for the knowledge of all.

I'll just asy a few words about myself which I ususally don't like to do but here I believe it is just good manners to left folks know how one thinks and why.

I am a first generation American born in the US Midwest to immigrante parents from Italy and Spain. I was educated by the American system and also in Spanish schools when my mother took us for extended stays in the country of her birth. I have also spent time in my father's home in Italy. My parents came to the US in the 1930's . My father from Montelepre in Sicily (no one in my family ever has been in the Mafia but we do boast of a few mountain bandits of the "Robin Hood" type) and my mother from Seville in Andalusia.

I served in the military in the Southeast Asian Conflict. I did my service in Laos and I am as proud of that as was my father who served in Europe with the "Big Red 1" doring WWII.

After my service I came home only to be greatly disappointed by the attitude of the majority of my countrymen towards me and my comrades at arms. I left the country and went back to Asia where i lived and studied for 6 years. Later I went to Spain with my wife and we lived there for almost twenty years.

My interests are in music (I am a competent performer on several instruments) like Jazz, Flamenco and what we erroniously refer to with the catch all phrase "classical music". I was an avid reader for many years but much less lately . Still I do read as much as i can. I am also a great fan of film when it is used as an inteligent medium and not as a opiate. I am also, as you can see by my nic, a great fan of Japanese Anime.

Religiously I am a Roman Catholic... Italian and Spanish. What else could I be. To me organized religion is a s much cultural as it is spiritual and pehaps even more so. Spirituallity to me is personal and i don't equate it to a great degree with the Church. My spiritually has been formed by my experiences not by religious doctrine.

Politically I come from humble origins and my tendency is some what left of center in the American political spectrum which makes me slightly right of center in modern European politics. Part of that comes with age. I have three children. Two of them live in Spain and one here in the Midwest. So I spend almost an equal amount of time on boths sides of the Atlantic. I have no party affiliations and tend to vote for the candidates who offer me something. I don't mean me, the individual, but rather the class of society to which I belong.

My greatest interest outside of my family and what i do to make a living is the condition of my ex-GI buddies who are in dire straits. I belong to a support group here as well as an American Legion post and another veterans group in the Pacific Northwest. With my legion post i mostly work with young people as a part time coach of our baseball team.

As far as sports go i am an avid baseball fan I like soccer and the bullfights. I believe that humor is the best medicine for the soul and you'll see some of in me.

I was injured in the war but not in the "Butt-toks". And that's all I have to say about that.

Oh yeah... and I am a lousy speller.

a belated thankyou on behalf of a grateful nation,

god I hate war protesters especially the ones who skew the line bw the soldier and the gov't that sends him to fight.
Timequake said:
i'd ask you to marry me, but i see you're already taken!:mrgreen:


Thank you for very nice compliment.:blushing2
Inuyasha said:
I know Luci from another forum. I am well traveled.
So... you know Lucidthots from another forum? Interesting.


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