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Watching Trump speak today is a reminder (1 Viewer)

Not gonna watch Tronald Dump bloviate.

There is no point. He is entirely too predictable. Playing up to his extremist base.

Enjoying the final hours of sanity in government is like waiting for the fit to hit the shan.
Your posts are exceptionally shallow.
Who cares what you think? Not good use of cognitive thinking if that's the best you got. You should ask for your tuition money back.
Oh dear!

He hurts my feelings when he threatens to let me and the ones I love burn to the ground with no aid.

We all have our problems. 👍 Such is life.
Yeah but still, fat shaming ain't cool. It's such bad form.
going to have 4 years of crying..........

View attachment 67551717

Tis a reminder alright, don't worry though.......


......the peons (maga) dough will surely make him feel whole again. ;)
❤ Thank you for protecting all of us.

We'll never agree on most points but I wanted to say that. I might have already? Not sure.
You're welcome and my pleasure.
Then why on earth would you support a draft dodger who thinks you a fool for serving?
Because I haven't been brainwashed like people who watch far left news all day. Trump has supported our military with a big budget boost his first term. He also got the ball rolling with the VA that wasn't taking care of Vets. Why would I support someone like Biden who let a Chinese spy balloon slowly float over America? Whose actions caused 13 veterans to die in Afghanistan? Who wanted to be commander and chief another four years knowing he was going rapidly down hill.
Believe me, I got your point. Some people never see themselves.

I agree. Such as those who think Heels Up Harris or Kamaltoe are fine and so is laughing at apparent dementia ("Vegetable Joe") but then calling for the smelling salts at a body comment.

Some people never see themselves.
How about Trump shaming...anything wrong with that?

Well, shaming people for smiling or laughing or having sex (women only!) are all fine, and shaming dementia is fine ("vegetable")...shaming women for being ugly is fine ("we wouldn't want to date THAT anyway" with pics of liberal women who are overweight or without makeup)...so...

NO. TRUMP SHAMING IS NOT FINE. How could you even ask that question?
Because I haven't been brainwashed like people who watch far left news all day. Trump has supported our military with a big budget boost his first term. He also got the ball rolling with the VA that wasn't taking care of Vets. Why would I support someone like Biden who let a Chinese spy balloon slowly float over America? Whose actions caused 13 veterans to die in Afghanistan? Who wanted to be commander and chief another four years knowing he was going rapidly down hill.
American presidential candidates always compete over who loves the military more. But they never stop to question whether the US military actually deserves all that adoration. It's just a job, after all. Soldiers don't deserve any kind of special praise or consideration.
I agree. Such as those who think Heels Up Harris or Kamaltoe are fine and so is laughing at apparent dementia ("Vegetable Joe") but then calling for the smelling salts at a body comment.

Some people never see themselves.
again, you have missed the drift.
@BirdinHand , looks like you missed the point as well. Not surprised, how about think harder.

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