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West Hollywood Inundated With Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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On Wednesday morning, posters suddenly appeared in West Hollywood, California featuring a gay version of the Gadsden Flag featuring a rattlesnake on top of the gay rainbow. The flags also had the hashtag #ShootBack indicating a more proactive approach to gay self-defense.

The posters were attracting attention in front of the Pacific Design Center, The Abbey, West Hollywood City Hall and in front of artist Chad Michael Morrisette's house. Morrisette had covered the roof of his house with 50 mannequins to make a statement about the Orlando shootings.

West Hollywood Inundated With AMAZING Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters | Daily Wire
On Wednesday morning, posters suddenly appeared in West Hollywood, California featuring a gay version of the Gadsden Flag featuring a rattlesnake on top of the gay rainbow. The flags also had the hashtag #ShootBack indicating a more proactive approach to gay self-defense.

The posters were attracting attention in front of the Pacific Design Center, The Abbey, West Hollywood City Hall and in front of artist Chad Michael Morrisette's house. Morrisette had covered the roof of his house with 50 mannequins to make a statement about the Orlando shootings.

West Hollywood Inundated With AMAZING Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters | Daily Wire

West Hollywood is in Los angeles county. Shooting back probably not possible unless you are politically connected.
well they're entitled to feel how they want about the risks they face. It likely wasn't just about orlando but the LA parade arrest. I have heard gay people as far as chicago say they're afraid to leave the house now. This has especially hit younger people who have never feared for their safety. Obviously after a tragedy there will be a wide range of reactions
West Hollywood is in Los angeles county. Shooting back probably not possible unless you are politically connected.

Bad guys can't carry there...right.

My neighbor said today, "what a bunch of clowns these liberal politicians are. I'm going to just hide in a gun free zone. Bad guys can't take weapons into gun free zones, right? I mean, it's a zone where guns are not allowed, and no one is allowed to violate that.

Man...We're going to be so safe!!"

well they're entitled to feel how they want about the risks they face. It likely wasn't just about orlando but the LA parade arrest. I have heard gay people as far as chicago say they're afraid to leave the house now. This has especially hit younger people who have never feared for their safety. Obviously after a tragedy there will be a wide range of reactions

Thing is they are blowing this gay thing in Orlando out of proportion. I don't think this guy was targeting gays exclusively...there were many issues here and he obviously had a screw loose. The cops fixed that! Too bad the gay community, who supports the right to carry, just doesn't follow up and pack anyway. As I have pointed out in most of these shootings, the bad guy(s) have to focus in one direction at a time. They always have a blind side. I saw it in Paris, twice, I've seen it elsewhere.

People need to be aware, get close, get control of the weapon or deflect the weapon with one hand, and shoot the perp with their gun hand. Under his chin, back of head and do an instant kill. With a crowd like that, instead of panic....act! That's what I teach in all my classes. If you can run cleanly away, do it, but some people get trapped and that's when you have to take the fight to the perp.

In almost every mass shooting in America, an armed citizen had an opportunity to act........but gun free zones prevail, so there were none.

As I see it, people have two choices, when you go to any venue, pack a gun .........or stay home.
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well i did find this revealing...

Gun sales surge among gays, lesbians after Orlando shooting | FOX31 Denver

so is hillary/obama gonna take their guns away lol?

I posted here on the Pink Pistols two days ago....where ya been?

It's not just the gays...it's everyone buying them. The Boston Globe's front page was another push to buy.

I got on Live Chat with them today and told them that "thousands of us have gone out and bought new AR15s to counter your stupidity."

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