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Warren Upton, oldest Pearl Harbor survivor, has died (1 Viewer)


I survived. Suck it, Schrodinger.
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 15, 2017
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The oldest survivor of the Japanese attack on the US base at Pearl Harbor during World War II has died at the age of 105.
Warren "Red" Upton, a former radio operator, died after a brief stay in hospital on Christmas Day surrounded by his family, the organization Pacific Historic Parks announced on Facebook.
The announcement describes how Upton was serving on the battleship USS Utah when it was hit by two torpedoes and began to capsize. He and other crew members were able to swim to safety. Fifty-eight crew members were killed in the surprise attack.

Rest in peace.
The oldest survivor of the Japanese attack on the US base at Pearl Harbor during World War II has died at the age of 105.
Warren "Red" Upton, a former radio operator, died after a brief stay in hospital on Christmas Day surrounded by his family, the organization Pacific Historic Parks announced on Facebook.
The announcement describes how Upton was serving on the battleship USS Utah when it was hit by two torpedoes and began to capsize. He and other crew members were able to swim to safety. Fifty-eight crew members were killed in the surprise attack.

:cry: R.I.P.
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Greatest Generation? Perhaps. A truly Great Generation, no doubt. GOD Bless them all!
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Fair winds and following seas shipmate!
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Rest in Peace Sailor.

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