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Watch "The Great Conspiracy" on Google Video (1 Viewer)

I'll have to watch these later....I don't have the patience right now to watch three hours' worth of videos, though I am interested....

Care to summarize them a bit in the meantime?
Like someone else said it before me; "An image is worst a million words". The video is undeniably a must see.

George W. Bush is an amazing president. The work that he's doing, no one has ever achieved it before...

eguyz said:

Click to watch: The Great Conspiracy

Description: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw


ALSO Watch: Perspective on 9-11 Video Collection


Visite my MSN Spaces at http://spaces.msn.com/members/eguyz/
Well you did for warn me so, I will be nice with my critisisms.
I only watched 20 min's of the First Video:
"Absolutely no one disagrees that 9/11 was a conspiracy"- Barrie Zwicker
So he fears oposition enough to tell them they agree with him? I call that manipulation? Also these qoutes also stuck out "we are taught to fear" "because war itself it to be feared" "today that fear is terrorism, thats it. Not global warming, not the end of oil, not domestic and worldwide injustice, not rampant militarism, not war itself, or war with O-N"

Barrie Zwicker your bias is showing?
I found one contradiction in the first 5 min. of listening to him talk?
I could only stand 20 min's of him talking before he went on to say that the 9/11 hyjackings were nothing more than a 50,000,000:1 chance of happening? Can I push this guy of his pedistal, or would someone else like to take the honors?

Also :wcm eguyz to the forum. Hope to have more debates with you in the future! :mrgreen:
You might want to watch more than that before commenting. There isn't anyone who speak of 'Conspiracy Theory' without being non-bias (if there is such a thing). There are actually other theories involve such as "coincidental theory?" among others...
Here is another one.

Loose Change 9-11 Alex Jones Conspiracy

A one hour analysis of 9/11 and how it is more likely than not that the government was actually behind the attacks.

Next to the work of Alex Jones, this is ranks up against the best of documentaries in the 9/11 Truth Movement

Written and Directed by Dylan Avery

1 hour long.

Take the Red Pill
eguyz said:
Here is another one.

Loose Change 9-11 Alex Jones Conspiracy

A one hour analysis of 9/11 and how it is more likely than not that the government was actually behind the attacks.

Next to the work of Alex Jones, this is ranks up against the best of documentaries in the 9/11 Truth Movement

Written and Directed by Dylan Avery

1 hour long.

Take the Red Pill

I loved the Loose Change video.....raised some very poignant questions in my mind....

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