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Wanted: AlGore Charge: Treason (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Catchy title aint it? :smile:

Last Sunday, former Vice President Al Gore spoke before the Jiddah Economic Forum. He told the mostly Saudi audience that the United States had committed "terrible atrocities" against Arabs after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He stated that Arabs had been "indiscriminately rounded up" and detained in "unforgivable conditions." He criticized America's new immigration policy, which more carefully scrutinizes Saudi visas, explaining, "The thoughtless way in which visas are now handled, that is a mistake." Finally, he concluded, "There have been terrible abuses, and it's wrong. … I want you to know that it does not represent the desires or wishes or feelings of the majority of the citizens of my country."


Oh that's great so now we have Al Gore attacking the U.S. in a foriegn nation where 13 of the 19 9-11 hijackers came from. Took me an hour to find an article on the subject which goes to show how much the lib press is covering the story . . . hunting accident involving the V.P.? - they're all over it, former V.P. committing treason? *sound of crickets*
Great post!

Amen! :applaud

Gore committing TREASON gets <Page 5> coverage while National Lib Media grills Cheyne on not notifing them 1st of his accident before getting medical care for the victim!

If I were Homeland Security, I would have Gore met and arrested at the airport as soon as he touched down in the U.S., cart him off to Guantanamo to explain why he took a large sum of money from Saudi to give a speech over there to incite TERROR (hatred and violence) against this country and our soldiers!:ind:
Sounds to me like Gore and Jane Fonda might be having an affair.
How can Al Gore be tried for treason for telling the truth? Aren't his statements mistruths, pretty much the same mistruths Bush uses when he opens his mouth?

Ah, isn't free speech great.:mrgreen:
To a rightwing extremist, bad mouthing Bush is as treasonous as blasphemy is to the religious quacks.

But still, Gore sucking up and patronizing to the Arabs shows a lack of character in my opinion. We don't owe those people anything.
Well I'm actually afraid of the very IDEA that Hilary Clinton might become president next.

So while I think Gore is an idiot I think he should be allowed to talk as much as he wants!!! I do wish the media would cover his antics more as it will only help keep the dems out of Washington.


TOT, Have you called the FBI yet? I think they even have an online tip page. Turn Gore in TOT, turn him in.
tumbleweed said:
How can Al Gore be tried for treason for telling the truth? Aren't his statements mistruths, pretty much the same mistruths Bush uses when he opens his mouth?

Ah, isn't free speech great.:mrgreen:

Much of what Gore said was a blatant LIE - we NEVER indiscriminantly rounded up Arabs, for instance!

Free Speech? Gore took money from the 'terrorist-supporting country', from which 13 of the 9-11 attacks came, to go to Saudi to give a speech in which he lied in order to incite TERROR, hatred and violence against Americans.

Al Gore's taking money to incite terrorism in saudi is no more a 'freedom of speech' as Clinton's taking millions from the chinese military for the missile technology to finally be able to reach the U.S. with its nukes was 'Free Enterprise'!

Treason is treason!
There isn't a politician out there that doesn't tell his audience what they want to hear. Al gore is know for making these off-hand statements. It gets him media coverage. I wonder who paid for his trip over? hmmm:?:
tumbleweed said:
How can Al Gore be tried for treason for telling the truth? Aren't his statements mistruths, pretty much the same mistruths Bush uses when he opens his mouth?

Ah, isn't free speech great.:mrgreen:

Not at issue: Gore's opinions.

At issue: Way in which those opinions are expressed ie going to a foriegn nation regarded by many to be an enemy of the U.S., to slander your own Government during war time.

Gore Bad mouths Bush and the U.S. = bussiness as usual from the left, no harm no foul.

Gore doing it in Saudi Arabia = Treason
tumbleweed said:
There isn't a politician out there that doesn't tell his audience what they want to hear. Al gore is know for making these off-hand statements. It gets him media coverage. I wonder who paid for his trip over? hmmm:?:

He was paid to speak there by the Saudis.
tumbleweed said:
There isn't a politician out there that doesn't tell his audience what they want to hear. Al gore is know for making these off-hand statements. It gets him media coverage. I wonder who paid for his trip over? hmmm:?:

There is a BIG difference in telling a bunch of liberal stuffed-shirts paying $300 a plate for dinner in Washington what they want to hear than a bunch of Anti-American Terrorists in a country that supports terrorism in order to incite them with lies so they go out and target/try to kill americans and soldiers! Sorry, your 'innocent' justification still does not get gore a pass for his treason, at least in my book!
They already knew how the Arabs were treated. They just wanted us to say it, and Gore played right into their hand. Gore knew just how far to stretch the truth. Playing into the enemys hand yes, treason no.
tumbleweed said:
There isn't a politician out there that doesn't tell his audience what they want to hear. Al gore is know for making these off-hand statements. It gets him media coverage. I wonder who paid for his trip over? hmmm:?:

he was paid almost 1/4 million Dollars for the tripe
easyt65 said:
.. Anti-American Terrorists in a country that supports terrorism in order to incite them with lies so they go out and target/try to kill americans and soldiers!
So Jeddah Economic Forum now = Anti-American Terrorists?

