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Was Milley Out of LIne? (1 Viewer)

Was Milley Out of LIne?

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This is the thing that got Trump to accuse Milley of treason. While I definitely don't dispute your recounting of events, is there a reliable source I could go to (you don't have to research it for me if you don't want) establish a timeline of events here?
My post is based primarily on my years in the intel services and Milley's testimony before Congress. It is well-known that the Chairman gets the same daily intel briefings as the president. Milley actually reads them, however. So he had to know that the Chinese were at least scratching their heads at what Trump was saying.
Conversations that never happened.

Eisenhower calling Field Marshall Gerd Runstedt to let him know D-Day would take place 6 June 1944.

General MacAuthur sending a message to General Tamayuki Yamashita that he would arrive 20 October, 1944 and would wade ashore for press photos. Could he hold the shelling until he was finished?

Never happened.

It's classic MAGA make believe that it has anything to do with anything about Gen. Milley. All of that fantasizing has nothing to do with Gen. Milley, the two SecsDef Esper then Miller and the wildman lunatic Potus/C'nC Trump in 2020 and J6 to include Trump losing reelection at that time. Indeed, Milley and the Joint Chiefs know Trump lost in 2020. Trump's appointment as Acting SecDef Chris Miller whose background is military intelligence knew Trump lost in 2020 when all this occurred. You know this too of course.
Funny. Was this an assertion in my post and I just missed it? :confused:
You didn't write this?

that any superior in Milley's chain of command directed him to tell his Chinese counter parts the message he conveyed to them.
CJCS is an ADVISER, not a lackey. SECDEF would not call CJCS to order a military move.
Funny. Was this an assertion in my post and I just missed it? :confused:

<blah> <blah> Hurr Durr.
Got it thx.

That your posts have become speechless. This is after they were worthless.

The reason being MAGAs know nothing of this whatsoever.

Your guy losing in Ukraine and the ME is because he's stupid. His regime can fall as fast, suddenly and as hard as any dictator can collapse as with Assad in Syria.

Russia in fact has a habit of collapsing, in 1917 and again in 1992 which bookended the 20th century. Putin now is going for the hat trick and he's well into it. You MAGAs are prepared of course, right?
Got it thx.
Does this mean you are going to stop reading into posts what you want to be there as opposed to what was posted?
I'd say that'd be an improvement.

That your posts have become speechless. This is after they were worthless.
Not nearly as bad as how your posts reflect what isn't there, but you want there, to the point of dishonesty.

The reason being MAGAs know nothing of this whatsoever.
Yet again, more Hurr Durr.

Your guy losing in Ukraine and the ME is because he's stupid. His regime can fall as fast, suddenly and as hard as any dictator can collapse as with Assad in Syria.
I think that would be a matter of opinion, but we all get to sit in the peanut gallery and watch it unfold.

Russia in fact has a habit of collapsing, in 1917 and again in 1992 which bookended the 20th century. Putin now is going for the hat trick and he's well into it.
Again, from the cheap seats.

You MAGAs are prepared of course, right?
Not being a MAGA, I wouldn't know.
Does this mean you are going to stop reading into posts what you want to be there as opposed to what was posted?I'd say that'd be an improvement.

Not nearly as bad as how your posts reflect what isn't there, but you want there, to the point of dishonesty.

Yet again, more Hurr Durr.
Ah so it's the ol' and devastating "Hurr Durr" reply -- that is self devastating.

Your posts that have no knowledge of the military and how it operates and at the highest levels have no there there.

Given your posts about the military at any place and at any time have no there there, not a single one of 'em merits any serious consideration whatsoever.

I luvit btw when you call my posts "dishonest." Your posts being MAGA posts. And my posts being convincingly knowledgeable.



NO !
Ah so it's the ol' and devastating "Hurr Durr" reply -- that is self devastating.

Your posts that have no knowledge of the military and how it operates and at the highest levels have no there there.
My posts didn't claim any. Which part of my post:
I think it fair to include any superior in Milley's chain of command in this question.

When changed to this question, I'm not sure, but I rather doubt it that any superior in Milley's chain of command directed him to tell his Chinese counter parts the message he conveyed to them.
supports what you are claiming that they did?

