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We need to have a conversation about white women voters... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 13, 2011
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Political Leaning

Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests? Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV? Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people? Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights? If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.
It's because white husbands beat them, like, all the time. Trust me on this, as a white guy if I'm not searching the internet for the latest evils done by Democrats and latest miracle performed by Trump it's a good bet I'm beating my wife...or cleaning my guns just in case.

Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests? Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV? Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people? Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights? If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.

They think differently than you. You cannot control them. You are a racist and a sexist.
F'in white women...what are ya gonna do?

Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests? Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV? Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people? Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights? If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.

Women used to be intelligent and good enough to be apolitical. We called them ladies. There are damned few ladies left in the world.

  • Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests?
  • Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV?
  • Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people?
  • Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights?
If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.

Your guesses are as good as mine....

For my part I just figure they are folks who think the Arctic Circle is a racetrack.

Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests? Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV? Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people? Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights? If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.

Where did you this idea that you get to decide for other people what is in their best interest?

That is called abuse.

Please Stop.

Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests? Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV? Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people? Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights? If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.

This may be your worst OP yet.
The root cause is the 19th amendment, right? Whose bright idea was that??


Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests? Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV? Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people? Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights? If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.
So white women should be democrats? This is a pathetic joke
In before the toilet handle is used!

Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests? Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV? Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people? Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights? If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.
Here's the answer (you won't like it) The bottom line is women of any color don't need you or anyone else determining there "own self interest" nor any advice un how to vote. If I were a woman I'd tell you to mind your own ****ing business and get rid of the smug, condescending views of women.

Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests? Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV? Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people? Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights? If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.

I don't think we have to worry about regressing into a theocracy. Hypocritical evangelists might sell their souls to support a lying immoral scumbag like Trump, but does anyone believe Trump would want to live in one?

I'd worry about Trump trying to run our country like a division of his family business, taking over our free press and every branch of our government and becoming a banana republic...
I don't think we have to worry about regressing into a theocracy. Hypocritical evangelists might sell their souls to support a lying immoral scumbag like Trump, but does anyone believe Trump would want to live in one?

I'd worry about Trump trying to run our country like a division of his family business, taking over our free press and every branch of our government and becoming a banana republic...

The place is already a wreck, that is why Trump is here in the first place, the leadership of the nation failed.
The place is already a wreck, that is why Trump is here in the first place, the leadership of the nation failed.

Yeah we heard, only Trump can fix it. The standard claim every despot makes....
Yeah we heard, only Trump can fix it. The standard claim every despot makes....
A despot that improves their financial status, gives them jobs and hope for the future, gives them raises, cuts their taxes. Yeah, what a horrible despot.

Why do these white women vote against their own self-interests? Is it that their husbands have Fox News on all the time on TV? Do they think they're "good girls" and won't need an abortion like those "sluts" and dark-skinned people? Or perhaps the GOP's racial hatemongering has them more afraid of migrants of color than the dismantling of their rights? If this country is to not regress into theocracy we have to get these white women making smarter votes.

damn your exactly right! I'm going to go tell my wife that she is voting against her own interests because she thinks she's a "good girl" who wont need an abortion like those sluts and dark skinned people and that she shouldn't be afriad of the migrants because the GOP has obviously made HER mind up for her with its racial hatemongering!!...

or at least I would... If I thought I could get away with it without her making her own perfectly logical decision to smack the living **** out of me for being so stupid.
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Sometimes hero's say that too....

You might not be old enough to have learned this yet, but FYI - Braggarts who tell everyone they're a hero, usually aren't.

Kim Jong-un

Like these, most dictators have/had a large following who believed their masters were heroes and happily do/did their bidding. Do you think Hitler's SS thought of themselves as anything less than heroes?

One man's authoritarian hero, is another man's tyrant. Real Americans value the freedom to ask their leaders embarrassing questions. Calling our free press the enemy of the people is just one example of Trump using methods right out of every dictator's playbook.

Many who believe in orange heroes have no idea what it means to be an American. Authoritarians always prefer a rigid society who's citizens unquestionably carryout their master's orders, while demanding blind obedience from anyone below their standing.

If you're looking for a revolution to install a dictotorship, just come out and say so...
Maybe these women have a different idea of "best interests" than you do. Also, some of them might even be voting for whoever that they think will do the most good for their country, with little regard for their own best interests. Such noble people exist.
You might not be old enough to have learned this yet, but FYI - Braggarts who tell everyone they're a hero, usually aren't.

Kim Jong-un

Like these, most dictators have/had a large following who believed their masters were heroes and happily do/did their bidding. Do you think Hitler's SS thought of themselves as anything less than heroes?

One man's authoritarian hero, is another man's tyrant. Real Americans value the freedom to ask their leaders embarrassing questions. Calling our free press the enemy of the people is just one example of Trump using methods right out of every dictator's playbook.

Many who believe in orange heroes have no idea what it means to be an American. Authoritarians always prefer a rigid society who's citizens unquestionably carryout their master's orders, while demanding blind obedience from anyone below their standing.

If you're looking for a revolution to install a dictotorship, just come out and say so...

As has been explained to you I am looking for a revolution to stop the abuse that is this forced march to UTOPIA that we have been on, without proper consent.

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