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West Virginia Mayor: The Clintons Are ‘Simply Not Welcome In Our Town’ [VIDEO] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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Putting aside personal feelings towards coal and energy policy, this is what happens when your town (and frankly state) is so one dimensional that even the thought of having an anti-coal politician is not a welcome thought. Well done Mayor, well done.
Putting aside personal feelings towards coal and energy policy, this is what happens when your town (and frankly state) is so one dimensional that even the thought of having an anti-coal politician is not a welcome thought. Well done Mayor, well done.
Gosh..yeah. They sound like...well...pretty much every college campus in America and the throngs of shrieking liberals protesting Trump rallies.
Gosh..yeah. They sound like...well...pretty much every college campus in America and the throngs of shrieking liberals protesting Trump rallies.

I don't disagree with you. Mr. Trump deserves the right to speak just as much as the Clintons do. Though I don';t really see the parallel you are trying to make.
Bill Clinton was heckled and booed on Sunday during a campaign event in Logan, West Virginia, where the town’s mayor recently informed Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin that the former first couple are “simply not welcome” because of their “anti-coal messages.”

West Virginia Mayor Says The Clintons Are Not Welcome | The Daily Caller

Isn't that a little bit of overreach for a mayor to speak for each and every citizen of the town?

I am no fan of the Clintons, but just sayin'.
I don't disagree with you. Mr. Trump deserves the right to speak just as much as the Clintons do. Though I don';t really see the parallel you are trying to make.
True...its not ENTIRELY parallel as the vast majority of people at Trump rallies DO want to hear him speak and most of the gined up outrage is done by paid protesters.
Isn't that a little bit of overreach for a mayor to speak for each and every citizen of the town?

I am no fan of the Clintons, but just sayin'.

Yeah, but mayors, governors, and Presidents do it all the time.
Isn't that a little bit of overreach for a mayor to speak for each and every citizen of the town?

I am no fan of the Clintons, but just sayin'.

Joe Manchin is my most favorite Democrat of this time in history--an honest good guy reminiscent of the party when I was a Democrat. If he was running for President instead of Hillary, I would be seriously considering him as my man.

So since he was probably in a leadership position to orchestrate a Ciinton speech or rally in West Virginia, he was the logical one for the mayor to explain the situation to. You just aren't going to be a swell person if you are anti-coal in a West Virginia coal town. I don't think the mayor was speaking for everybody. He was explaining why Clinton would not be well received there.

I was raised at a time when free speech was encouraged and held sacred though. And I don't understand and strongly disapprove of this trend for angry crowds to shout down and shut up or deny a person a forum just because they don't agree with that person's point of view. To me that is very un-American as well as completely closed minded. Let him speak and just don't go to the speech. That would send a much stronger message than these angry protest things do.
Yeah, but mayors, governors, and Presidents do it all the time.

Yep.....obama and my un-elected Gov. are always speaking for me, although I'm vehemently opposed to both of them.

Joe Manchin is my most favorite Democrat of this time in history--an honest good guy reminiscent of the party when I was a Democrat. If he was running for President instead of Hillary, I would be seriously considering him as my man.

So since he was probably in a leadership position to orchestrate a Ciinton speech or rally in West Virginia, he was the logical one for the mayor to explain the situation to. You just aren't going to be a swell person if you are anti-coal in a West Virginia coal town. I don't think the mayor was speaking for everybody. He was explaining why Clinton would not be well received there.

I was raised at a time when free speech was encouraged and held sacred though. And I don't understand and strongly disapprove of this trend for angry crowds to shout down and shut up or deny a person a forum just because they don't agree with that person's point of view. To me that is very un-American as well as completely closed minded. Let him speak and just don't go to the speech. That would send a much stronger message than these angry protest things do.

Yes, Manchin is a decent guy, too bad his a Democrat.

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