Either you are reading in what's not there, or you have me confused with someone else who posted something else.

Given your posts about the military at any place and at any time have no there there, not a single one of 'em merits any serious consideration whatsoever.

I luvit btw when you call my posts "dishonest."
When you claim that something is in a post when it isn't there, yes, that would be dishonest, or at least in error. Which is it?
This'd be your chance to come clean and redeem yourself and your behavior. Don't miss it.

Your posts being MAGA posts. And my posts being convincingly knowledgeable.
Hurr Durr. You keep doing it, I'll keep calling it out.



NO !
My post is based primarily on my years in the intel services and Milley's testimony before Congress. It is well-known that the Chairman gets the same daily intel briefings as the president. Milley actually reads them, however. So he had to know that the Chinese were at least scratching their heads at what Trump was saying.
Was the testimony you are referring to in the Jan. 6th commission? If so, I can find it :)
What? Milley admitted to the Chinese that he would contact them on his own in the event of a conflict, without asking for the POTUS's permission. That is treason plain and simple, and you support it.

No it's not. It was to assure that Trump didn't engineer a war in order to stay in office

Milley should get a medal for what he did.
My posts didn't claim any. Which part of my post: supports what you are claiming that they did?

Either you are reading in what's not there, or you have me confused with someone else who posted something else.

When you claim that something is in a post when it isn't there, yes, that would be dishonest, or at least in error. Which is it?
This'd be your chance to come clean and redeem yourself and your behavior. Don't miss it.

Hurr Durr. You keep doing it, I'll keep calling it out.

The post calls out for Putin only. Which is why it has switched its focus to the poster rather than the issue.

That MAGAs think the armed forces will stand for Milley among other generals and admirals active duty and retired -- who Putin-Trump detest -- will accept courts martial and hangings of 'em testifies and confirms Trump's madman lunacy that disqualifies him totally and as the armed forces know as Potus/C'nC.

Indeed, the OP is trying to lay the Putin-MAGA-Trump groundwork of acceptance for it.

This is a FAIL.


The post calls out for Putin only.
This is you just inventing shit.

Which is why it has switched its focus to the poster rather than the issue.
I quoted my own post which was exactly on issue, then you responded dragging it off into left field.

That MAGAs think the armed forces will stand for Milley among other generals and admirals active duty and retired -- who Putin-Trump detest -- will accept courts martial and hangings of 'em testifies and confirms Trump's madman lunacy that disqualifies him totally and as the armed forces know as Potus/C'nC.
None of which was in any of my posts, so you are off in left field talking to yourself, apparently.

Indeed, the OP is trying to lay the Putin-MAGA-Trump groundwork of acceptance for it.
Take it up with the OP. I can only stand and speak for what I've posted.

This is a FAIL.

Pretty clear that you are working off some place other than the realities and contents of the posts here. 🤷‍♂️
UCMJ Section §903b. Art. 103b. Aiding the enemy Any person who— (1) aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other things; or (2) without proper authority, knowingly harbors or protects or gives intelligence to, or communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly; shall shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct.


The key here is just before your bolded section.... (2) without proper authority.

Gen. Milley was granted the proper authority to contact his PLA Counterpart consistent with the Policy Guidelines laid out by the Administration, and by the Secretary of Defense via 10 USC §153(a)(7)(C):

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff performs "such other duties as may be prescribed by law or by the President or the Secretary."

Secretary of Defense Esper specifically requested that Gen. Milley contact his PLA Counterpart. These contacts were completely in line with the Administration's policy guidelines (See Pg. 14):

"The United States remains committed to maintaining a constructive, results-oriented relationship with the PRC. The United States conducts defense contacts and exchanges with the PRC to communicate strategic intent; prevent and manage crises; reduce the risks of miscalculation and misunderstanding that could escalate into conflict; and cooperate in areas of shared interest. The United States military engages with the PLA to develop effective crisis communication mechanisms, including responsive channels for de-escalation in unplanned scenarios. "
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You shouldn't ask people who support a felon and mob boss who is out for revenge.

