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War on Terror is bogus (1 Viewer)

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Mar 1, 2005
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Roanoke, Va
[FONT = Times New Roman]xxx[/FONT]Okay, there are terrorists in the Middle East, that's a given, but tell me something... how many terrorists have we killed by bombing civilian targets in Iraq? Yea, okay, we killed SOME, but compared to the innocent men, women, and children we also killed, i dont think it was worth it. There are others ways of stop terrorism other than declare war on countries. Countries aren't terrorists, individuals are terrorists.


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We declared war on Sadam's regime - not the country.

If innocent families were harboring terrorists - they are no longer innocent.

There are others ways of stop terrorism other than declare war on countries.

Please share how we can detour terrorism.

It would be simple to say - "if we had done it this way or that". But in the future, starting from today, how can we detour terrorism? If we leave Iraq before it is time, how many more civillians will be killed by the terrorists?

Are American lives more important than an Iraqi lives?

Welcome to Debate Politics. :)
Welcome to the forum, guerilla89. I am looking forward to your posts. :p Have Fun and Happy Posting !

Do you have any statistics to back up your claim ? The terrorist have killed hundreds of innocent people in the last year alone. The alternative would be to leave Saddam in power to continue with his mass murders, rape rooms, and torture chambers. I don't think the Iraqi people want to go back to that.
guerilla89 said:
Countries aren't terrorists, individuals are terrorists.

What about State-Sponsored Terrorism? The very recent assassination of Hariri by Syria comes to mind.
Batman said:
What about State-Sponsored Terrorism? The very recent assassination of Hariri by Syria comes to mind.

The United States of America allowed its citizens to sponser an Irish terrorist organization called the IRA. Whom raged a war on my people that resulted in 3,600 dead, restaurants, shopping malls bombed, people tortured, organized crime to run rampant. Is the United States Government bringing these Americans to justice for giving money to murderers? No? They have just as much blood on their hands, why not?

Yeah Americans sponsered terrorism to terrorize my family. The hyprocrisy of this war on terror astoundes me. Terrorism causes death, war on terrorism causes more death, does it end? No, terrorism is never meant to end. The United States should learn this. But I guess some people don't mind seeing coffins draped with the stars and stripes if the cause is good. Cause or no cause, a coffin equals a big smile on a terrorists face. Bin Laden's goal was to have a war between the west and middle east. Well at least someone got what they wanted out of all this.

So hoorah for this war against evil, horrah for the blood spilt, horrah for the innocents who sacrificed themselves, horrah for the parents burying their soldier children KIA, horrah for war, hoorah! Don't they know this war is good?
>>Please share how we can detour terrorism. <<Vauge

How about we try getting out of other people's countries?

After the first Gulf War we left troops in neighboring countries, like Turkey.
The membership in Al Queda rose as a direct result of the resentment of the prescence of our troops.

I'm not saying this will ever happen, or that we should even try, but wouldn't it be novel if we pulled all our troops home, and terrorism against Americans suddenly stopped?
Hoot said:
After the first Gulf War we left troops in neighboring countries, like Turkey.
The membership in Al Queda rose as a direct result of the resentment of the prescence of our troops.