easyt65 said:
Sorry, your 'innocent' justification still does not get gore a pass for his treason, at least in my book!
So, it's not actually 'real' treason, it's just easyt65-book treason?
tumbleweed said:
They already knew how the Arabs were treated. They just wanted us to say it, and Gore played right into their hand. Gore knew just how far to stretch the truth. Playing into the enemys hand yes, treason no.
U.S. Constitution,
Article III,
Section 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Now Gore certainly gave AlQaeda aid in there recruiting effort, and comfort in that he let them know for certain what side of the line the American left resides.
Last edited:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
U.S. Constitution,
Article III,
Section 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Ah, comfort. How does comfort fit into it? How did he comfort them?
tumbleweed said:
They already knew how the Arabs were treated. They just wanted us to say it, and Gore played right into their hand. Gore knew just how far to stretch the truth. Playing into the enemys hand yes, treason no.

No, Gore LIED to incite terror, hatred, and violence against the U.S.! Stop making excuses for the traitor! Deal with the truth! Gore is a bitter sick man who hates America for not voting for him, and he hates Bush more. he is willing to throw this country under the bus to get back at Bush and see the Democrats get back into power!
tumbleweed said:
Ah, comfort. How does comfort fit into it? How did he comfort them?

Gore certainly gave AlQaeda aid in there recruiting effort, and comfort in that he let them know for certain what side of the line the American left resides, it will only further strengthen their resolve and their belief that if they can just hold on long enough then the American people will grow weary of the war and give up.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
U.S. Constitution,
Article III,
Section 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Now Gore certainly gave AlQaeda aid in there recruiting effort, and comfort in that he let them know for certain what side of the line the American left resides.

Folks who holler about this being treason should recognize their own complicity in failing to report Mr. Gore to the FBI.

If you genuinely believe it constituted treason, then you have a moral obligation as an American to turn him in. Failure to do so could be construed as aiding and abetting the treasonous person.

If Gore's a traitor, then, perhaps you are too for not reporting this dastardly crime.

Turn Gore in.
(or shut up w/ the hystrionic charges of treason)
Simon W. Moon said:
Folks who holler about this being treason should recognize their own complicity in failing to report Mr. Gore to the FBI.

If you genuinely believe it constituted treason, then you have a moral obligation as an American to turn him in. Failure to do so could be construed as aiding and abetting the treasonous person.

If Gore's a traitor, then, perhaps you are too for not reporting this dastardly crime.

Turn Gore in.
(or shut up w/ the hystrionic charges of treason)

I'm sure the FBI is well aware of Mr. Gore's recent escapades with foriegn governments.
tumbleweed said:
Ah, comfort. How does comfort fit into it? How did he comfort them?

Calling our troops Nazis during a time of war basically aids and gives comfort to the enemy.

Calling our troops terrorists during a time of war does the same.

Continually attempting to take down the President, the leader of the war on terror, aids and comforts the enemy!

Taking money to go to a terrorist state to give a speech filleed with lies designed to fuel the enemies fire, to keep them in a hostile state of mind, stoking their desire to wage war upon this nation and killing our citizens and troops DEFINITELY fits in that description!

Slice it any way you want, you Dem-apologist!
galenrox said:


It seems to be a growing feeling in people who like this administration that not liking it should be illegal for some reason.

Hey, if you keep throwing **** at the wall, maybe eventually something'll stick.

Gimme a break, do I really have to go over this again. :roll:

Not at issue: Gore's opinions.

At issue: How those views are expressed.

I tend to think that this falls into what the Supreme Court has deemed the Clear and Present Danger test in the majority opinion in Schnick V. U.S..
easyt65 said:
Calling our troops Nazis during a time of war basically aids and gives comfort to the enemy.

Calling our troops terrorists during a time of war does the same.

Continually attempting to take down the President, the leader of the war on terror, aids and comforts the enemy!

Taking money to go to a terrorist state to give a speech filleed with lies designed to fuel the enemies fire, to keep them in a hostile state of mind, stoking their desire to wage war upon this nation and killing our citizens and troops DEFINITELY fits in that description!

Slice it any way you want, you Dem-apologist!

Dem-apologist.I like that.:mrgreen:

Anything you mentioned falls under free speech. War protesters use the same language every day.

Which terrorist state was he in?

I'd say our policies in Israel were inciting more fuel to the terrorist cause than anything Gore said.

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