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Want to be on who Trump blames for the shutdown? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Eve though he said he would take the blame on national TV, it won't be Trump. He is going to blame the Dems although the bill that passed the Senate was bipartisan. BUt then Ann Coulter called him out and like the coward he is, he folded like a deck of cards. Now all of the problems that will come from this including any damage to the economy should be laid not at the feet of neither the Dems or the GOPers in congress, but only at Trumps feet.
Eve though he said he would take the blame on national TV, it won't be Trump. He is going to blame the Dems although the bill that passed the Senate was bipartisan. BUt then Ann Coulter called him out and like the coward he is, he folded like a deck of cards. Now all of the problems that will come from this including any damage to the economy should be laid not at the feet of neither the Dems or the GOPers in congress, but only at Trumps feet.

Now tell the truth.... when Trump said last week he would take the blame for a shutdown - you never really thought that was going to happen did you?
Eve though he said he would take the blame on national TV, it won't be Trump. He is going to blame the Dems although the bill that passed the Senate was bipartisan. BUt then Ann Coulter called him out and like the coward he is, he folded like a deck of cards. Now all of the problems that will come from this including any damage to the economy should be laid not at the feet of neither the Dems or the GOPers in congress, but only at Trumps feet.

Doesn’t matter what Trump’s says now, he owns the shutdown.
In the mentally disturbed delusional alternate reality Trump and his Trumpkins live in - he never said that .
And if he did, he meant something else.
Trump owns this.....

Donald J. Trump on 11 December 2018 said:
“I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it.”
Eve though he said he would take the blame on national TV, it won't be Trump. He is going to blame the Dems although the bill that passed the Senate was bipartisan. BUt then Ann Coulter called him out and like the coward he is, he folded like a deck of cards. Now all of the problems that will come from this including any damage to the economy should be laid not at the feet of neither the Dems or the GOPers in congress, but only at Trumps feet.

The media blames Trump anyway and so will you, so who cares? He’s got a full two years for people to run from bitch to bitch. He owes you nothing.

BTW, most of the government if funded already. This is not a full on defund.
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The media blames Trump anyway and so will you, so who cares? He’s got a full two years for people to run from bitch to bitch. He owes you nothing.

BTW, most of the government if funded already. This is not a full on defund.
Blind Trump loyalist BS ^^.

The media is irrelevant in this matter. Trump is singularly responsible for the shutdown.

Where do you come up the idiotic notion that Trump owes us nothing?!

And as for your apparent dismissal of those who will be directly effected by a possible shutdown, I hope Santa is paying attention.
The media blames Trump anyway and so will you, so who cares? He’s got a full two years for people to run from bitch to bitch. He owes you nothing.

BTW, most of the government if funded already. This is not a full on defund.

He is the damn president of our country, he owes all of us.
Now tell the truth.... when Trump said last week he would take the blame for a shutdown - you never really thought that was going to happen did you?

Oh, I totally believed him, just like I believe everything that he says and tweets. He's always truthful. It's the evil mainstream media that makes up fake news, don't you know.

Oh, and anything said on Infowars, written in the World Nut Daily, or any of the totally truthful RWENJ media can be taken at face value every time, too.

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