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[W:#9]Congrats Supreme Court Justice Jackson (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 16, 2019
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Congrats Supreme Court Justice Jackson, well earned. You handled this process with complete dignity and grace which is more than we can say for the distractors that questioned your integrity. You'll do a great job.

Congrats Supreme Court Justice Jackson, well earned. You handled this process with complete dignity and grace which is more than we can say for the distractors that questioned your integrity. You'll do a great job.

View attachment 67384467
Did you feel the same way about Barrett?
Does it matter?
well Its amusing seeing a conservative gush over a leftwing pick but I could understand that if you had said the same thing about Kavanaugh and Barrett-both who were treated far worse by the lefties on the senate committee
Sadly her role will be largely limited to writing dissents, but those dissents do matter, if they come from a SCOTUS pen.
well Its amusing seeing a conservative gush over a leftwing pick but I could understand that if you had said the same thing about Kavanaugh and Barrett-both who were treated far worse by the lefties on the senate committee
Thats your opinion because you’re on the losing side today. Trump is pushing many of us to the center.
Sadly her role will be largely limited to writing dissents, but those dissents do matter, if they come from a SCOTUS pen.
Depends if they are well written (I assume she will get top law clerks to help her-andI bet she doesn't limit her hires to only black females) or not. She may be very good, she may be seen as a hack. The future is unwritten
Moderator's Warning:
This thread is not about Barrett or Kavanaugh, it's about Jackson. Stick to the topic or be thread-banned.
WTF does Trump have to do with senile joe engaging in racial/gender quotas?

She is more qualified and experienced than most SCOTUS picks in the past.

Could Biden have nominated ANY minority voice to the SCOTUS and not been accused of just trying to fill racial/gender quotas?
She is more qualified and experienced than most SCOTUS picks in the past.

Could Biden have nominated ANY minority voice to the SCOTUS and not been accused of just trying to fill racial/gender quotas?
I disagree and given he said he was limiting his pick to a black female-one has to see his actions as "just trying to fill racial/gender quotas"
What do you have against diversity on SCOTUS? Shouldn’t all people be represented?
I don't believe the USSC is or should be a representative body. Most Americans are lawyers. Most Americans don't even have a college degree. The house of representatives is the body that is supposed to represent the citizenry. Not the Supreme Court.
I disagree and given he said he was limiting his pick to a black female-one has to see his actions as "just trying to fill racial/gender quotas"

Not sure why you disagree with The Bar association.

Her qualifications are impeccable. She has more experience as a judge than four of the current justices did- combined- at the time they joined the court, and more experience as a trial lawyer than all of them.
I don't believe the USSC is or should be a representative body. Most Americans are lawyers. Most Americans don't even have a college degree. The house of representatives is the body that is supposed to represent the citizenry. Not the Supreme Court.

She has experience as a public defendant and extensive background background in criminal law. Don’t you think that brings an important perspective to the court?
Not sure why you disagree with The Bar association.

Her qualifications are impeccable. Her experience more than almost all the other SCOTUS picks in the past. Ahe more experience as a judge than four of the current justices did- combined- at the time they joined the court, and more experience as a trial lawyer than all of them.
The ABA leans left. Her experience is not more than prior picks. The single most relevant experience is high level federal appellate positions. She has less than a year. Being a trial lawyer has very little to do with being on the Supreme Court.
She has experience as a public defendant and extensive background background in criminal law. Don’t you think that brings an important perspective to the court?
Sure, but again her main reason for being picked was her race and gender. Not because she was the best jurist available.
The ABA leans left. Her experience is not more than prior picks. The single most relevant experience is high level federal appellate positions. She has less than a year. Being a trial lawyer has very little to do with being on the Supreme Court.
In this day and age, Reagan leans left....
Sure, but again her main reason for being picked was her race and gender. Not because she was the best jurist available.
She was certainly right up there with the best candidates available. And "best jurist available" has never, not since the beginning of this country, been the only factor considered. Your whine is stupid.
Sure, but again her main reason for being picked was her race and gender. Not because she was the best jurist available.

She is among the absolute best available. If there are two equally qualified people, and one can bring an important perspective and unique voice to the table, which would you pick?
In this day and age, Reagan leans left....
actually I believe the Democrat party is farther left than it has ever been, while the GOP platform is pretty much the same since Reagan.
She is among the absolute best available. If there are two equally qualified people, and one can bring an important perspective and unique voice to the table, which would you pick?
How so-what do you think makes someone "one of the best" there are dozens of people more qualified than she is. when you limit it to black females-your point has merit.

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