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'We Curse Christianity Three Times a Day': Can Jews and Christians Truly Reconcile? (1 Viewer)


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Aug 1, 2014
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'We Curse Christianity Three Times a Day': Can Jews and Christians Truly Reconcile?

An illuminating and important new book by historian Karma Ben Johanan, “Reconciliation and Its Discontents: Unresolved Tensions in Jewish-Christian Relations,” deals with the reciprocal conceptions of Catholics and Orthodox Jews in the era of reconciliation. Its first part is devoted to the enthusiasm on the Christian side at drawing closer to the Jews, as well as with the internal debates that arose in the Church after the reconciliation. In its second section, the book discusses the chilly responses of Orthodox Judaism, including the suspicions aroused by the Christians’ eagerness to turn a new leaf, and the rabbis’ concern over the possibility of excessive closeness.

This riveting book by Ben Johanan, a scholar of Christian-Jewish relations and theology who is currently teaching at the Humboldt University of Berlin, is based on library research and personal interviews with some of its protagonists. It is written with scholarly momentum and enriches the reader with essential information to help us understand both ourselves and the Other. The author is to be congratulated on her splendid writing, fresh style and eloquent, cogent turn of phrase.

In its second part, the book presents the internal Orthodox Jewish discourse about Christianity. The author purposefully chose Orthodoxy, of all the options, as a counterweight to the Catholic Church because of its hegemonic standing in Israel and its critical role in defining Jewish identity, although it’s doubtful this choice will curry favor with liberal American Jews. By the end, Ben Johanan concludes that, whereas Christian discourse aims at conciliation, Orthodox Jewish discourse responded to Christianity with growing hostility, which predated the Second Vatican Council and deepened thereafter.

An increasingly negative attitude toward Christianity is also seen in attempts to restore to Jewish literature expressions inimical to Christianity and to reveal anew the truth that was concealed and censored, ever since the invention of printing, for fear of incurring Christian wrath. Among the censors in the past, some genuinely wished to be enlightened Jews, as Israeli historian Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin has shown. Normalization and political freedom eliminated the fear of Christianity and served to compensate for the inferiority Jews felt for so long.

Another question considered by the halakhic literature is whether, now that the Jews possessed power, the State of Israel should destroy the churches under its rule, or whether this course of action should be avoided only because of fear of infuriating the “goyim,” as Rabbi Yehuda Gershuni (a student of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook) and Rabbi Menachem Kasher maintained.

Regrettably, while the Church is moving forward and calling for interfaith conciliation and fraternity, Jewish Orthodox circles are reviving the old controversy and claiming victory. Rabbi Cherki even expects the Christians to believe in the Jewish people in place of Jesus, because “Jew is the divine”! Manitou writes, “Gradually the Christians are discovering that the Jew does not need to Christianize but the Christian needs to Judaize.”


'We curse Christianity three times a day': Can Jews and Christians truly reconcile? - Books - Haaretz.com

Now that jews have successfully weakened and watered down the Christian faith in Europe and the US (they were behind eliminating school prayer, public displays of Christianity, and of course Hollywood's ever present ridiculing of every aspect of Christianity and Christians) jews are once again openly displaying the hatred of Christianity that repulsed Martin Luther, when he uncovered it for himself in the 16th century. Jews have not changed in their attitudes towards Christians, they're simply sensing a time when Christians will be powerless and dispossessed (thanks to the work of Jewish groups) and feeling emboldened to express their hatred of Christ and his followers. Orthodox Judaism is built in to the fabric of the government of Israel, and there is no separation between church and state in Israel as there is in the US & Europe. These anti-Christian views are officially the views of the State of Israel.
Now that jews have successfully weakened and watered down the Christian faith in Europe and the US (they were behind eliminating school prayer, public displays of Christianity, and of course Hollywood's ever present ridiculing of every aspect of Christianity and Christians) jews are once again openly displaying the hatred of Christianity that repulsed Martin Luther, when he uncovered it for himself in the 16th century. Jews have not changed in their attitudes towards Christians, they're simply sensing a time when Christians will be powerless and dispossessed (thanks to the work of Jewish groups) and feeling emboldened to express their hatred of Christ and his followers. Orthodox Judaism is built in to the fabric of the government of Israel, and there is no separation between church and state in Israel as there is in the US & Europe. These anti-Christian views are officially the views of the State of Israel.

Your daily dose of antisemitism
Now that jews have successfully weakened and watered down the Christian faith in Europe and the US (they were behind eliminating school prayer, public displays of Christianity, and of course Hollywood's ever present ridiculing of every aspect of Christianity and Christians) jews are once again openly displaying the hatred of Christianity that repulsed Martin Luther, when he uncovered it for himself in the 16th century. Jews have not changed in their attitudes towards Christians, they're simply sensing a time when Christians will be powerless and dispossessed (thanks to the work of Jewish groups) and feeling emboldened to express their hatred of Christ and his followers. Orthodox Judaism is built in to the fabric of the government of Israel, and there is no separation between church and state in Israel as there is in the US & Europe. These anti-Christian views are officially the views of the State of Israel.

