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[W:#84]Trump's PAC is fundraising for a new 'Trump Force One' jet after a plane he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing (1 Viewer)

Defending anything 'Trump' on the basis of morality is really rich.
You mean we should use Clinton as the national standard of morality, or the Kenyan? What about The Big Guy and his 10%?
That’s exactly what the elites, MSM, deep state, etc. want people to believe, so they can feel emboldened bashing/degrading/defaming and lying about someone when they themselves say and know it is wrong.

Prime example : “The View”
Who is that in your avi?
Anything to distract from Trump’s successes at president. The country was a better, safer, place. The economy was thriving and people (who didn’t watch the news) were happy. Being an American and loving this country is more important than being spiteful for no rational reason.
Lots of airframes in service older than that. Lots of 757's still in the air carrying paying passengers, too.

Then there's the B-52.

As for being put away for four years after his first election win, that's the Secret Service not allowing the president to fly on anything but Marine 1 and AF 1. Which begs the question of why his children couldn't have made good use of it while serving the nation. I have no idea what laws would regulate that.

Which has the more dubious morality, Trump openly asking his supporters for small donations to provide him more reliable air transport, lor the Clintons selling promises of future political favoritism via donations to the so-called Clinton Foundation? How did Haiti make out from the Clinton Foundation?


How much are you gonna donate?
As he takes money from people who can't afford it.

The guy has never worked a day of labor in his life.
There's something special about manual labor that exalts it over other forms of earning a living?

Why would that be?

You're not trying to claim that Trump didn't live a life of productive labor and employed thousands over his business career, are you? What kind of "labor" has the current senile posuer grifter in the White House done over his half-century in political life? What about the Kenyan, he ever create a job in the private sector? What about Mr. Whitewater and his pending patent on unique humidors?
Anything to distract from Trump’s successes at president. The country was a better, safer, place. The economy was thriving and people (who didn’t watch the news) were happy. Being an American and loving this country is more important than being spiteful for no rational reason.

Yeah. If you're not serious about havin' a good time.
You mean we should use Clinton as the national standard of morality, or the Kenyan? What about The Big Guy and his 10%?
What Kenyan?
You're not trying to claim that Trump didn't live a life of productive labor and employed thousands over his business career, are you?
Might have worked better if he'd actually paid them.
Kenyan American.

Not one person was paid under Trump. Free labor. I though everyone knew that?

It’s ALL good.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
If Trump's useful idiots buy him a plane it's proof the right suffers from terminal TDS.
That’s what the propaganda arm wants you to believe.

Bash Trump 24/7


Blame Trump 24/7

Claim to have rescued everyone.

That’s why people can’t get Trump out of their heads. The MSM is on a 24/7/365 hate fest, making people hate, only to claim to have saved everyone.

This is why things are worse now than when Trump was in office. Nobody seems to understand that.

What good is there to really say about Biden? That’s why the media cover for him and Democrats don’t want to talk about him.

It’s because the Mango Mauler is on an endless reel. Feeding into the hate they feel, driven by the MSM.
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Kenyan American.

Not one person was paid under Trump. Free labor. I though everyone knew that?

It’s ALL good.
What Kenyan American?
Ya think he might be planning to take a little trip out of the country soon?
What Kenyan?
What Kenyan?
The one that produced two forged birth certificates because he didn't want the public to see the real one for unspecified reasons.

It's been a looooong time since the Democrats managed to field a respectable candidate. Mondale was a long time ago. He was still a dirty Democrat, but not as corrupt as any that came after him. Naturally, i voted for the pro-America candidate instead.

It's what I do.
I thought we could refer to people as Asian American and African American and stuff like that.

I thought it was my body, my choice? Are we not doing that anymore? Oh yeah, except for Covid shots. Aren’t we suppose to be more “proper” now since we are learning this from the current adults in charge? Ones that rip up papers behind a sitting president or have accidents in front of the pope, even Nadler’s accident?

I mean, I thought we weren’t suppose to be judging people like this anymore.

No holds bar on bashing Trump, that stuff is ok. I think I understand now.
The one that produced two forged birth certificates because he didn't want the public to see the real one for unspecified reasons.

It's been a looooong time since the Democrats managed to field a respectable candidate. Mondale was a long time ago. He was still a dirty Democrat, but not as corrupt as any that came after him. Naturally, i voted for the pro-America candidate instead.

It's what I do.
Forged broth certificates? I don't know about any forged birth certificates. Who are you taking about?
The ones they didn’t want us to see.
this place has been invaded by insurrectionists and Russian propogandists.
That’s what the propaganda arm wants you to believe.
There is no such thing as "the propaganda arm".
That’s why people can’t get Trump out of their heads.
People would like nothing better than to get Trump our of their heads. The problem is Trump himself. He doesn't go away. Even after failing in his coup d'etat to overthrow a fair and duly certified election, he has yet to exile himself to Uruguay. He's still out there rallying, still out there begging for "campaign contributions", still out there lying, and still out there trashing the people who have dared to call him out for who and what he is. He's still doing interviews. He's omnipresent. People can't get Trump out of their heads because he wants it that way!
The MSM is on a 24/7/365 hate fest, making people hate, only to claim to have saved everyone.
That's ridiculous. The MSM can't make people hate. The only thing the MSM can do is cover the public appearances and public comments of an ex-president - BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO. They are the MEDIA! It's what they do. It's their obligation.
This is why things are worse now than when Trump was in office. Nobody seems to understand that.
No - YOU don't seem to understand that this is all Trump's doing. After his failed insurrection, he should be hiding under a rock somewhere in Irkutsk. Instead, he's out there ranting like a madman, and doubling down on his lies, day in and day out.
What good is there to really say about Biden? That’s why the media cover for him and Democrats don’t want to talk about him.
What grotto are you hiding in? For weeks now the Democrats have been praising his SOTU address, AND his handling of the crisis in Ukraine. How has all this slipped by you?
It’s because the Mango Mauler is on an endless reel.
It's the endless reel he puts himself on because he's so insecure, so juvenile, he can't stand not being the center of attention.
Feeding into the hate they feel, driven by the MSM.
Trump deserves every iota of negative press coverage he gets because he asks for it every time he opens his mouth!
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The one that produced two forged birth certificates because he didn't want the public to see the real one for unspecified reasons.

It's been a looooong time since the Democrats managed to field a respectable candidate. Mondale was a long time ago. He was still a dirty Democrat, but not as corrupt as any that came after him. Naturally, i voted for the pro-America candidate instead.

It's what I do.
The propaganda arm, that doesn’t exist, forcing Trump into peoples brains 24/7/365, not forcing you to hate on a person berated on a minute by minute basis, while somehow still being all Trump’s fault, yet the propaganda arm, that doesn’t exist “praising” the pick, for SCOTUS, unattested, unlike Trump’s pick, put on an endless reel that gets watched 24/7/365, bashing Trump, because it has nothing to do with anyone else or anything else in the world other than Trump? Because the media doesn’t lie, and they don’t teach people to hate by doing all this?
He probably got the idea from televangelists. Trump wants to preach his Gospel to his followers.

Televangelist Jesse Duplantis seeks $54M private jet

Kenneth Copeland And Jesse Duplantis Defending Their Private Luxury Jets

How could they possibly do GOD's work without private jets?

I include Trump in that statement cause I am of the certain opinion he thinks GOD is his copilot on all that he does!

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