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Washington Postal Workers Defy USPS Orders And Reinstall Mail Sorting Machines (1 Viewer)

The lies by both parties has reached levels never seen before. The destruction of our government may be our only hope of getting rid of the 2 parties destroying this country over which one will rule it.

The destruction of our government is dramatic and the idea is stupid. We don't need to destroy anything. We enable these politicians by turning a blind eye to their actions because of party loyalty. Everyone is super quick to hold the other side accountable. When Americans hold their own party and politicians as accountable as they hold the other party things will change. Until then, it never will.
The destruction of our government is dramatic and the idea is stupid. We don't need to destroy anything. We enable these politicians by turning a blind eye to their actions because of party loyalty. Everyone is super quick to hold the other side accountable. When Americans hold their own party and politicians as accountable as they hold the other party things will change. Until then, it never will.

There used to be standards that both sides used to adhere to.
Back in April, the Post Office was the #1 favorite government institution, with disapproval at 8% and approval at a mind blowing 91%. I was shocked by this. I didn't think there was anything Americans could agree on to this degree. If a poll came out asking if people would approve of having their nuts slammed in a hot oven door, I'd expect the results to be about 50/50.

How much do you want to bet that if a similar poll about the USPS were take today, disapproval would "inexplicably" shoot to about 42%?

Public Holds Broadly Favorable Views of Many Federal Agencies, Including CDC and HHS | Pew Research Center

Trump will have his deplorable 35% hating the USPS by his decree shortly.
The lies by both parties has reached levels never seen before. The destruction of our government may be our only hope of getting rid of the 2 parties destroying this country over which one will rule it.

Here we go with the "both sides" argument.
The pizza delivery guy does a better job than the Post Office.Let him deliver the mail too.
Government workers reinstalling machines they just uninstalled so that in a few months they can uninstall them again? Shocked, shocked I say, to hear of this happening.

I'm confident that the USPS will get all election related mail delivered as best they can and on time, though both sides will claim otherwise.
Government workers reinstalling machines they just uninstalled so that in a few months they can uninstall them again? Shocked, shocked I say, to hear of this happening.

I'm confident that the USPS will get all election related mail delivered as best they can and on time, though both sides will claim otherwise.

The only ones reinstalled were the ones that were simply disconnected or unplugged.

The machines that were dismantled are another story
Like I said, this will not be the case in a lot of the facilities which is why the director of maintenance said for people not to do it. I know democrats don't care how many blacks have died in the name of looting and rioting for George, so I doubt they will care when post offices catch on fire or people getting electrocuted in the name of Dementia Joe and the Heels Up Band.

If the director of maintenance said not to do it, and somebody did it. Somebody should be fired.
The only ones reinstalled were the ones that were simply disconnected or unplugged.

The machines that were dismantled are another story

The decline of postal mail volume is decades in the making. Technology progresses.
****ing awesome!

There are many ways to save democracy.

And since the GOP Senate clearly hasn’t been willing to step up, the Justice Department has been turned into an organ of state security, and the courts may not be relied upon to defend the Constitution or the rule of law anymore,........it’s up to us.
You just keep making up crap and posting it, as if you think that no one notices.

Trumpsters make it up all the time.

Trump does. So they just repeat it.

And when they find out that they’ve been lied to again by their fuhrer, they go right on repeating it and making up absurd non existent scenarios like this one.
I believe you are 100% correct.

I also believe they could both propose the exact same bill, with the exact same language, at the exact same time and they'd still oppose each other and call the others bill irresponsible.

Please don't ask me to bet my lunch money against that thesis.
Government workers reinstalling machines they just uninstalled so that in a few months they can uninstall them again? Shocked, shocked I say, to hear of this happening.

I'm confident that the USPS will get all election related mail delivered as best they can and on time, though both sides will claim otherwise.

The USPS says that it cannot guarantee the delivery of a letter sent by "First Class" mail from a point inside the continental US to another point inside the continental US in less than 20 days.

Canada Post/Postes Canada says that it will deliver a letter sent by "First Class" mail from a point inside Canada to another point inside Canada within 5 days.

The area of the continental US is approximately 3,120,000 sq.mi..

The area of Canada is approximately 3,855,000 sq.mi.

Using the algorithms developed for the BS (Statistics) course at The University of Numerology, that proves that the USPS is 4.94 times better at delivering the mail than Canada Post/Postes Canada is.

[The above has been specifically and officially approved and endorsed by "Devoted Online Lovers of Trump" Inc. (a non-partisan, independent, research and analysis organization exempt from federal taxation that is dedicated to bringing you the true truth and not the false truth that anyone who doesn't believe 100% of what Donald Trump says tries to tell you the so-called "facts" are), "Pro-Life United Gun Enthusiasts and Manufacturers for Jesus", and “"TheFirst Amendment Rights Trust’ Foundation”.]
I wonder how DeJoy justifies trashing quite a number of DBCS sorting machines. Not disconnecting. Literally taking them apart and having scrap haulers take them away.

Those baby's are not cheap. How can he just destroy functioning government property?
If the director of maintenance said not to do it, and somebody did it. Somebody should be fired.

That should be Trump's lackey.
Trump's America...

  • being safe during a pandemic is political
  • turning off mailing machines during a pandemic is logical

Vote the sleazy con man out of our White House.
The destruction of our government is dramatic and the idea is stupid. We don't need to destroy anything. We enable these politicians by turning a blind eye to their actions because of party loyalty. Everyone is super quick to hold the other side accountable. When Americans hold their own party and politicians as accountable as they hold the other party things will change. Until then, it never will.

We are party loyal the same as the German people supported Hitler and the Nazi Party. It is the deception by our media that keeps them loyal. I have worked the polls for years now and sad that too many people vote straight party and don't even know who is running.

I know our media is owned by a bunch of billionaires that also fund both parties and control our money. The only thing I can figure is if they use the media to keep us equally divided. As long as we keep blaming each other for their government not doing what we want their government will continue to do their bidding. I came to that conclusion which NAFTA. Bush couldn't get it through the democratic congress so i voted for Clinton thinking that would end it. The first thing Clinton did was push it through congress and I watched all our companies open factories in Mexico. They either destroyed our unions here or moved to Mexico. It doesn't seem to matter which party is in charge the rich keep getting richer and the poor support then because they are dependent on government. Reminds me of the nobles and serfs of Medieval Europe
Here we go with the "both sides" argument.

You still actually believe that when your party gets in power everything will be OK. The grand illusion.
You still actually believe that when your party gets in power everything will be OK. The grand illusion.

Go find me saying that.

OR... you can stop pretending to speak for me. Fair enough?

This "both sides" bull**** is what GOPers do at the waning ends of their party ruling the government because they do not want to own up to the fact that their party completely botched it all up. So they whip out this equivalence.

The next equivalence move is to say, "Throw the bums out. ALL OF THEM!!!!!!"

History does indeed constantly repeat itself in many ways.
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You still actually believe that when your party gets in power everything will be OK. The grand illusion.

Most of us would take "better than now". I think that's what most expect.

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