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Wealth redistribution vs grade redistribution (1 Viewer)


Capitalist Pig
DP Veteran
Aug 6, 2019
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Here's an interesting video where students are asked about redistributing wealth via socialism, and then asked about redistributing their own grades.

It's evidence that even progressive college students understand that redistributing value in order to force an equal outcome is morally wrong:

One student in the video asserts that most rich people got rich through inheritance, but that is false:

How Most Millionaires Got Rich - Study Results - Busine - Business News Daily
This old canard again.

We need to fix the scenario, though. We want it to match capitalism, right?

So, Barry starts the class with a GPA of SIX THOUSAND because his father owns an airline. He never shows up to class because why the **** would he?

Sarah, on the other hand, was born with a GPA of 0.6 and she doesn’t own a pencil so can’t actually take the test. She has to buy a pencil from Steve, who owns the pencil making company.

So Steve doesn’t do **** except sell pencils and gets a GPA of 500.

(An A is 4)
This old canard again.

We need to fix the scenario, though. We want it to match capitalism, right?

So, Barry starts the class with a GPA of SIX THOUSAND because his father owns an airline. He never shows up to class because why the **** would he?

Sarah, on the other hand, was born with a GPA of 0.6 and she doesn’t own a pencil so can’t actually take the test. She has to buy a pencil from Steve, who owns the pencil making company.

So Steve doesn’t do **** except sell pencils and gets a GPA of 500.

(An A is 4)

Which is irrelevant to the moral argument. Barry gets to have his 6000 because his ancestors worked to create it.

You have no right to get something from other people.

My great grandparents literally slept on the side of roads to build the wealth my family has.

Too bad today’s poor can’t do the same Because unions and the government made it impossible for people to work themselves up if they start with nothing
Which is irrelevant to the moral argument. Barry gets to have his 6000 because his ancestors worked to create it.

You have no right to get something from other people.

My great grandparents literally slept on the side of roads to build the wealth my family has.

Too bad today’s poor can’t do the same Because unions and the government made it impossible for people to work themselves up if they start with nothing
You forgot the group of wealthy people who own and control so much they fight really hard not to give that up regardless of how much others work.

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Which is irrelevant to the moral argument. Barry gets to have his 6000 because his ancestors worked to create it.

You have no right to get something from other people.

My great grandparents literally slept on the side of roads to build the wealth my family has.

Too bad today’s poor can’t do the same Because unions and the government made it impossible for people to work themselves up if they start with nothing

A 4 is an A. The extra 5996 points do absolutely nothing for him, but could make the entire class have As.
Which is irrelevant to the moral argument. Barry gets to have his 6000 because his ancestors worked to create it.

You have no right to get something from other people.

My great grandparents literally slept on the side of roads to build the wealth my family has.

Too bad today’s poor can’t do the same Because unions and the government made it impossible for people to work themselves up if they start with nothing

Says you have no right to get something from other people.

Brags about the wealth he got from people he never met.

Sounds about right.
A 4 is an A. The extra 5996 points do absolutely nothing for him, but could make the entire class have As.

Does the entire class deserve to have A's? You get the best grade possible just for showing up. If a A is 4 then a C would be 2. So everyone really should start at 2. If you do a little extra and play nice with others you can earn a point and get to the B level. Opposite also true do the least amount possible screw around and you can loose a point and get a D. A's and F's should be really hard to get.
Does the entire class deserve to have A's? You get the best grade possible just for showing up. If a A is 4 then a C would be 2. So everyone really should start at 2. If you do a little extra and play nice with others you can earn a point and get to the B level. Opposite also true do the least amount possible screw around and you can loose a point and get a D. A's and F's should be really hard to get.

Yeah, wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone started at 2 instead of some people starting at a thousand and other starting at negative ten?
Yeah, wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone started at 2 instead of some people starting at a thousand and other starting at negative ten?

It would be better if everyone worked to better themselves and not make poor choices that result in their loosing points.
Yeah, wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone started at 2 instead of some people starting at a thousand and other starting at negative ten?

