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Was Milley Out of LIne? (1 Viewer)

Was Milley Out of LIne?

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Nov 22, 2015
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Was General Mark Milley out of line in carrying out contacts behind President Trump's back?
Please answer the poll above.

I reject the premise.
Absolutely, there's no question about it. Playing politics in such a high position shows the mentality of the liberal mindset.
You believe generals aren't political?
"out of line"???

No. He was being treasonous.
Whether he was out of line, well, I can see both sides of that argument. But "treasonous", that is just a ****ing idiotic thing to claim. I realize if Trump said the world was flat, you would jump on that bandwagon and come up for excuses why it was true, and why Trump did not really mean it, but that is one case where Trump's claim in treason is just totally ignorant.
Whether he was out of line, well, I can see both sides of that argument. But "treasonous", that is just a ****ing idiotic thing to claim. I realize if Trump said the world was flat, you would jump on that bandwagon and come up for excuses why it was true, and why Trump did not really mean it, but that is one case where Trump's claim in treason is just totally ignorant.

No, Trump was being treasonous.
No, not out of line to warn other military leaders about the possibility of unconstitutional orders from President Trump, even if this call with Pelosi went down as being suggested by some, and the OP's random YouTuber opinion did a piss poor job trying to change someone's mind.
Whether he was out of line, well, I can see both sides of that argument. But "treasonous", that is just a ****ing idiotic thing to claim. I realize if Trump said the world was flat, you would jump on that bandwagon and come up for excuses why it was true, and why Trump did not really mean it, but that is one case where Trump's claim in treason is just totally ignorant.
Any member of the armed forces...whether the lowest private or the highest general...who goes outside the chain of command and communicates with the enemy...and tells them he will let them know if his country is about to attack them is committing treason.

Neither Trump nor Esper told him to do what he did.

From Gen. Milley's Sept. 28, 2023 Testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee (Pgs. 29-30):

"The calls on 30 October and 8 January were coordinated before and after with Secretary Esper and Acting Secretary Miller's staffs and the interagency. The specific purpose of the October and January calls were generated by concerning intelligence which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States. I know, I am certain, that President Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese, and it is my directed responsibility, and it was my directed responsibility by the Secretary, to convey that intent to the Chinese.

My task at that time was to de-escalate. My message, again, was consistent -- stay calm, steady, and de-escalate. We are not going to attack you.

At Secretary of Defense Esper's direction, I made a call to General Li on 30 October. Eight people sat in that call with me, and I read out the call within 30 minutes of the call ending. On 31 December, the Chinese requested another call with me. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asia Pacific Policy helped coordinate my call, which was then scheduled for 8 January, and he made a preliminary call on 6 January. Eleven people attended that call with me, and readouts of this call were distributed to the interagency that same day.

Shortly after my call ended with General Li, I personally informed both Secretary of State Pompeo and White House Chief of Staff Meadows about the call, among other topics. Soon after that, I attended a meeting with Acting Secretary Miller, where I briefed him on the call."
US Strategic Approach to the People's Republic of China Policy Guidance issued by the Trump Administration in May of 2020, excerpt from Pg. 14:

"The United States remains committed to maintaining a constructive, results-oriented relationship with the PRC. The United States conducts defense contacts and exchanges with the PRC to communicate strategic intent; prevent and manage crises; reduce the risks of miscalculation and misunderstanding that could escalate into conflict; and cooperate in areas of shared interest. The United States military engages with the PLA to develop effective crisis communication mechanisms, including responsive channels for de-escalation in unplanned scenarios."


So Gen. Milley was operating exactly under the policy guidance established by the Trump Administration. He was operating under the directions provided to him by Secretary Esper, and he kept the White House and State Department fully informed as to the nature and content of the conversations.

This has all been a matter of public record for over 3 years... so why do you persist in slandering the man, @Mycroft?
No. Milley was not out of line.

imo, President Trump and some of his appointed people do not understand military protocols. Milley contacted the proper people within the US government.

Would President Trump have preferred to have China escalate the situation?
What did President Trump do to turn down the tension between the US and China?
About the nukes thing, if you squint at it funny you could call it mutiny.

......like when he spoke with Pence about putting down trumps mob.

Milley wanted to avoid a tragic mistake and misunderstanding with potentially catastrophic consequences. Trump was bloviating, the intel services saw the uptick in Chinese chatter about it. Some people in China were like "WTF? Is this guy serious?" They were worried. Milley knew Trump did not read his daily security briefings and would not "read the room" when it came to China. Milley did his duty and calmed the Chinese down. It took a lot of courage, knowing how Trump hates it when his own people contradict him in public.
Milley wanted to avoid a tragic mistake and misunderstanding with potentially catastrophic consequences. Trump was bloviating, the intel services saw the uptick in Chinese chatter about it. Some people in China were like "WTF? Is this guy serious?" They were worried. Milley knew Trump did not read his daily security briefings and would not "read the room" when it came to China. Milley did his duty and calmed the Chinese down. It took a lot of courage, knowing how Trump hates it when his own people contradict him in public.

Milley deserves a medal for what he did.
Neither Trump nor Esper told him to do what he did.

Milley's testimony.
“I know, I am certain, that President Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese and it was my directed responsibility to convey presidential orders and intent,” Milley told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. “My task at that time was to de-escalate. My message again was consistent: Stay calm, steady, and de-escalate. We are not going to attack you.”

Did Milley convey the President intent or do you believe President Trump was going to attack China?

Did President Trump call the Chinese leaders to reduce tensions and fears of an attack?
Any member of the armed forces...whether the lowest private or the highest general...who goes outside the chain of command and communicates with the enemy...and tells them he will let them know if his country is about to attack them is committing treason.

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Well, your definition does not fit. I realize you must, no matter what, try and defend whatever Trump says, but some of what Trump says is completely idiotic, so defending those statements makes you look bad. I would try and think for yourself for once, instead of letting Trump try and think for you.
Any member of the armed forces...whether the lowest private or the highest general...who goes outside the chain of command and communicates with the enemy...and tells them he will let them know if his country is about to attack them is committing treason.

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Now do US Legal Code.

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