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WH Denies Endorsement Will Intimidate FBI Investigators (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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Obama meets privately with Loretta Lynch.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that President Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton will not "sway" the ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton.

The statement came after Obama released a video endorsing Clinton for president of the United States.

Later this afternoon, according to the White House, Obama is meeting with the attorney general. The meeting is "closed press."
WH Denies Endorsement Will Intimidate FBI Investigators | The Weekly Standard
Sooo...is the "Fix"............. in?
Obama meets privately with Loretta Lynch.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that President Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton will not "sway" the ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton.

The statement came after Obama released a video endorsing Clinton for president of the United States.

Later this afternoon, according to the White House, Obama is meeting with the attorney general. The meeting is "closed press."
WH Denies Endorsement Will Intimidate FBI Investigators | The Weekly Standard

I think it odd that a sitting President should be allowed to intrude into the electoral process. It seems somehow like a misuse of power.
I think it odd that a sitting President should be allowed to intrude into the electoral process. It seems somehow like a misuse of power.


obie has been misusing his power for 7+ years!

He and the Clintons, should all be in prison!
From my perspective, it's only natural that a sitting President would support the nominee of his party going forward, presuming that the nominee would be most likely to carry on that President's policies and initiatives if they should win. Often, it's been the sitting VP who's the nominee, but that hasn't happened since Al Gore in 2000 and we all know that Al Gore ran away from Billy Boy and his impeachment as fast as he could.

As for the investigation, hard to imagine the FBI could slow walk their look into Clinton any more than they already have. If anything, considering that Clinton is likely to win the Presidency, the FBI might be more intimidated by Clinton becoming the new boss far more than they would a lame duck President who's clearly of little consequence at this point in time.
From my perspective, it's only natural that a sitting President would support the nominee of his party going forward, presuming that the nominee would be most likely to carry on that President's policies and initiatives if they should win. Often, it's been the sitting VP who's the nominee, but that hasn't happened since Al Gore in 2000 and we all know that Al Gore ran away from Billy Boy and his impeachment as fast as he could.

As for the investigation, hard to imagine the FBI could slow walk their look into Clinton any more than they already have. If anything, considering that Clinton is likely to win the Presidency, the FBI might be more intimidated by Clinton becoming the new boss far more than they would a lame duck President who's clearly of little consequence at this point in time.

If they do that, they are cowards to the max..............and trample on the Rule of Law.
If Hillary is elected before charges are brought forward then I have no doubt that charges will NEVER be brought forward and the case will die a silent death as it is conveniently ignored by the press for more "pressing" issues.

I know, conspiracy theory right? .... We'll see....

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