And the terrorism against Americans and our interests abroad before that was caused by?
I'm not saying this will ever happen, or that we should even try, but wouldn't it be novel if we pulled all our troops home, and terrorism against Americans suddenly stopped?
We didn't cause terrorism, I don't know why you people want to blame the US. for everything bad that happens in the world. Our government was so nice to the terrorists during the nineties, they even pardoned them. They bombed the World Trade Center, we did nothing, they bombed embassies, we did nothing, they bombed the Cole, we did nothing. Did that stop 9-11? Hell no ! The terrorist cells grew because we did nothing, not because we did something.
There is no debate here, the war on terror is bogus. Bush is taking on the entire middle east almost to kill innocent people who haven't attacked us. Squack made a good point at the beginning, what is the terrorist to innocent person death ratio. Terrorists see us as the point of all evil because we're rich and their poor so we must be evil. I'm not saying we're perfect but we certainly aren't evil. Also, this rumor about invading iran for having nuclear weapons is also bogus. We have more nuclear weapons than the whole world combined. And we've killed hundreds of thousands of people with them. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to do this?
liberal1 said:
There is no debate here, the war on terror is bogus. Bush is taking on the entire middle east almost to kill innocent people who haven't attacked us. Squack made a good point at the beginning, what is the terrorist to innocent person death ratio. Terrorists see us as the point of all evil because we're rich and their poor so we must be evil. I'm not saying we're perfect but we certainly aren't evil. Also, this rumor about invading iran for having nuclear weapons is also bogus. We have more nuclear weapons than the whole world combined. And we've killed hundreds of thousands of people with them. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to do this?
Do you have any evidense to support your claims? It's fun to spew rumors, but it isn't very productive.
Squawker said:
Do you have any evidense to support your claims? It's fun to spew rumors, but it isn't very productive.
Let me try to give you some evidence. First off, the very idea of a war on terror is pretty bogus. That's about as specific and effective as declaring a war on the Atlantic Ocean. And liberal1 is right that Bush is killing innocents in the middle east. I believe the civilian death toll is around 16000-17000, and 1500 Americans have died. Terrorists see us as evil just as we see them as evil. Why do they hate us, they and most of the world? It's because we are extremely powerful, we cannot be defeated by conventional measures. There are few ways to combat the ever expanding American Empire, and one way is through terrorism. Itan can develop nukes in 2006, when the Russian supplied nuclear reactor is completed. Iran does not really pose a threat with nukes, though, as they certainly wouldn't use them against the US, and I doubt the Iranians, after working terribly hard to obtain nukes, would sell them to terrorists. That being said, we should still diplomaticall persuade them to not develop nukes. In closing, liberal1 was right. Where are your problems with what he said, anyways?

*if you are curious to check my figures, check out cursor.org .
anomaly said:
*if you are curious to check my figures, check out cursor.org .

Nice site. I like the link it has to Al-Jazeera.
Batman said:
Nice site. I like the link it has to Al-Jazeera.
Al-Jazeera tells no more Arab propaganda than does Fox or CNN tell US propaganda. It's all news with different perspectives.
anomaly said:
Al-Jazeera tells no more Arab propaganda than does Fox or CNN tell US propaganda. It's all news with different perspectives.

I noticed you left out the part about Anti-American propaganda on the network.
vauge said:
I noticed you left out the part about Anti-American propaganda on the network.
Are you seriously saying that America does not air anti-Muslim or anti-Arab propaganda?
liberal1 said:
There is no debate here, the war on terror is bogus. Bush is taking on the entire middle east almost to kill innocent people who haven't attacked us. Squack made a good point at the beginning, what is the terrorist to innocent person death ratio. Terrorists see us as the point of all evil because we're rich and their poor so we must be evil. I'm not saying we're perfect but we certainly aren't evil. Also, this rumor about invading iran for having nuclear weapons is also bogus. We have more nuclear weapons than the whole world combined. And we've killed hundreds of thousands of people with them. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to do this?

"Bush is taking on the ENTIRE Middle East ALMOST"? (I know some how that statement was suppose to make sense.) You went from "entire" to "almost". This is typical liberal talk.

Wow, and I thought we had only attacked Iraq.

"And we have killed hundreds of thousands of people with them" (nuclear weapons)? I have to assume that you are talking about WW2 when we dropped the A-Bomb on Japan (just a guess). If this is so let me remind you of the outcome of that act. Japan quit! Which saved thousands of American lives. I'm not happy it had to happen however it kept me from having to learn German. Also, it allowed us to raise the single finger salute from the base of Pearl Harbor.

Nuclear weapons in the hands of responsible nations is one thing but in the hands of insane foreign leadership is another. I mean, when I shop for car I look at safety features, when they shop for cars they look for what will best hide their bombs. Lets get real and use a little common sense. Nobody in their right mind is going think its a good thing for Iran to have nuclear weapons.

Hate Bush? Thats your right. Don't let it interfer with logic.
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anomaly said:
Al-Jazeera tells no more Arab propaganda than does Fox or CNN tell US propaganda. It's all news with different perspectives.

This is not the point. The point is you recommended a site that is, at best, questionable in creditibility.
anomaly said:
Are you seriously saying that America does not air anti-Muslim or anti-Arab propaganda?

"does not" is a definative, and of course we have freedom of speech - as they do (in some countries). [Points to Iraq and Afganistan] The norm in American media is not to. Bush has stated NUMEROUS times that this is not a war against Muslims or Arabs, but against Terrorism.

There are, have been, and will be anti-Al-Jezeera in American media as they air anti-American quite often. Al-Jezeera is a news network.
I see no-one answered by post about American citizens funding Irish terrorism? Have I actually silenced the right-wing lol?