Oh, and just so you know, the OP is CONSTANTLY scared of Putin and nuclear war.
This is you just inventing shit.
I quoted my own post which was exactly on issue, then you responded dragging it off into left field.
None of which was in any of my posts, so you are off in left field talking to yourself, apparently.
Take it up with the OP. I can only stand and speak for what I've posted.
Pretty clear that you are working off some place other than the realities and contents of the posts here. 🤷‍♂️
Given your continuing focus on me I myself will say something about moi.

I want to say I'm waiting.

I'm waiting for Putin-Trump to go OTT.

I'm waiting for the Dirty Duo to move against General Milley -- to try to court martial him. Because the military will refuse. MAGAs can have no doubt about this.

So yeah, I'm waiting.

It's just that I'm not the only one waiting. There are a million plus in the armed forces waiting. So I'm in excellent company. Because Trump is unfit and unsuited.
Given your continuing focus on me I myself will say something about moi.
So this is you running away from the obvious fictions you've posted about the contents of my posts.
Fine, whatever.

I want to say I'm waiting.

I'm waiting for Putin-Trump to go OTT.

I'm waiting for the Dirty Duo to move against General Milley -- to try to court martial him. Because the military will refuse. MAGAs can have no doubt about this.

So yeah, I'm waiting.

It's just that I'm not the only one waiting. There are a million plus in the armed forces waiting. So I'm in excellent company. Because Trump is unfit and unsuited.
So this is you running away from the obvious fictions you've posted about the contents of my posts.
Fine, whatever.
If your posts couldn't say "you" and "your" your posts would be empty air and space.

Oh wait, that's what they are anyway.



Not much changes eh.


Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin​

NBC News reviewed video and photos from a 2015 Moscow gala that Mike Flynn was paid $45,000 to attend to see who else was in the room.

Jill Stein the Green Party spoiler in 2016 has been a Putin Cutout for a long time. I will never trust or believe the USA Green Party again on anything.


Indeed, because of the "Big Steal" in 2020 Flynn advocated the Insurrection Act to send active duty troops into the blue states to seize voting machines and rerun the election so that Putin-MAGA-Trump would win. It was Gen. Milley who stopped this anti Constitution Putin hugging crackpot notion that the troops themselves would have refused doing anyway.

The jailbird Peter Navarro had the better mousetrap of the "Green Bay Sweep" of using the electoral college to reverse Biden's win which went bust fast. Trump of course is going to pardon the J6 criminals because he says they are "political prisoners" of the left. Flynn has been pardoned already of course.

Criminal Minds.
If your posts couldn't say "you" and "your" your posts would be empty air and space.
You have yet to address the fictions you've claimed that I've posted.
Dismissed with cause.

Oh wait, that's what they are anyway.



Not much changes eh.


Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin​

NBC News reviewed video and photos from a 2015 Moscow gala that Mike Flynn was paid $45,000 to attend to see who else was in the room.

Jill Stein the Green Party spoiler in 2016 has been a Putin Cutout for a long time. I will never trust or believe the USA Green Party again on anything.

View attachment 67547039

Indeed, because of the "Big Steal" in 2020 Flynn advocated the Insurrection Act to send active duty troops into the blue states to seize voting machines and rerun the election so that Putin-MAGA-Trump would win. It was Gen. Milley who stopped this anti Constitution Putin hugging crackpot notion that the troops themselves would have refused doing anyway.

The jailbird Peter Navarro had the better mousetrap of the "Green Bay Sweep" of using the electoral college to reverse Biden's win which went bust fast. Trump of course is going to pardon the J6 criminals because he says they are "political prisoners" of the left. Flynn has been pardoned already of course.

Criminal Minds.

More evidence that Flynn was a traitor like Tucker Carlson.
You have yet to address the fictions you've claimed that I've posted.
Dismissed with cause.
Rinse and Repeat.

That's a tired and worn out MAGA technique that's been so obvious for so long it's long since been comical. It's MAGA never say die.

It's all make believe there's something undone which is false and untrue.

The vacuous sentence makes no sense besides -- "address the fictions" calls for Stephen Spielberg and not any DP poster.


January 6 United States Capitol Attack​

"I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me”

On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., was attacked by a mob of supporters of then president, Donald Trump in an attempted self-coup d'état, two months after his defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump has no more of these in the Pentagon or anywhere cause they got bounced as with Flynn or passed over and let out the back door.

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