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Warner Brothers nixes ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ General Lee with Confederate Flag (1 Viewer)


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[h=1]Warner Brothers nixes ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ General Lee with Confederate Flag[/h]

Warner Bros nixes ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ General Lee over Confererate Flag | Radio and TV Talk

Dylann Roof allegedly wanted to start a race war when he killed nine parishioners at a black church in Charleston last week. Instead, it appears he has simply hastened the demise of the Confederate Flag in polite company. Almost overnight, retailers such as Wal-Mart, Sears, eBay and Amazon will stop selling Confederate Flag merchandise.And it will likely be off the government property in Columbia, S.C. soon as well.
Now Warner Brothers will stop merchandising replicas of the iconic 1969 Dodge Charger General Lee from the popular old CBS show “Dukes of Hazzard,” which was set in the fictional Hazzard County, GA. and ran from 1979 to 1985. Vulture exclusively got the story. (Good thinkin’ to ask!)

SMH Political correctness run amok.

I wonder if they will start fuzzing the stupid thing on show and movie re-runs. /facepalm

now that is utterly stupid. The confederate flag in an official capacity should be removed, because of what it symbolises. However things like this.. what is next, removing it from documentaries about the civil war?
I think this is getting a bit childish. Who has ever been forced to honor the CF as of late, or watch the Dukes?
Of course, flying the CF on any Gov property is strange, to say the least, but for the rest, let people decide if the want to buy and display the CF, or watch the Dukes.
This is nearing thought control and I don't like it one bit.
Clockwork Orange-ish.
Amazon just removed the confederate flag bikinis.

This is a national tragedy!
This is unacceptable in polite company:


But this is a reasonable position for a college professor to advocate:

Naaahhhh! No double standards on RACE here at all.....

Welcome to the Obama-Nation.

This is a private company making their own decision, they are in no way being forced to remove anything. So what? Wasn't that the message in the other threads about government being forced to take down the flag - let people make their own decision what to do about it? I think yes it's ridiculous but they have the choice what do to.
This Man is a horrible RACIST and should lose his job and career:

This man is a Freedom Fighter and Nobel Social Justice Warrior:

The later will be given government grant funds to further spread his message.

Do you start to SEE the real message here?

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This is a private company making their own decision, they are in no way being forced to remove anything. So what? Wasn't that the message in the other threads about government being forced to take down the flag - let people make their own decision what to do about it? I think yes it's ridiculous but they have the choice what do to.

You are correct, private companies are free to do as they please.

I am free to call them out for thier utter lack of spine, and sheer stupidity of thier actions in the name of "political correctness".
This is a private company making their own decision, they are in no way being forced to remove anything. So what? Wasn't that the message in the other threads about government being forced to take down the flag - let people make their own decision what to do about it? I think yes it's ridiculous but they have the choice what do to.

You are correct, private companies are free to do as they please.

I am free to call them out for thier utter lack of spine, and sheer stupidity of thier actions in the name of "political correctness".
This Man is a horrible RACIST and should lose his job and career:

This man is a Freedom Fighter and Nobel Social Justice Warrior:

The later will be given government grant funds to further spread his message.

Do you start to SEE the real message here?


In the first clip, the Milwaukee police chief certainly articulates his frustration. I stopped at the 1:57 mark of the second clip. I don't know who the kid is, but after hearing his repeated "**** them!" about the burning of black-owned businesses, that was enough. What a moron.
now that is utterly stupid. The confederate flag in an official capacity should be removed, because of what it symbolises. However things like this.. what is next, removing it from documentaries about the civil war?

sounds like they want to make the stars and bars just like the Nazi flag in germany....
Too late for a run on Dukes of Hazard collectables. The prices just tripled!

Seriously though, as silly and reactionary as some of this seems, perhaps it's time that we (society) move past the notion of glorifying the Confederacy by including it symbolically in pop culture. Warner Brothers seems to think so anyway.

Personally, living in the south, I have rarely seen the Confederate flag used as a symbol for anything but racism. Aside from a few good ole boys with flags on their trucks and such, the main display I've seen of it by individuals is by the Confederate Hammer Skins, and the KKK. Both groups of white supremacists that use the flag as one of their main symbols.

Obviously the flag is not universally seen in such a manner, but it's hard to escape the correlation when extremist groups use it as such and have for many years.
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I grew up watching the dukes of hazard probably one of my favorite TV shows growing up as a kid.
I loved the general lee so much I wanted one just like it.

maybe one day I will buy one.
it was great because a guy on the street we lived on had a replica just like it with the horn and everything.

if they do come out with the show again and they don't have it like the original was more so the general lee I say boycott it.
this CF thing has gone overboard.

that shooting had nothing to do with the CF. it had everything to do with someone who was crazy and not in his right mind.
blaming a flag for what someone does is the lowest form of thinking possible. however that is what I expect out of the left wing anymore.

knee jerk reaction and appeals to emotion vs logic and reason.
Too late for a run on Dukes of Hazard collectables. The prices just tripled!