Conservative estimates range the Iraqi innocent at 16000, 3 times more than the dead at 9/11, thats like us crashing 6 planes into 6 world trade towers.

BBC Panarama released a report on 21 Janurary 2005. They had received the death list from an Iraqi hospital, saying who had that, how and by whom. By nearly a 2:1 ratio, Americans killed more innocents than insurgents.

(I'm trying to find the link to it, but I've not been sucessful)

Does anyone here think Bush is trying to copy Reagan's Cold War Style Economy with terrorism being substituted for the old Soviet Union?
GarzaUK said:
I see no-one answered by post about American citizens funding Irish terrorism? Have I actually silenced the right-wing lol?
I am muted about this subject, as frankly I know nothing about it.

GarzaUK said:
Does anyone here think Bush is trying to copy Reagan's Cold War Style Economy with terrorism being substituted for the old Soviet Union?
Yep - I remember saying that in a thread quite awhile back. To me Bush Jr. is in line with Reagan's integrity and strength.
Reagan was WAY more partisan than Bush though.
GarzaUK said:
I see no-one answered by post about American citizens funding Irish terrorism?
I don't know about it either, however this was my question:
Originally Posted by Batman
What about State-Sponsored Terrorism? The very recent assassination of Hariri by Syria comes to mind.?

You are speaking about citizen sponsored where as I was asking about Goverenment sponsored.

GarzaUK said:
The hyprocrisy of this war on terror astoundes me. Terrorism causes death, war on terrorism causes more death, does it end? No, terrorism is never meant to end. The United States should learn this. But I guess some people don't mind seeing coffins draped with the stars and stripes if the cause is good. Cause or no cause, a coffin equals a big smile on a terrorists face. Bin Laden's goal was to have a war between the west and middle east. Well at least someone got what they wanted out of all this.

So hoorah for this war against evil, horrah for the blood spilt, horrah for the innocents who sacrificed themselves, horrah for the parents burying their soldier children KIA, horrah for war, hoorah! Don't they know this war is good?.?

You are an absolute pacifist that would not, or could not, pee with his pants on fire out of fear it would get the fire upset. I don't know what else can be said about your views.
i dont know how to use the "quote" button so bare with me

"Please share how we can detour terrorism."

We do have special forces, like Delta and Rainbow who are trained in anit-terrorism tatics. Had we utalized them rather than our whole ****ing, we would have saved a lot of lives, on both sides. Yes, war in Iraq was, to some extent, inevitable, but we could have done in the way I have mentonded. But dont my word for. When Most of Europe/UN dont support the war, I think we ****ed up. But, then again, war is a lose/lose situation. People will die. There's is nothing glorious about that.

"Are American lives more important than an Iraqi lives?"

That's a matter of opinion. I dont know about you, but I believe in the age-old method of "every man is created equal". So to that, no, Americans are not more important. We are equal. Like I said before, we could have went about things a little bit better than we did in Iraq. And as far as this talk about us going into Iran, that's another bogus war. They got nukes, we got nukes. Lazze-faire, let them be. Their nukes, their business.
guerilla89 said:
When Most of Europe/UN dont support the war, I think we ****ed up.

If we defined U.S. policy based on Europe/UN support, I think that would be ****ed up.
guerilla89 said:
i dont know how to use the "quote" button so bare with me

"Please share how we can detour terrorism."

We do have special forces, like Delta and Rainbow who are trained in anit-terrorism tatics. Had we utalized them rather than our whole ****ing, we would have saved a lot of lives, on both sides. Yes, war in Iraq was, to some extent, inevitable, but we could have done in the way I have mentonded. But dont my word for. When Most of Europe/UN dont support the war, I think we ****ed up. But, then again, war is a lose/lose situation. People will die. There's is nothing glorious about that.

"Are American lives more important than an Iraqi lives?"

That's a matter of opinion. I dont know about you, but I believe in the age-old method of "every man is created equal". So to that, no, Americans are not more important. We are equal. Like I said before, we could have went about things a little bit better than we did in Iraq. And as far as this talk about us going into Iran, that's another bogus war. They got nukes, we got nukes. Lazze-faire, let them be. Their nukes, their business.

Welcome to Debat Politics!

Don't their nukes become everyones business when they use them to export their views and or threaten their neighbors?
I too, find it interesting that nobody seems to know about support for the IRA from the USA. I do remember some years ago the British government formally requesting that the US government do something to stop this. It was not stopped.

Surely terrorism is terrorism? Or is it only terrorism when it impacts on your own citizens?
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