No, it would not be.

Because it would be a lie.
It would be better if everyone worked to better themselves and not make poor choices that result in their loosing points.

Like the guy who never has to show up to class so doesn’t learn ANY of the material but gets an A anyway?
Like the guy who never has to show up to class so doesn’t learn ANY of the material but gets an A anyway?

What if there is someone who never shows up to class and gets an a anyway? What difference does that make for you? The fact that you would even think about such a thing just out to you as a whiny entitled person
What if there is someone who never shows up to class and gets an a anyway? What difference does that make for you? The fact that you would even think about such a thing just out to you as a whiny entitled person

I wasn’t the one whining about people getting grades they don’t “deserve.”
AHA-----------they are all for sharing if it is the OTHER GUY that is sharing, not them.
AHA-----------they are all for sharing if it is the OTHER GUY that is sharing, not them.

It’s an absurd situation because grades are not remotely comparable to any economic system.
Here's an interesting video where students are asked about redistributing wealth via socialism, and then asked about redistributing their own grades.

It's evidence that even progressive college students understand that redistributing value in order to force an equal outcome is morally wrong:

One student in the video asserts that most rich people got rich through inheritance, but that is false:

How Most Millionaires Got Rich - Study Results - Busine - Business News Daily

Conquest's First Law strikes again.
This old canard again.

We need to fix the scenario, though. We want it to match capitalism, right?

So, Barry starts the class with a GPA of SIX THOUSAND because his father owns an airline. He never shows up to class because why the **** would he?

Sarah, on the other hand, was born with a GPA of 0.6 and she doesn’t own a pencil so can’t actually take the test. She has to buy a pencil from Steve, who owns the pencil making company.

So Steve doesn’t do **** except sell pencils and gets a GPA of 500.

(An A is 4)

What do you plan to do with your estate when you die?
Which is irrelevant to the moral argument. Barry gets to have his 6000 because his ancestors worked to create it.

You have no right to get something from other people.

My great grandparents literally slept on the side of roads to build the wealth my family has.

Too bad today’s poor can’t do the same Because unions and the government made it impossible for people to work themselves up if they start with nothing

Lol you don't even see the false premise in your arguement. Your ancestors were allowed to sleep on the side of the road and build themselves up.
What if my ancestors slept on the side of the road finally pulled themselves up bought real estate, started businesses had wealth and then bombs from their own country were dropped on them and wiped out everything they built?

What if my ancestors sleeping on the side of the road were jailed for doing the same thing yours were doing?

You know it's sad you want to hail your ancestors for pulling themselves up but deny others ancestors never got the chance or when they did it was destroyed.
What do you plan to do with your estate when you die?

Oh look, the little right winger thinks he has a big “gotcha” moment coming :lamo
Oh look, the little right winger thinks he has a big “gotcha” moment coming :lamo

Your unwillingness to answer the question is noted.
Lol you don't even see the false premise in your arguement. Your ancestors were allowed to sleep on the side of the road and build themselves up.
What if my ancestors slept on the side of the road finally pulled themselves up bought real estate, started businesses had wealth and then bombs from their own country were dropped on them and wiped out everything they built?

What if my ancestors sleeping on the side of the road were jailed for doing the same thing yours were doing?

You know it's sad you want to hail your ancestors for pulling themselves up but deny others ancestors never got the chance or when they did it was destroyed.

Well the world ain’t fair, and if you’re someone bitching about the past then your future will suck. I can’t wave a wand and fix any injustice real or imagined that occurred at any time in human history. You however can go forward as though it never happened. That’s the end of that.
Your unwillingness to answer the question is noted.

You didn’t even bother trying to identify a point or any sort of relevance. Why would I bother? You may as well be asking me my shoe size. Make a point, or run away. I’m not interested in details or trolling.
You didn’t even bother trying to identify a point or any sort of relevance. Why would I bother? You may as well be asking me my shoe size. Make a point, or run away. I’m not interested in details or trolling.

As I said, your unwillingness to answer the question is noted.

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