i dont know how to use the "quote" button so bare with me
"Please share how we can detour terrorism."
We do have special forces, like Delta and Rainbow who are trained in anit-terrorism tatics. Had we utalized them rather than our whole ****ing, we would have saved a lot of lives, on both sides. Yes, war in Iraq was, to some extent, inevitable, but we could have done in the way I have mentonded. But dont my word for. When Most of Europe/UN dont support the war, I think we ****ed up. But, then again, war is a lose/lose situation. People will die. There's is nothing glorious about that.
"Are American lives more important than an Iraqi lives?"
That's a matter of opinion. I dont know about you, but I believe in the age-old method of "every man is created equal". So to that, no, Americans are not more important. We are equal. Like I said before, we could have went about things a little bit better than we did in Iraq. And as far as this talk about us going into Iran, that's another bogus war. They got nukes, we got nukes. Lazze-faire, let them be. Their nukes, their business.