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We might be heading for a diplomatic crisis US/ Sweden... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 28, 2020
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In Sweden it is illegal to buy sex. It is illegal to obtain a temporary sexual relationship for a fee. The penalty is a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of one year. Selling sexual services is not a criminal offense. The ship USS Forrest Sherman i currently in Stockholm/Sweden...

Two US soldiers from the ship USS Forrest Sherman have been arrested in Stockholm and are suspected of having bought sex in Stockholm. Police say that it is two foreign citizens that have been arrested and are suspected of buying sex. One is suspected of buying sex in two cases. They were arrested in connection with a razzia on a sex brothel.
Surely this is all pretty simple.
If you're a service member of any country you have to obey the laws of any country you visit?

If I was in the Navy and visiting the US I would not expect to be immune from US law simply because a similar doesn't exist in the UK.
I couldn't just go about jaywalking willy-nilly just because that's not a thing in the UK.
Two US soldiers from the ship USS Forrest Sherman have been arrested in Stockholm and are suspected of having bought sex in Stockholm.
That sounds about right, lol.

That said, why would this be a diplomatic crisis? I'm sure their command isn't happy about their behavior either. They'll probably get the fine as well as some internal military punishment as well.
Surely this is all pretty simple.
If you're a service member of any country you have to obey the laws of any country you visit?

If I was in the Navy and visiting the US I would not expect to be immune from US law simply because a similar doesn't exist in the UK.
I couldn't just go about jaywalking willy-nilly just because that's not a thing in the UK.
Buying sex isn't legal in America, either (except Nevada).
That sounds about right, lol.

That said, why would this be a diplomatic crisis? I'm sure their command isn't happy about their behavior either. They'll probably get the fine as well as some internal military punishment as well.
Remember the outrage from the US when ASAP Rocky was arrested for assult? And that incident was on film...
In Sweden it is illegal to buy sex. It is illegal to obtain a temporary sexual relationship for a fee. The penalty is a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of one year. Selling sexual services is not a criminal offense.

It's funny how some mommy states punish buyers and yet others punish sellers for malum prohibitum "crimes". If all parties are consenting adults, I guess the idea of just leaving them tf alone is too radical.
It's funny how some mommy states punish buyers and yet others punish sellers for malum prohibitum "crimes". If all parties are consenting adults, I guess the idea of just leaving them tf alone is too radical.
I completely agree with this sentiment but I'm going to have to ask you to stop calling it a 'mommy state'.
I completely agree with this sentiment but I'm going to have to ask you to stop calling it a 'mommy state'.

Which term would you prefer to describe a government which "protects" adults from their own decisions, thus treating them as if they were children?
Which term would you prefer?
Anything else as long as it isn't 'daddy state' or 'mommy state'. Unless you want me to develop a fetish for the federal government.

Would nanny state be an acceptable compromise?
In Sweden it is illegal to buy sex. It is illegal to obtain a temporary sexual relationship for a fee. The penalty is a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of one year. Selling sexual services is not a criminal offense. The ship USS Forrest Sherman i currently in Stockholm/Sweden...

Two US soldiers from the ship USS Forrest Sherman have been arrested in Stockholm and are suspected of having bought sex in Stockholm. Police say that it is two foreign citizens that have been arrested and are suspected of buying sex. One is suspected of buying sex in two cases. They were arrested in connection with a razzia on a sex brothel.

I think "diplomatic crisis" is probably stretching it.

Any pics of the chix? Are they hot at least? Like Swedish Bikini Team material?
Anything else as long as it isn't 'daddy state' or 'mommy state'. Unless you want me to develop a fetish for the federal government.

Would nanny state be an acceptable compromise?

No, because nannies do not physically punish the children, unlike the way mommy dearest does.
It's funny how some mommy states punish buyers and yet others punish sellers for malum prohibitum "crimes". If all parties are consenting adults, I guess the idea of just leaving them tf alone is too radical.
The Swedish set-up is sexist, as it punishes the male, who is held responsible for his actions, and absolves the female (even though she's the one profiting off the illegal transaction) because women apparently can't make these decisions for themselves.
I completely agree with this sentiment but I'm going to have to ask you to stop calling it a 'mommy state'.
It's a matriarchy.