Seriously though, as silly and reactionary as some of this seems, perhaps it's time that we (society) move past the notion of glorifying the Confederacy by including it symbolically in pop culture. Warner Brothers seems to think so anyway.

Personally, living in the south, I have rarely seen the Confederate flag used as a symbol for anything but racism. Aside from a few good ole boys with flags on their trucks and such, the main display I've seen of it by individuals is by the Confederate Hammer Skins, and the KKK. Both groups of white supremacists that use the flag as one of their main symbols.

Obviously the flag is not universally seen in such a manner, but it's hard to escape the correlation when extremist groups use it as such and have for many years.

Just how many confederate hammerskins and KKK members do you thinkt here are in your area? Can't be that many.

State of mississippi including a majority of black folks voted 2-1 to keep the thing in thier state flag. Seems like a lot more than a fringe bonehead group and a ghost of a former racist organisation.
A search on Ebay for the General Lee turned up 3,605 results.

I don't think it is going anywhere.
SMH Political correctness run amok.

I wonder if they will start fuzzing the stupid thing on show and movie re-runs. /facepalm


Bound to happen. The modern movement to eradicate anything that might offend or "trigger" just keeps rolling on.

The good news is that at some point free people will no longer have to suffer indignity. The bad news is that there will no longer be free people.
SMH Political correctness run amok.

I wonder if they will start fuzzing the stupid thing on show and movie re-runs. /facepalm


What I don't get, but perhaps blatantly obvious, is JUST how does removing the CF form anything government related actually address stopping racism? Do these clowns actually think this is going to stop someone that does identify the flag with wanting to oppress blacks? I mean it's just so ridiculous on its face??? Are we now left to the devices of mass media in such a way that some politicians cannot properly explain WHY the flag means what it means to them? That to them it doesn't mean the things that people are trying to suggest it means? It's exactly the same thing as the Military cross. To some it means to them that it is a religious symbol that doesn't belong in the military, but to the vast majority, religious or otherwise, it means respect and honor, and courage.

Things mean things to different people, and that's the way it should be... But how is it any different?

I strongly support removing the flag from government buildings. I don't have a problem with retailers deciding not to sell the flag.

But this seems silly. The Dukes of Hazzard isn't about the civil war or racism. The flag is just decoration. I am not in favor of censoring entertainment that has the flag in it. Hell, I'm not even in favor of censoring entertainment that has swastikas in it.

Are they going to pull the TV show from syndication? They are of course free to do what they want but I think this is an overreaction.
This is a private company making their own decision, they are in no way being forced to remove anything. So what? Wasn't that the message in the other threads about government being forced to take down the flag - let people make their own decision what to do about it? I think yes it's ridiculous but they have the choice what do to.

forced?... of course not.... pressured and coerced?.. absolutely, without a doubt.

that's exactly what the chilling effect is.... and as a additional bonus, it allows those whom want expressions removed to turn around and say " I didn't force them to do anything...I had nothing to do with their decision"....then they can go on about their day pretending they actually support free speech/expression.
obviously bo and luke duke are treasonous racist slaveowners... it can be no other way.

as we are told, that flag has one meaning and one meaning only.... the image should be stricken from the america landscape so we can finally put an end to racism.

so yeah.. don't whine about the symbol being stricken after you launch a public campaign to strike the symbol....I don't want to hear more whining from whiners who are winning the issue they are whining about.... you asked for it, you got it... now suck it up.

you build this.... you take ownership.
obviously bo and luke duke are treasonous racist slaveowners... it can be no other way.

as we are told, that flag has one meaning and one meaning only.... the image should be stricken from the america landscape so we can finally put an end to racism.

so yeah.. don't whine about the symbol being stricken after you launch a public campaign to strike the symbol....I don't want to hear more whining from whiners who are winning the issue they are whining about.... you asked for it, you got it... now suck it up.

you build this.... you take ownership.

i doubt very much that eliminating all offensive symbols will make us get along any better. Some people are professional offendees. They'll find something else to huff about.
SMH Political correctness run amok.

I wonder if they will start fuzzing the stupid thing on show and movie re-runs. /facepalm


America is ruled by mob mentality. Fortunately, the American public has the attention span of a 2 yr old. In no time, you'll collectively forget all about this once Kanye West does something stupid or Caitlyn Jenner gets artificially inseminated.

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