The love exhibited from your Christian faith is overwhelming. The vast majority of Christians I know don't share your feelings. But your words guide us toward the truth and the light. There is no doubt we all need to get out there and hate Jews in the name of Jesus. Great job, Truthatallcost. :roll:
Now that jews have successfully weakened and watered down the Christian faith in Europe and the US (they were behind eliminating school prayer, public displays of Christianity, and of course Hollywood's ever present ridiculing of every aspect of Christianity and Christians) jews are once again openly displaying the hatred of Christianity that repulsed Martin Luther, when he uncovered it for himself in the 16th century. Jews have not changed in their attitudes towards Christians, they're simply sensing a time when Christians will be powerless and dispossessed (thanks to the work of Jewish groups) and feeling emboldened to express their hatred of Christ and his followers. Orthodox Judaism is built in to the fabric of the government of Israel, and there is no separation between church and state in Israel as there is in the US & Europe. These anti-Christian views are officially the views of the State of Israel.

Da Jooz are gonna' get ya' watch out.

I can't believe this crap still exists in 2020. Damn hitler types just don't seem to die off.
Now that jews have successfully weakened and watered down the Christian faith in Europe and the US (they were behind eliminating school prayer, public displays of Christianity, and of course Hollywood's ever present ridiculing of every aspect of Christianity and Christians) jews are once again openly displaying the hatred of Christianity that repulsed Martin Luther, when he uncovered it for himself in the 16th century. Jews have not changed in their attitudes towards Christians, they're simply sensing a time when Christians will be powerless and dispossessed (thanks to the work of Jewish groups) and feeling emboldened to express their hatred of Christ and his followers. Orthodox Judaism is built in to the fabric of the government of Israel, and there is no separation between church and state in Israel as there is in the US & Europe. These anti-Christian views are officially the views of the State of Israel.
Well, looks like your bile producing organs are back to normal.

Just don't choke.
Now that jews have successfully weakened and watered down the Christian faith in Europe and the US (they were behind eliminating school prayer, public displays of Christianity, and of course Hollywood's ever present ridiculing of every aspect of Christianity and Christians) jews are once again openly displaying the hatred of Christianity that repulsed Martin Luther, when he uncovered it for himself in the 16th century. Jews have not changed in their attitudes towards Christians, they're simply sensing a time when Christians will be powerless and dispossessed (thanks to the work of Jewish groups) and feeling emboldened to express their hatred of Christ and his followers. Orthodox Judaism is built in to the fabric of the government of Israel, and there is no separation between church and state in Israel as there is in the US & Europe. These anti-Christian views are officially the views of the State of Israel.

look i don't doubt that there are some jews who despise other religions and want to control people with their own religion .

but i also don't doubt that the only problem you have with them ( and anyone who you think is like them ) is that you are rivals. because they have ( sometimes only in your mind sometimes outside of it as well ) the same kind of attitude and ambitions that you have
Now that jews have successfully weakened and watered down the Christian faith in Europe and the US (they were behind eliminating school prayer, public displays of Christianity, and of course Hollywood's ever present ridiculing of every aspect of Christianity and Christians) jews are once again openly displaying the hatred of Christianity that repulsed Martin Luther, when he uncovered it for himself in the 16th century. Jews have not changed in their attitudes towards Christians, they're simply sensing a time when Christians will be powerless and dispossessed (thanks to the work of Jewish groups) and feeling emboldened to express their hatred of Christ and his followers. Orthodox Judaism is built in to the fabric of the government of Israel, and there is no separation between church and state in Israel as there is in the US & Europe. These anti-Christian views are officially the views of the State of Israel.

I think these are only the most radical Jews here. Most Jews don't even believe in their religion anymore.
Now that jews have successfully weakened and watered down the Christian faith in Europe and the US (they were behind eliminating school prayer, public displays of Christianity, and of course Hollywood's ever present ridiculing of every aspect of Christianity and Christians) jews are once again openly displaying the hatred of Christianity that repulsed Martin Luther, when he uncovered it for himself in the 16th century. Jews have not changed in their attitudes towards Christians, they're simply sensing a time when Christians will be powerless and dispossessed (thanks to the work of Jewish groups) and feeling emboldened to express their hatred of Christ and his followers. Orthodox Judaism is built in to the fabric of the government of Israel, and there is no separation between church and state in Israel as there is in the US & Europe. These anti-Christian views are officially the views of the State of Israel.

