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Wacko Jacko Dresses as Woman and Wears Burqa (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Just when you thought things could get more perverted for Michael Jackson, he has been found in Saudi Arabia, dressed as a woman, and wearing a burqa. The disturbing thing about this is that he had a child with him, and was forcing the child to wear a black covering over his head.

This reminds me of a joke:

Q. Whats black and white and comes in little cans?

A. Michael Jackson

Is it just me being intolerant, or is Michael Jackson the paragon of perverts?

You posted a thread with substance...
Cant we just deport Michael Jackson back to the planet he came from?
cherokee said:
Cant we just deport Michael Jackson back to the planet he came from?

Nope, there are some brainwashed people out there, that are on his side. They'd rally up on the idea, but in the end, if we pull an Elian Gonzalez, it can be done.
@_girL........ said:
if we pull an Elian Gonzalez, it can be done.

Damn that was well said!
I'm thinking about the Elian Gonzalez incident, and I cant help but wonder, who would even try to touch MJ??? They way he looks is enough to scare anyone away, so pulling an EG on him, might not work at all. They'd come for him, look at him, he'd look at them with a certain eye, and they'd run the other way. How many times do they have to take him into custody, and can't send him away to his home planet?:rofl
cnredd said:

You posted a thread with substance...

LOL, I think you would like Dan, as a person, and as a conservative, it's just that he is sooooo ticked off at this administration, that he can seem one sided at times. That said, I am just pleased as hell, that this man, or woman, or pervert, now lives in Iran, and not here in my fine country, good riddance!:2wave:
Deegan said:
LOL, I think you would like Dan, as a person, and as a conservative, it's just that he is sooooo ticked off at this administration, that he can seem one sided at times. That said, I am just pleased as hell, that this man, or woman, or pervert, now lives in Iran, and not here in my fine country, good riddance!:2wave:
Ya ever sit in a bar where the guy next to you complains and complains and complains about the same damn things over and over and over?...At some point, you need to either walk away or say, "Dude, you're such a downer...you're killing my buzz."...
cnredd said:
Ya ever sit in a bar where the guy next to you complains and complains and complains about the same damn things over and over and over?...At some point, you need to either walk away or say, "Dude, you're such a downer...you're killing my buzz."...

Oh I agree, in fact, he's at it again. The president no sooner got done with a press conference, and Dan is already picking it apart. I just think he is on a mission, and that is his right, I may not agree, but he has the right to beat a dead horse all he likes, and you to point it out.
Deegan said:
Oh I agree, in fact, he's at it again. The president no sooner got done with a press conference, and Dan is already picking it apart. I just think he is on a mission, and that is his right, I may not agree, but he has the right to beat a dead horse all he likes, and you to point it out.
Correct...Not once have I done anything from a Moderator standpoint...Only as a forum member...
cnredd said:
Correct...Not once have I done anything from a Moderator standpoint...Only as a forum member...

And I never suggested you did, I hardly notice the moderators here, beside their large numbers, I don't often notice any abuse in that department.;)
Deegan said:
And I never suggested you did, I hardly notice the moderators here, beside their large numbers, I don't often notice any abuse in that department.;)

I have, only once, and it was last night... Someone *cough* changed my post completely... There is no fun in that.:(

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