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What’s worse sloppy email practices or theft of classified documents? (1 Viewer)

Which is worse?

  • Sloppy email practices

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Theft of classified material

    Votes: 21 91.3%
  • I just want to vote on something!

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
Theft is worse since it is premeditated and deliberate - the underlying motivation makes it particularly damning.
Clinton - accused of sloppy email practices

Trump - accused of the theft of classified documents

Which is worse?
I was thinking of starting the exact same poll. I think deliberately removing classified documents from the WH and storing them in your hotel/house is worse.

Why are we even having this conversation?

Well, lots of these libs have a serious TDS infection. It’s a pandemic of the left but even worse then Covid. So let’s not upset the libs to much it’s not so much their fault. It’s mostly cnn and the MSM
What an embarrassment Trump is.

How embarrassing it must be to have even a modicum of intelligence yet still feel committed to deflecting for the Criminally Insane Orange Idiot.
No votes for Hillary's "crime". Hmmmm.
Clinton - accused of sloppy email practices

Trump - accused of the theft of classified documents

Which is worse?
Sandy Berger got in real legal trouble for doing the same thing under one of the Democratic administrations. Republicans are hypocrites - one actually said to me in another thread that they had to become so evil because the Democrats made them that way! I'm serious!
Clinton - accused of sloppy email practices

Trump - accused of the theft of classified documents

Which is worse?

That depends.

If sloppy email practices resulted in classified information getting into the hands of our enemies, and "theft of classified documents" resulted in an ex-president having classified documents in his garage, then sloppy email practices are far worse.
Sandy Berger got in real legal trouble for doing the same thing under one of the Democratic administrations. Republicans are hypocrites - one actually said to me in another thread that they had to become so evil because the Democrats made them that way! I'm serious!
Sandy Berger was not president.
No, the president decides what is classified.

Too bad he didn't unclassify it while he was still president then. Too late now.

Even if he had unclassified it, that wouldn't make it legal for him to have it with him at Mar-a-Lago. But he didn't unclassify it. Adding even more injury to the theft.

Crime upon crime. Standard fare for this most treacherous ex-president.

Thank God he is the ex-president.
For some on the right, being a female or being black and in power is the worst thing.......except for a black female in power.
Clinton - accused of sloppy email practices

Trump - accused of the theft of classified documents

Which is worse?
One is done thru ignorance, though it's not a pass

The other is intentional breaking of procedures

Both individuals are technically challenged.
Clinton - accused of sloppy email practices

Trump - accused of the theft of classified documents

Which is worse?
Clinton destroyed (deleted) thousands of documents. A major theft. Plus had top secret code word material on a unsecured computer system.

No doubt Trump had a scif to protect information.
By the way your choices are partisan nonsense! But that is condition normal.
Sandy Berger got in real legal trouble for doing the same thing under one of the Democratic administrations. Republicans are hypocrites - one actually said to me in another thread that they had to become so evil because the Democrats made them that way! I'm serious!
You understand that Berger went into the national archives and took classified documents out of the building by shoving them in his underwear..... but the fool go caught. On the way out. Absolutely No comparison to Clinton or Trump.

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