You'd think if gods existed, they'd intervene and straighten some of this nonsense out.
The love exhibited from your Christian faith is overwhelming. The vast majority of Christians I know don't share your feelings. But your words guide us toward the truth and the light. There is no doubt we all need to get out there and hate Jews in the name of Jesus. Great job, Truthatallcost. :roll:

Jesus Christ was not a 'go-along-to-get-along' type, ok? Have you forgotten that he was put to death? They don't execute people who don't resist. Do you see any living Christian today who has the raw courage that Jesus did? I know of a few, like the man who was imprisoned in Iran for simply reading Christian scripture aloud in public. When Jesus raged against the greed and commercialism the was rampant in the temples by kicking over the merchant's tables, do you think that ruffled some feathers? Or when he spoke of imposter jews 'who claim they are Jews, but are not', do you think that offended people?

According to people like you, Christians are supposed to be embrace the very people who seek their extinction. Jesus was no coward. Remember that.
You'd think if gods existed, they'd intervene and straighten some of this nonsense out.

the sad and horrifying thing is to many people don't think that
Jesus Christ was ...................~
if scripture is to be believed, a Jew.

First and foremost.

By all accounts absolutely disinterested of creating a new religion.

And by the same accounts, assuming they have any historical value, most likely to clean ANY temple of you and those like you.
Jesus Christ was not a 'go-along-to-get-along' type, ok? Have you forgotten that he was put to death? They don't execute people who don't resist. Do you see any living Christian today who has the raw courage that Jesus did? I know of a few, like the man who was imprisoned in Iran for simply reading Christian scripture aloud in public. When Jesus raged against the greed and commercialism the was rampant in the temples by kicking over the merchant's tables, do you think that ruffled some feathers? Or when he spoke of imposter jews 'who claim they are Jews, but are not', do you think that offended people?

According to people like you, Christians are supposed to be embrace the very people who seek their extinction. Jesus was no coward. Remember that.

Jesus was no idiot.
According to people like you, Christians are supposed to be embrace the very people who seek their extinction. Jesus was no coward. Remember that.

No, He wasn't a coward. He had the courage to love and to forgive. And He said, "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
No, He wasn't a coward. He had the courage to love and to forgive. And He said, "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

Not to mention Him being a Jew. Who cares who curses whom, my God is bigger than all that.
Now that jews have successfully weakened and watered down the Christian faith in Europe and the US (they were behind eliminating school prayer, public displays of Christianity, and of course Hollywood's ever present ridiculing of every aspect of Christianity and Christians) jews are once again openly displaying the hatred of Christianity that repulsed Martin Luther, when he uncovered it for himself in the 16th century. Jews have not changed in their attitudes towards Christians, they're simply sensing a time when Christians will be powerless and dispossessed (thanks to the work of Jewish groups) and feeling emboldened to express their hatred of Christ and his followers. Orthodox Judaism is built in to the fabric of the government of Israel, and there is no separation between church and state in Israel as there is in the US & Europe. These anti-Christian views are officially the views of the State of Israel.

The all powerful Jew....


Sounds like you should write a book.... "My Struggle" would be a good title.
The all powerful Jew....


Sounds like you should write a book.... "My Struggle" would be a good title.

Fledermaus cannot accuse me of lying, because my sources are nearly always drawn from jews or jewish media. So his only option is gaslighting or appeal to ridicule.

I never run out of material Fledy. If I were really grasping at straws I wouldn't have so damn many of them constantly at my disposal.
No, He wasn't a coward. He had the courage to love and to forgive. And He said, "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

Right, but he didn't say to embrace those who seek your extinction, and the desecration of your children.
Fledermaus cannot accuse me of lying, because my sources are nearly always drawn from jews or jewish media. So his only option is gaslighting or appeal to ridicule.

I never run out of material Fledy. If I were really grasping at straws I wouldn't have so damn many of them constantly at my disposal.

No, really... Write a book on it. The title "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is taken though.

So the all powerful Jew has undermined the Christian religion in your world.

Last time I checked in this world the eliminating school prayer was an atheist thing. As was the removal of public displays of Christianity (and Judaism, Islam, etc.) from government property.

As to Hollywood.... Mel Brooks mocked the Inquisition. Rightfully so. Is that what hurts?
No, really... Write a book on it. The title "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is taken though.

So the all powerful Jew has undermined the Christian religion in your world.

Last time I checked in this world the eliminating school prayer was an atheist thing. As was the removal of public displays of Christianity (and Judaism, Islam, etc.) from government property.

As to Hollywood.... Mel Brooks mocked the Inquisition. Rightfully so. Is that what hurts?

I don't have to write a book about it. All I have to do is link their own words and deeds, which you then object to. I'm not the one who is denying reality here Fled.

I'm not going to correct the rest of your post. Suffice to say, atheist jews never sue Jewish institutions or jewish leaders. One hand washes the other. They both 'curse Christianity', as the op title says.
I don't have to write a book about it. All I have to do is link their own words and deeds, which you then object to. I'm not the one who is denying reality here Fled.

I'm not going to correct the rest of your post. Suffice to say, atheist jews never sue Jewish institutions or jewish leaders. One hand washes the other. They both 'curse Christianity', as the op title says.

More accusations.... Let me guess. You can't back that one up either.

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