As long as a female is fine with the transaction, most likely it won't come to light. But if it is discovered, the seller bears no responsibility, but the buyer does.

In any case, if one visits sweden, that's the law there, so one is well-advised not to buy sex. Maybe just buy some advice and counseling, but hit it off so well that you jump each other's bones.
The Swedish set-up is sexist, as it punishes the male, who is held responsible for his actions, and absolves the female (even though she's the one profiting off the illegal transaction) because women apparently can't make these decisions for themselves.
I think you might be projecting a little bit there buddy.
I think you might be projecting a little bit there buddy.
Nope, as I would suggest the transaction be either legal or illegal, for both the seller and the buyer. The way they have it structured, it's like it's illegal to buy booze when one is underage, but not illegal to sell it to someone underage. Silly distinction, and absolves the seller while punishing the buyer.
No, because nannies do not physically punish the children, unlike the way mommy dearest does.
You really aren't making this easy. You know how it is. Libertarian socialist on the streets, fascist boot licker in the sheets.
In Sweden it is illegal to buy sex. It is illegal to obtain a temporary sexual relationship for a fee. The penalty is a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of one year. Selling sexual services is not a criminal offense. The ship USS Forrest Sherman i currently in Stockholm/Sweden...

Two US soldiers from the ship USS Forrest Sherman have been arrested in Stockholm and are suspected of having bought sex in Stockholm. Police say that it is two foreign citizens that have been arrested and are suspected of buying sex. One is suspected of buying sex in two cases. They were arrested in connection with a razzia on a sex brothel.
This is known as prostitution. It's illegal here in the US as well. I don't see any "diplomatic crisis" in the situation.
It's funny how some mommy states punish buyers and yet others punish sellers for malum prohibitum "crimes". If all parties are consenting adults, I guess the idea of just leaving them tf alone is too radical.
Well, these brothels are not equillant to the Hollywood western picture of it. Mostly it is girls from the former eastern block who have been tricked here by criminals that operate both from their home country and from Sweden with promises of ordinary jobs. Ones here, they are stripped of their passports, mentally and physically abused and forced to work in the sexindustry. They don't speak the Swedish language, most of them don't speak English either and the abusers also threatends with consequences for their families at home if they don't do as they say. There are off course also gilrs from other parts of the world that are kept under control in a similar way.

Modern slavery....

The only thing that gives them a little chance to get out of the misery is that they are not doing anything illegal themselves and that they therefore can go to the police, but then again their families are also under threat so...
Nope, as I would suggest the transaction be either legal or illegal, for both the seller and the buyer. The way they have it structured, it's like it's illegal to buy booze when one is underage, but not illegal to sell it to someone underage. Silly distinction, and absolves the seller while punishing the buyer.
Well so, there is actually a reason the law works that way in Sweden. They didn't want to legalize prostitution. However, when prostitution is fully illegal it is really harmful, especially to women. Women who get assaulted or human trafficked are discouraged from reporting it to the police because then they would be at risk of being charged too. So the idea behind doing the law in this way is it protects sellers, who are often in very vulnerable/exploitable positions.
In Sweden it is illegal to buy sex. It is illegal to obtain a temporary sexual relationship for a fee. The penalty is a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of one year. Selling sexual services is not a criminal offense. The ship USS Forrest Sherman i currently in Stockholm/Sweden...

Two US soldiers from the ship USS Forrest Sherman have been arrested in Stockholm and are suspected of having bought sex in Stockholm. Police say that it is two foreign citizens that have been arrested and are suspected of buying sex. One is suspected of buying sex in two cases. They were arrested in connection with a razzia on a sex brothel.
Why is that a diplomatic crisis? Soldiers aren't diplomats, and it's also illegal in (most of) the United States. How is this anything other than "**** Around and Find Out: International Edition"?

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