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Watching Trump speak today is a reminder (1 Viewer)

The day before he gets the keys, he spews the same old tired bullshit.

See my avatar….
The day before he gets the keys, he spews the same old tired bullshit.

See my avatar….
Musk is a genius retard.

And takes his two year old everywhere

Yeah, that kid won't be a problem when he grows up.
Musk is a genius retard.

And takes his two year old everywhere

Yeah, that kid won't be a problem when he grows up.
What does this have to do with my post?
Bring his kids into to your nastiness? Stay classy..........
He shouldn’t speak publically about it then 😂🤷‍♀️

The man has claimed his living child is dead to him because they are trans.

And now suddenly he’s carrying one of his youngest - all around including sitting on his lap at meetings and pressers.

Pardon me while I merely speak the truth. He interjected himself into the realm of politics and the public light and HE chose to bring his family along by talking about them and bringing them.


Take it up with him
Of the dark dark times ahead.

Again everything is horrible and bad and only Trump can save us.

His words are sickening.
Looks like you all better get ready to do some more howling at the moon...and pull you hair out to while you're at it. That would be really impressive.
Only more frequently since the insurance CEO got killed. Musk uses his kid as a human shield.
Do you have extraordinary evidence to support such an outrageous claim? Other wise this is a new low for you.
Trump had a great Victory Rally!!
I enjoy watching Elon basking in this social limelight along with his son.
Loved the Village People.
Of the dark dark times ahead.

Again everything is horrible and bad and only Trump can save us.

His words are sickening.
Sounds as if he wants to bring all of us down to the same low level inhabited by trump and his cult.
Do you have extraordinary evidence to support such an outrageous claim? Other wise this is a new low for you.
The comments can be pretty sick can't they.

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