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[W:#84]Trump's PAC is fundraising for a new 'Trump Force One' jet after a plane he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing (1 Viewer)

This smells like another grift. I’m sure the donation form says the money can be spent on anything he wants.

Aircraft must follow a strict maintenance schedule but engines have trouble. Elton John‘s had to make an emergency landing recently too but he isn’t holding his hat out asking for donations for a new plane.

Well, of course it it!!!!! Half of the suckers won’t remember to uncheck the box either.
At least Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi barely have and money from being in politics so long.

It’s about the money right?

Or maybe it is about people being proud Americans supporting a true leader that has been lied about for years.
Dig deep, Donald needs a new plane. Maybe you should do the Mormon thing and hand him 20 % of your income..
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
tRump is in his element. The con man meets the gullible morons.
Well, of course it it!!!!! Half of the suckers won’t remember to uncheck the box either.
I love this. I hope they forget to uncheck the box. I would rather they spend this on Trump's plane then on the campaign funds for his followers. I hope his followers support his legal fees and bail his financial empire out. The suckers have only so much money.

TRUMP is basically no different than various TV evangelists (when it comes to asking the flock to pay for a fancy ride)

I think it gives him too much credit to call him a cult leader capable of mind control. Yes it’s a cult and yes he’s the leader but it’s one his members mostly created in their heads.

By being transgressive he sent the signal they can also be their worst selves, united in their hatred of the ‘other’. The not-so-subtle racism and other more blatant baiting was simply the cue they were looking for to be assholes again. With that they chose to throw their lot in with the ‘tough’ guy. Add a few vague promises of being ‘great’ again and they convinced themselves he had them on the right track. He wasn’t cunning or smart or especially manipulative - just willing to say horrible things out loud that they already thought but felt they couldn’t.

But it doesn’t fall apart when trump goes. The next leader, or batch of leaders and the wing of the party they’ve taken over can easily replace him. They just have to keep feeding that anger, resentment, bigotry and misogyny and they’ll keep the fan base indefinitely, though it will eventually dwindle as numbers of people inclined that way fade.

But my point is they are wilfully allowing themselves to be fooled. They’ve made a choice to stand on the dark side. On that count they haven’t been duped at all.
Lots of airframes in service older than that. Lots of 757's still in the air carrying paying passengers, too.

Then there's the B-52.

As for being put away for four years after his first election win, that's the Secret Service not allowing the president to fly on anything but Marine 1 and AF 1. Which begs the question of why his children couldn't have made good use of it while serving the nation. I have no idea what laws would regulate that.

Which has the more dubious morality, Trump openly asking his supporters for small donations to provide him more reliable air transport, lor the Clintons selling promises of future political favoritism via donations to the so-called Clinton Foundation? How did Haiti make out from the Clinton Foundation?

The Trumps milked their own ‘childrens’ charity For personal gain. The charity was shut down for it. His kids were ordered to attend mandatory courses. He had to settle out of court for bilking students at his ‘university’. That was shut down too for lack of accreditation. It is literally a matter of court record that he is a conman.

Deflecting to some other politician’s shady practices - real or imagined - is such an obvious copout.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
Considering the people involved, NEITHER surprises me in the least.
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Stick to the topic, please, which is not other posters or derailing topics.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
This smells like another grift. I’m sure the donation form says the money can be spent on anything he wants.

Aircraft must follow a strict maintenance schedule but engines have trouble. Elton John‘s had to make an emergency landing recently too but he isn’t holding his hat out asking for donations for a new plane.
Of course it is. He has done this his entire adult life and for some reason his followers support him hook, line and sinker. He is supposed to be a billionaire; surely he can buy his own ****en plane. His ****en cult will donate too !!!! Hope they remember the money Bannon stole that they donated for the the the former guy's wall and the former guy pardoned him when convicted.

New Yorkers tried to warn you all about this conman, you wouldn't listen. I will never understand it
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"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
I guess that's what makes him business savvy....

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