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Warning lable on bibles. (1 Viewer)

Warning labels on bible

  • Yes: I'm surprised they don't already have a warning label already.

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Yes: but only on goverment owned issues (like libraries and court room)

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • No: they don't belong on science books and two wrongs don't make a right

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • No: blasphemy!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jun 24, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
We all know there was a recent fuss over the warning labels on science books over evolution. I was wondering.. for those who thought it might be a good idea. Does that mean it would be fair to in turn place a warning label on bibles and other religious texts? Something like.

Warning !!! the enclosed information is of a highly debatable nature. Not everyone believes it is fact or even divinely inspired. contents have been know to start argument, insite riots, and even cause wars. And may be a leading cause of cancer.

..ok lawyer I'm not but you get the idea
Should there be a warning label on the Bible? We know that there are different versions of the Scriptures. For example, William Tyndale translated the Bible into English; but he used the Greek and Hebrew texts rather than the Latin "Vulgate" prepared by St. Jerome in the 4th Century A.D. Sir Thomas More declared that Tyndale's Bible was heresy, and Tyndale a heretic. (Both More and Tyndale came to bad ends because of their religious beliefs.) The King James version of the Bible was adapted from William Tyndale's translation; which in turn was revised, rewritten and edited by Francis Bacon. So if we peddle the Bible as the literal word of God, is there danger that some might believe that God is an Englishman?

Thomas Jefferson was not averse to taking his razor to those portions of the Bible that offended his philosophy. Perhaps it's time to "reform" the Bible - Americans have lived under the tyranny of the King James version long enough! The Congress should issue a new American edition making the Scriptures "politically correct." It could be dedicated to the "Great Communicator" himself: The Ronald Reagan Bible and Gospel according to Karl Rove.

On second thoughts, maybe it would be best just to have a label on the cover of the Bible warning the unsuspecting public not to take the contents seriously.
dogger807 said:
We all know there was a recent fuss over the warning labels on science books over evolution. I was wondering.. for those who thought it might be a good idea. Does that mean it would be fair to in turn place a warning label on bibles and other religious texts? Something like.

Warning !!! the enclosed information is of a highly debatable nature. Not everyone believes it is fact or even divinely inspired. contents have been know to start argument, insite riots, and even cause wars. And may be a leading cause of cancer.

..ok lawyer I'm not but you get the idea
Are you going to suggest the same label for the Koran? I can just see the uproar among the chattering classes if we put that label on the Korans issued at Guantanamo - maybe we should try that as a pilot project? :mrgreen:
We all know about the fuss that was caused when non-Muslim guards at Club G'itmo so much as touched the Koran.

In order to remain P.C., we must abide by the rule that only a confirmed Muslim can touch the Koran. Even a non-Muslim wearing gloves is not acceptable.

So in order to apply these warnings to new Korans, we would have to employ a Muslim-Only crew at the print shops because if an "Infidel" were allowed to touch the Korans, no Muslim would accept or buy them and the whole warning sticker idea would get flushed down the toilet.

Where would these print shops be? China? Practicing Islam in china is a Capitol offense, so everyone who applied for the job would be arrested. Russia? The price of "protection money" to the Russian mob would not prove caust efective.
The Middle East? Just try to convince a middle eastern country to put warning labels on their holy text.....I dear you.

Seems the only place where an all-Muslim crew could be found and remain out of jail to work is America.
Oh, Waite, we have a little thing called the Constitution which prevents us from discriminating for or agents a person based on Religious affiliation. Ever hear the Fraze "equal opportunity employer"?

We could just have a Muslim group who systematically go's to libraries, prisons and schools to apply the stickers. But if a non-Muslim applies for the job we get caut-up in that pesky Constitution again.

Oh well. Maybe with some more R.&D. we can find an answer.

I thank you, though, for asking the question. You are absolutely correct in that, if warning labels are going to be required, the Science book is not the only religious text to which it should apply.
We can not allow ourselves to discriminate agents any religion, Scientology or otherwise.

p.s. I'm going to buy a Koran and touch it every day while wearing my Club G'itmo t-shirt and sipping from my "Jihad Java Cafe" travel mug.
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For better use, the Bible should be printed on rolls of toilet paper.
"For better use, the Bible should be printed on rolls of toilet paper."

That's sneaky.
What a great way for the Gideons to get the Bible back into Hotels and hospitals.
I hope it comes in quilted.
The ink won't run, will it?
Why does ANYTHING need a warning label? Have people become so mindless that they cannot, or is it will not think for themselves? They need someone to tell them what something is or isn't? Sheesh, warning labels on soda, bibles... what next?

Oh geesh.. I shouldn't have asked that question. I forgot we are in a society that thinks McDonald's is at fault for hot coffee burns, when the moron who bought the coffee put it between her thighs. Nuff said. I'm running back to my warning label free zone. It's comfortable there.

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