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War on Terror (1 Viewer)

A link to a bunch of other links... Not much to discuss there, but for the purpose of the question. Nope.

In fact if you believe some theories ( I don't know enough to agree or refute them myself), the War on Drugs is bogus and our country thrives on the international drug trade.

Since very little is in fact done, and a sizable bounty is made by local governments in busting small time dope users and sellers, I do find it hard to believe there is a war on drugs.

It keeps some people complacent, it's a huge money maker, and the world keeps turning.
Get a copy of Mike Ruppert's DVD "The Truth and Lies of 9/11" for a very convincing case about the connections between 9/11 and the drug trade.
ashurbanipal said:
Get a copy of Mike Ruppert's DVD "The Truth and Lies of 9/11" for a very convincing case about the connections between 9/11 and the drug trade.

Funny, it's his book that I was alluding to in my reply.
Crossing the Rubicon? There's not as much in there about the drug trade, but it's a more developed (and obviously more indepth) version of his theories. He loses it in places (the chapters on Vreeland are pretty weak IMO). But then other parts are just so stunning you have to read them about 4 times--the section on insider trading and the training exercises that got moved--before they really sink in.
ashurbanipal said:
Crossing the Rubicon? There's not as much in there about the drug trade, but it's a more developed (and obviously more indepth) version of his theories. He loses it in places (the chapters on Vreeland are pretty weak IMO). But then other parts are just so stunning you have to read them about 4 times--the section on insider trading and the training exercises that got moved--before they really sink in.

I haven't finished it yet, but so far (Chapter 6) it seems all about the drug trade. Everything is connected with drugs. From the Far East to South America, all American business is laced with money laundering and drugs.
Geez, even good old GE is said to have a hand in all of this...

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