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Washington state plans to ban most non-electric vehicles by 2030 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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It’s like this dumb ass governor is trying to out leftist all the other leftist. This mandate from above declared by a man who acts like a king is an excellent example of Marxism in America. People in Washington that want a new car after 2030 don’t get to decide what to drive. Government decided that for them. Mao and Stalin look up from Hell and laugh approvingly.

“The bill says that all vehicles of the model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in the state must be electric.

I wont still be living here then but if I were, they better figure out which electric vehicles can carry my truck camper and haul my 3 horse trailer over mountain passes.
Now seems like the perfect time to begin planning and seeing if it feasible to go all electric.
It is inevitable and makes the most sense, especially in large metro areas.
Good on Gov. Inslee.
I wont still be living here then but if I were, they better figure out which electric vehicles can carry my truck camper and haul my 3 horse trailer over mountain passes.
Your old F250 should still be fine.
It’s like this dumb ass governor is trying to out leftist all the other leftist. This mandate from above declared by a man who acts like a king is an excellent example of Marxism in America. People in Washington that want a new car after 2030 don’t get to decide what to drive. Government decided that for them. Mao and Stalin look up from Hell and laugh approvingly.

“The bill says that all vehicles of the model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in the state must be electric.

From what I understand he grew up on the red side of the state... Yakima I believe.. Sort of ironic.

We will see if voters agree with him come 2025.
Now seems like the perfect time to begin planning and seeing if it feasible to go all electric.
It is inevitable and makes the most sense, especially in large metro areas.
Good on Gov. Inslee.
If climate change is such a crisis what good will it do to have this law take effect in 8 years? This is about power and control.
From what I understand he grew up on the red side of the state... Yakima I believe.. Sort of ironic.

We will see if voters agree with him come 2025.
I think he’s overreached. Even some liberals won’t like this loss of personal freedom.
I think he’s overreached. Even some liberals won’t like this loss of personal freedom.
You would think dems and repubs would be used to it by now. The fed and states have implemented automobile manufacturing mandates since shortly after cars became mainstream from seatbelt laws to leaded gasoline.

Not a huge fan of his but even this shouldn't surprise his voters. Insley has always placed climate change as one of his biggest policy platforms. One could almost say what we are seeing is democracy in action.
If climate change is such a crisis what good will it do to have this law take effect in 8 years? This is about power and control.

I agree. What do you propose he legislate for immediate change that will make a difference now?
It’s like this dumb ass governor is trying to out leftist all the other leftist. This mandate from above declared by a man who acts like a king is an excellent example of Marxism in America. People in Washington that want a new car after 2030 don’t get to decide what to drive. Government decided that for them. Mao and Stalin look up from Hell and laugh approvingly.

“The bill says that all vehicles of the model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in the state must be electric.

Good for them!

States Rights!
Now seems like the perfect time to begin planning and seeing if it feasible to go all electric.
It is inevitable and makes the most sense, especially in large metro areas.
Good on Gov. Inslee.
The vast majority of the state of Washington lies outside of the Seattle city limits. What works in the city won’t necessarily work in the farming areas.
I agree. What do you propose he legislate for immediate change that will make a difference now?
If Inslee actually believes his rhetoric he’d do this immediately. In 8 years we will either know AGW is a hoax or Miami will already be under water. This is about a fascist-communist getting off on control and power.
If Inslee actually believes his rhetoric he’d do this immediately.

So then what is your suggestion? I understand his reasoning...you disagree. So what do you propose that should be implemented immediately.

In 8 years we will either know AGW is a hoax or Miami will already be under water.

Cite that timeline, because that sentence demonstrates a vast lack of understanding of the climate crisis.

This is about a fascist-communist getting off on control and power.

It if was about control and power, why didnt he impose it immediately? Why give people years?
It if was about control and power, why didnt he impose it immediately? Why give people years?
If climate change is a crisis why wait 8 years? That’s the question. Answer is it’s not a crisis and phasing in e cars in 8 years will be 8 years of rising carbon output by man. Obviously this mandate will do nothing to “stop climate change “.
If the bill passes there will be a mass exodus of Washington State citizens. Using a little common sense, they could make the law applicable only to new car sales, which would phase in electric vehicles over time.
If the bill passes there will be a mass exodus of Washington State citizens. Using a little common sense, they could make the law applicable only to new car sales, which would phase in electric vehicles over time.
It is new cars only. If you want a new car after 2030 it has to be electric. Your personal choice is null and void. Used cars will skyrocket in value and working class people won’t be able to buy a newer used car when their old beater blows up.
If climate change is a crisis why wait 8 years? That’s the question. Answer is it’s not a crisis and phasing in e cars in 8 years will be 8 years of rising carbon output by man. Obviously this mandate will do nothing to “stop climate change “.

So then you deny that climate change is real and we shouldnt be addressing it? Wow.

Nevamind. Have you tried Jesus yet? He demands that kind of blind faith too. :rolleyes:

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