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What am I doing for society? (1 Viewer)

What the fuc/k am I doing for society?

  • You suck get a job slacker.

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • If it's there take it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The ends justify the means on this one.

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I have come to the conclusion that my lifestyle is a drain on the economy and I am a leach on the public treasury.

This is due to the fact that I am a college student totally reliant on the Federal Government for my means of educational tuition, as well as, my living standards which I have grown rather accustomed to.

I believe whole heartedly in the virtue of individualism, yet if it was not for the Federal Government, which I denounce on a regular basis, my educational opportunity would be non existent.

I believe that it is with this epiphany that I have come to the conclusion that it is not the people who rely on the state to achieve their success who I dislike it is the ones who have this opportunity yet do not exploit it.

I believe that through this education that I can contribute a marginal achievement to society, however, as it stands I'm a leach on said society which goes totally against my individualistic ethics.

The question here is should I drop out of school and say fuc/k the Feds as would be in line with my philosophy or should I continue to exploit the benefits of the socialist system which I find myself in?

Ho ho! This thought just in: there's always the interest which is included on the Federal Loans which I have obtained, the interest is negligible, yet exists well below the rate of inflation so umm . . .

I think to much.
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Re: What the fuc/k am I doing for society?

"You suck get a job slacker."
Re: What the fuc/k am I doing for society?

Only TOTty would write a poll on himself. :roll: Man you got issues, you must be insecure as hell that you have to talk about yourself to a group of strangers.
Re: What the fuc/k am I doing for society?

There is a radical difference between someone that takes out student loans for tuition and a 4th generation welfare drooler - if for no reason is that you clearly intend to make your life better, whereas the drooler plans to pass his way of life off to his kids.

YOU will be a provider and raise providers; he is a leech, and will produce leeches.

Besides -- you have to pay back the gvmnt loans with interest, so the gvmnt isnt really -giving- you anything.

Keep on keepin' on.
Re: What the fuc/k am I doing for society?

I'm of the school of thought that as long as we're forced to pay taxes for things, we may as well get our money's worth from the social programs.

I'm a libertarian on most issues but I'm inclined to make an exception for education. Public-financed education needs to be completely reformed, but I don't think it necessarily needs to be eliminated. Why do I make an exception? For the same reason I support government intervention in breaking up monopolies, paying for infrastructure, etc.: Because it seems to me like a clear case of market failure. If the government didn't occasionally intervene in cases like these, the economy would function at a less-than-optimal level.
Re: What the fuc/k am I doing for society?

M14 Shooter said:
Besides -- you have to pay back the gvmnt loans with interest, so the gvmnt isnt really -giving- you anything.

I disagree. Student loans issued by the government usually have an interest rate much lower than the market rate, and sometimes the interest is waived entirely. And if you attend a public school, the cost of attendance is already paid for, in large part, by the taxpayers.

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