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[W:#84]Trump's PAC is fundraising for a new 'Trump Force One' jet after a plane he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing (1 Viewer)

"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.


TRUMP is basically no different than various TV evangelists (when it comes to asking the flock to pay for a fancy ride)

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"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
What happened to his old showboat?
Why are you finding trump trying to con his base into money for a plane for himself amazing? I find it 'normal' for him. I am amazed the base just doesn't get it's all about donald and he wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Billionaire, lol.
Talk about oligarchs! No wonder he is such good friends with that crowd--they think exactly alike!
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
As long as they spend money on him, rather than their local election for congress.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
This smells like another grift. I’m sure the donation form says the money can be spent on anything he wants.

Aircraft must follow a strict maintenance schedule but engines have trouble. Elton John‘s had to make an emergency landing recently too but he isn’t holding his hat out asking for donations for a new plane.
This smells like another grift. I’m sure the donation form says the money can be spent on anything he wants.

Aircraft must follow a strict maintenance schedule but engines have trouble. Elton John‘s had to make an emergency landing recently too but he isn’t holding his hat out asking for donations for a new plane.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
"There's one (a sucker) born every minute." -- attributed to P.T. Barnum
I was wondering what happended with that creaky old 757 he had left over from Trump airline.

It sat on the tarmac unattended for almost 20 years, until he needed it for a prop for his presidential campaign.

Then it underwent substantial repairs to bring it up to date on its airworthiness directives.

Then it went back into mothballs right after the election.

The plane is over 30 years old.
Lots of airframes in service older than that. Lots of 757's still in the air carrying paying passengers, too.

Then there's the B-52.

As for being put away for four years after his first election win, that's the Secret Service not allowing the president to fly on anything but Marine 1 and AF 1. Which begs the question of why his children couldn't have made good use of it while serving the nation. I have no idea what laws would regulate that.

Which has the more dubious morality, Trump openly asking his supporters for small donations to provide him more reliable air transport, lor the Clintons selling promises of future political favoritism via donations to the so-called Clinton Foundation? How did Haiti make out from the Clinton Foundation?
At least Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi barely have and money from being in politics so long.

It’s about the money right?

Or maybe it is about people being proud Americans supporting a true leader that has been lied about for years.
Lots of airframes in service older than that. Lots of 757's still in the air carrying paying passengers, too.

Then there's the B-52.

As for being put away for four years after his first election win, that's the Secret Service not allowing the president to fly on anything but Marine 1 and AF 1. Which begs the question of why his children couldn't have made good use of it while serving the nation. I have no idea what laws would regulate that.

Which has the more dubious morality, Trump openly asking his supporters for small donations to provide him more reliable air transport, lor the Clintons selling promises of future political favoritism via donations to the so-called Clinton Foundation? How did Haiti make out from the Clinton Foundation?
Defending anything 'Trump' on the basis of morality is really rich.
a true leader that has been lied about for years.
Who might that be? I thought we were talking about Trump.
Trump is the correct answer.
the crook is a brilliant con man

I still disagree, he's the shittiest and poorest most obvious carnival barking assklown conman I've EVAH seen.

His supporters are freaking iddjutts IMO. Thats all it is. The folks that hoot and holler at an episode of Springer. Just dumb as fenceposts imo. I'm not trying to be mean. And I know that SOME of them, a few, must have high IQs. People are hard to figure man. Remember that brain surgeon that said the Egyptian pyramids were for storing grain?
Yeah. So you see what I'm talking about.
That’s exactly what the elites, MSM, deep state, etc. want people to believe, so they can feel emboldened bashing/degrading/defaming and lying about someone when they themselves say and know it is wrong.

Prime example : “The View”
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
Does the new aircraft dispense KFC at a moments notice?
Biden worked hard all is life.

Obama was a messiah.

The Mango Mauler, yeah that guy. The one everyone can’t stop talking about.
maybe the conman from Manhattan can get the dumbasses to buy him this next...

Inside the 280-foot yacht seized by the French government - CNN Video

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