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Was Jesus a socialist? (1 Viewer)

I don't recall it saying anything about government ownership of the means of production in the bible, but then I never pretended to be a theologian.

Before you get to that question, you've got to deal with the first, which is: do you have the slightest hope of having a clue about what socialism means, or have you settled into the comfortable idiocy of calling anything you don't like "socialist"?

It's a very specific economic term, but you wouldn't know that from listening to Trumpists...

Who cares? That should have as much relevance today as whether a caveman thought a moderate capital gains tax was good policy, or how a
Tyrannosaurus rex masturbates with those short arms.

Do you think Jesus would have been a member of any current political party?

Do you think he would have voted for any mainstream candidate in my lifetime? Trump?
Was Jesus a Socialist? - YouTube

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No he was definitely right wing conservative. just like you.

Socialism wasn't around yet when Jesus was alive (neither was any other modern ideology). However Jesus for sure shared some values with Socialists. Jesus for example decried greed several times. Jesus identified himself with the poor, the sick and the hungry and Jesus said "You shall love your neighbour as yourself". These are in tangent with Socialist thinking.

However Jesus lived centuries before modern ideologies. So no, he was not a Socialist, neither was he Conservative nor Liberal. Those things didn't exist yet.

Keep in mind Jesus could have conjured up enough wealth to make everyone as comfortably well-off as he wanted to and didn't.

He was more like "the poor you will always have with you" and shiiizzz.

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