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What about those who don't believe in God? (1 Viewer)


"Mercy triumphs over judgment..."
DP Veteran
May 28, 2017
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Down South
Besides the man's voice and accent being messmerizing, I also appreciated his reasoning...makes sense to me...

Taken from the open form at Yale University in 2010, Ravi answers a question from a student at Yale about those who do not believe in God.

"Your pursuit of what is ultimate assumes that you find relevance in that belief," says Ravi Zacharias. But how are we to navigate the shoreless sea that constitutes our pluralistic world of conflicting ideas? Moreover, how do we remain committed to a particular worldview in a culture that dogmatically opposes any form of exclusivity? Most important of all, must Christianity itself be exclusive?

In the full message available on DVD, Ravi continually demonstrates the Christian worldview is not unique for being exclusive but rather for its ability to stand up to scrutiny and to provide answers to the ultimate questions.
Besides the man's voice and accent being messmerizing, I also appreciated his reasoning...makes sense to me...

special pleading for the things don't create themselves

and the idea that a stained glass window has a lot of pieces and is created and human dna has more pieces so must be created seems dubious

and when i ask for something like a personalized note from your god just spring i get nothing
Inteligibility does not require inteligence.

The way rivers flow is understandable, intelligable, but that does not mean that they are making intelligent decisions or choices when the deposit silt in one place and errode another.

Semi-intelligibel is probably the best sumary of this drivel.
Besides the man's voice and accent being messmerizing, I also appreciated his reasoning...makes sense to me...

The only reason it would make sense is because you already believe in id rather than he said anything that supports the idea.
The only reason it would make sense is because you already believe in id rather than he said anything that supports the idea.

Why is it that those with no spiritual beliefs must criticize those who do?
I don't criticize those with no beliefs. Tell me, why must mine be criticized?
Why is it that those with no spiritual beliefs must criticize those who do?
I don't criticize those with no beliefs. Tell me, why must mine be criticized?

When you post drivel here to try to spread your ideas, that is what this whole forum is about, to persuade the world of your ideas, then they will be challenged.

You will not get a free pass.
Why is it that those with no spiritual beliefs must criticize those who do?
I don't criticize those with no beliefs. Tell me, why must mine be criticized?

This is a debate forum where we debate competing ideas and positions. The moderators were kind enough, however, to create another sub forum here where you can discuss your religious beliefs without having them criticized. Here you go:

This is a debate forum where we debate competing ideas and positions. The moderators were kind enough, however, to create another sub forum here where you can discuss your religious beliefs without having them criticized. Here you go:


Yep, if you are feeling snowflake you can always run away to the religious section and not have those nasty people show just how silly your ideas are.
This is a debate forum where we debate competing ideas and positions. The moderators were kind enough, however, to create another sub forum here where you can discuss your religious beliefs without having them criticized. Here you go:


Oh, that worked out real well. They got tired of trolling this forum and just moved over to the theology forum.
Curious...this question is to the non-believers...what exactly would it take for you to believe there is a God who created all things?
Curious...this question is to the non-believers...what exactly would it take for you to believe there is a God who created all things?

have it show up and create and fill a parawell universe poofing a galaxy into being over and over would be pretty convincing
Why is it that those with no spiritual beliefs must criticize those who do?
I don't criticize those with no beliefs. Tell me, why must mine be criticized?

Because i am not pushing some bull**** reasoning to suck others into this crap.

And you are wrong. i could not care less what you choose to believe. But show upon a debate site claiming a good reason for a god and you will get some disagreement over it.

As well theists beliefs are not criticised, they are critiqued and fail to deliver any good reasoning.
Curious...this question is to the non-believers...what exactly would it take for you to believe there is a God who created all things?

And let's reverse that. What would it take for you to understand how silly these make believe gods are?
Curious...this question is to the non-believers...what exactly would it take for you to believe there is a God who created all things?

Proof would be nice.
Because i am not pushing some bull**** reasoning to suck others into this crap.

And you are wrong. i could not care less what you choose to believe. But show upon a debate site claiming a good reason for a god and you will get some disagreement over it.

As well theists beliefs are not criticised, they are critiqued and fail to deliver any good reasoning.

Where am I "pushing some bull**** reasoning to suck others into this crap"?
Apparently you have a hatred for those with spiritual beliefs, why is that?
I've claimed nothing, I asked a simple question, one you have not answered, unless ridicule is an answer.
Where am I "pushing some bull**** reasoning to suck others into this crap"?
Apparently you have a hatred for those with spiritual beliefs, why is that?
I've claimed nothing, I asked a simple question, one you have not answered, unless ridicule is an answer.

Did not say you were. I pointed out that the link given is just another example of that.
I merely answered your question. If you wish to take it personally then that is your problem.

And i have answered it. Theists create incredibly stupid arguments and try to pass them off as reason. They fail, miserably.

Besides the man's voice and accent being messmerizing, I also appreciated his reasoning...makes sense to me...

Indian accents are pretty cool...provided their owners speak slowly as does Ravi. Trust me, if you go to India and hear Indians speaking English at their nation's pace of doing so and using Indian-English meter, you may find their accent "mesmerizing," albeit quite differently than in the way Ravi's struck you.

I can't tell you how often (ages ago, now) I had to tell my Indian staff to slow down when speaking to the client. (I asked them to do so when speaking with colleagues, but I wouldn't "ding" them for speaking rapidly with internal personnel, but most certainly did if the client complained, I provided the counseling message and the client sometime afterwards again complained.)​
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Curious...this question is to the non-believers...what exactly would it take for you to believe there is a God who created all things?

A lobotomy?
Where am I "pushing some bull**** reasoning to suck others into this crap"?
Apparently you have a hatred for those with spiritual beliefs, why is that?
I've claimed nothing, I asked a simple question, one you have not answered, unless ridicule is an answer.

Did not say you were. I pointed out that the link given is just another example of that.
I merely answered your question. If you wish to take it personally then that is your problem.

And i have answered it. Theists create incredibly stupid arguments and try to pass them off as reason. They fail, miserably..

Then one must conclude that ridicule is your answer.

Indian accents are pretty cool...provided their owners speak slowly as does Ravi. Trust me, if you go to India and hear Indians speaking English at their nation's pace of doing so and using Indian-English meter, you may find their accent "mesmerizing," albeit quite differently than in the way Ravi's struck you.

I can't tell you how often (ages ago, now) I had to tell my Indian staff to slow down when speaking to the client. (I asked them to do so when speaking with colleagues, but I wouldn't "ding" them for speaking rapidly with internal personnel, but most certainly did if the client complained, I provided the counseling message and the client sometime afterwards again complained.)​

Oh, I have heard the fast talkers...we have several Dr's here who are of Indian descent...they talk fast and I cannot understand a word they say and often have to ask them to repeat themselves...
Then one must conclude that ridicule is your answer.

Why would anyone make such a conclusion when it is in fact correct. Best you can do it would seem is try to bluster. Or you could try and produce a reason, and watch it fail.
Curious...this question is to the non-believers...what exactly would it take for you to believe there is a God who created all things?

have an immortal with puncture wounds show us and start singing

Curious...this question is to the non-believers...what exactly would it take for you to believe there is a God who created all things?

Some evidence that could not be explianed without such a thing.
Some evidence that could not be explianed without such a thing.

“His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.” Romans 1:20

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